Contributions to Baosteel Technical Research wanted
BaosteelTechnicalResearch,a quarterly journal,which is issued domestically and abroad,is run and sponsored by Baoshan Iron & Steel Co.,Ltd..BaosteelTechnicalResearchmainly reports the achievements in technological innovation,academic research,new product development and industrial equipment improvement by Baosteel.It will continue to follow up on hot topics and serve the company’s technological development and progress.Its readers include experts in steel metallurgy and related fields,technicians,management staff,professors and students in universities and colleges.It mainly publishes academic and applicable papers on iron and steel metallurgy and related technical fields such as chemicals,metal forming,materials,mechanical and electrical technology,refractory,energy,automation instruments,comprehensive utilization and environmental protection.All the contributions from its readers are welcome,but authors should pay attention to the following requirements:
(1) The incoming manuscripts should have a clear subject,reliable data and detailed contents as well as using an economy word.
(2) Your paper should contain:Title,Author(s),Affiliation(s),Abstract,Key words,Main section and References.
(3) The title should be no more than 10 English notional words,without using unknown,not well-accepted abbreviations,codes and vague vocabulary.
(4) Author(s) and their affiliations should be centered.There is a blank line of space between the title and the author(s).Superscript of Arabic numbers is used for corresponding authors and their affiliations.
(5) The abstract should be an independent short passage,with no more than 400 words.It should mainly cover the aim of the research work,methods used in the tests,results of the test and the conclusion from analysis,comparison and application.
(6) Three to eight key words relating to the subject are needed,color illustrations are welcome and a concise explanation is required.
(7) The text should be within 5 000-10 000 letters,including all the figures,charts and tables.Please pay attention to the correct usage of capital letters and italics.Main section contains text,figures,tables,and equations.There are two blank lines between the keywords and the main section.The headings and subheadings of the text are boldface and placed flush left on a separate line.There is a blank line between a heading and its above text.The numbering of the headings and subheadings is as 1,1.1,1.1.1;2,2.1,2.1.1…
(8) Each figure must have a caption typed directly below it such as Fig.1.The figures should be consecutively numbered with Arabic numerals.
Fig.1 Effects of the solution temperature on carbides
(9) Each table must have a caption typed directly above it.The tables should be consecutively numbered with Arabic numerals.
(10) Equations are set off from the text by a double space above and below the equation.All equations should be typed and separated from the text by one line of space above and below.They should be numbered consecutively in parentheses at the right-hand margin,in line with the last line of the equation as seen in the example below.
(11) All the references cited by the author should come from formal publications.Do not use those unpublished.References should be given in numerical order as they appear in the manuscript text and cited in the following manner.All text references should be consecutively numbered.Complete citations should appear at the end of the paper in the references section,using a single-spaced format.The word “References” are boldface and placed flush left on a separate line.References should provide readers with enough information to find the cited material.
Please deliver your manuscript tobstr@baosteel.comif it is an electronic one or mail your manuscript to our editorial office.We are looking forward to your great contributions toBaosteelTechnicalResearch.
Address:BaosteelTechnicalResearcheditorial office,
Room 608,Technology Building,
Research Institute,Baoshan Iron & Steel Co.,Ltd.,
655 Fujin Rd.,Baoshan District,
Shanghai 201999,China
Tel: 0086+21+26648493
Fax: 0086+21+26643977
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