

歌剧 2021年7期

小琼:几个月前,我在旧金山歌剧院主办的一个有趣的ZOOM视频研讨会中,看到三位瓦格纳天后与观众们分享了她们的职业心得。在这三位中,有两人在《指环》中扮演了多重角色。 妮娜·斯特默在成为布伦希尔德之前,曾以弗丽亚、齐格琳德和古特鲁尼的身份出现在舞台上。我真的很好奇,想知道有多少其他的歌剧可以为同一个歌手提供多个角色。






小琼:我发现,这次旧金山版《耶努法》最令人惊奇的,不光是玛蒂拉在剧中出演了不同的角色,而且这就是奥利维尔·坦博西(Olivier Tambosi)当年为大都会歌剧院制作的那一版,这意味着服装、布景、道具和其他几乎所有东西与十几年前都是一样的。这个制作对观众和玛蒂拉来说都可谓是似曾相识!

Joan: A few months ago, I saw an interesting ZOOM chat hosted by the San Francisco Opera where three Wagnerian divas shared their professional experiences. Of the three, two have played multiple roles in the Ring Cycle. Nina Stemme, before her star turn as Brünnhilde, had already appeared as Freia, Sieglinde and Gutrune. I was really intrigued and wondered how many other operas could offer one singer multiple roles.

Valery: Since opera is such a massive group effort, it makes sense that sometimes the same artist will appear in the same opera, but in a different role at a different time! But I guess they are mostly minor roles. How many operas can accommodate two star tenors, or more than one soprano?

Joan: Well, I was just watching an on-demand stream of the San Francisco Opera starring Finnish soprano Karita Mattila, whom I remember 14 years ago performing the title role in Leo? Janá?eks Jen?fa(at the Metropolitan Opera), back when performing Czech opera in the original language was a big deal!

Valery: I understand there are two major soprano roles in this opera. Apart from Jen?fa, theres also her stepmother, the village sacristan by the name of Kostelni?ka. In a nutshell, this tragic story about a baby born out of wedlock ties these two women together.

Joan: Karita Mattila got a lot of attention in the role of Jen?fa, not only for herself but also winning converts to the opera and to Janá?ek. What was truly amazing is that in the 2016 performance at San Francisco Opera that I saw online she played the role of Kostelni?ka.

Valery: These are both intense roles. Of these two Moravian village women, Jen?fa has her cheek slashed and suffers as an unwed mother, while Kostelni?ka tries her best to save her stepdaughter from scandal but eventually resorts to killing the baby. The emotional trauma of both roles is really taxing: one is a young woman blinded with love, the other a middle-aged mother wary of social pressures. You can hear the anguish and sadness in their voices.

Joan: What I found most amazing this time is that not only did Mattila appear in a different role, but this Jen?fa was the same production by Olivier Tambosi that appeared at the Metropolitan Opera, which meant that costumes, sets, props and almost everything else was all the same. Thats déjà vu for both the audience and for Mattila!


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