

葡萄酒 2021年5期

David Allen MW

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I am at a loss to understand why Haut-Brion is seemingly the least-regarded of Bordeaux's five red First Growths. Listed among the 4 original Premier Grand Cru Classe in 1855 (Mouton Rothschild was only promoted First Growth in 1973). Haut-Brion consistently appears below its four peers both in Wine-Searcher's most searchedfor and of most expensive Bordeaux lists.Historically this position was not always the case, for many years Haut-Brion was far more popular and commanded significant price premiums.

红颜容可以称得上是第一个出现的葡萄酒品牌。在17世纪的中期酒庄的拥有者蓬塔克·阿诺德三世勋爵创造了这一高品质的葡萄酒来吸引英国王室的新国王,查理二世。一本写于1660年的宫廷酒窖典籍里就记录了169瓶“Hobriono”葡萄酒。很快这葡萄酒就在讲究时尚的伦敦客间流行起来,1663年作家Samuel Peyps曾写下在伦敦Lombard街的酒馆里喝“Ho Bryen”的经历。1666年那场伦敦大火之后,蓬塔克·阿诺德三世之子,Francois Auguste在伦敦建起他们自己的酒馆,名为Pontac’s Head。于是在英国,Pontac这个名字就成为了优秀的波尔多红葡萄酒代名词。

到了1935年,酒庄由Dillon家族接手。他们很明智地保留了Georges Delmas的酒庄代管服务。这一决定深远地影响了酒庄的未来,它为酒庄带来了革新以及持久力。当Georges Delmas在1961年退休时他已经为酒庄服务40年,且接棒的是他的儿子Jean-Bernard。今天接手的是他的儿子Jean-Philippe Delmas主管酿造团队,今年可是这一家族掌管酒庄的酿造第100年。

在Jean-Bernard Delmas管酿造的42年里(1961-2003),酒庄引入了很多先锋性的改革。20世纪60年代,红颜容是波尔多优秀的酒庄里面第一家采用不锈钢发酵罐,采用控温手段进行酿造的。红颜容的分体式发酵罐可以允许上部进行发酵而下部则进行苹果酸乳酸转化。


Delmas三代人引领红颜容酿酒团队100年时间,这一持续纪录对应的是酒庄的主人,Dillon家族也掌管了酒庄86年,为酒庄贡献了3任掌舵者。今天家族的族长,卢森堡罗伯特王子,也同样是Domaine Clarence Dillon的总经理。


Haut-Brion was arguably the first wine brand.In the mid-1600s the estate's owner, Lord Arnaud III de Pontac, created a high-quality wine to appeal to the court of England's new King, Charles II. A palace cellar-book of 1660 references 169 bottles of the "wine of Hobriono". Soon the wine was popular with fashionable Londoners, the writer Samuel Peyps describing drinking “Ho Bryen”in a tavern in London's Lombard Street in 1663. Following London's great fire of 1666 Arnaud de Pontac's son, Francois Auguste,established their own tavern, called the Pontac's Head, in London. In England the name Pontac became synonymous with good Bordeaux red wine.

The Dillon family have owned the estate since 1935. Sensibly they retained the services of the régisseur Georges Delmas.This decision did much to shape the estate’s future, by both revolutionising it and providing its stability. When Georges retired in 1961 he had been in the position for 40 years and was superseded by his son Jean-Bernard. Today Jean-Philippe Delmas heads up the winemaking team,he is Jean-Bertrand's son and this year marks 100 years of their family's oversight of winemaking at the property.

In the 42 years (1961-2003) Jean-Bernard Delmas oversaw winemaking there, the estate implemented pioneering changes.In the 1960's Haut-Brion was first the of Bordeaux's great estates to use stainlesssteel fermenters, facilitating temperaturecontrolled fermentations. Haut-Brion's split-level vats allow fermentation in the top half and malolactic conversion below.

Believing that making great wine requires an assemblage of excellent clones Delmas,began working with the INRA and the Chambre d'Agriculture, in 1972, to increase the vineyards' clonal diversity. Today each hectare of Haut-Brion's vineyards comprises 10-15 different clones. This ensures excellent diversity within the estate's vineyards.While three generations of the Delmas family have headed Haut-Brion's winemaking team for 100 years this record of consistency is mirrored by its owners,the Dillon family, who in 86 years have contributed 3 presidents to the company.Today the head of that family, Prince Robert of Luxembourg, is Président Directeur Général of Domaine Clarence Dillon.

Despite its unique combination of innovation and consistency there are several reasons Haut-Brion is slightly out of fashion.Possibly because it produces less wine -Haut-Brion's annual production of around 10,000 cases, can be half that of its fellows,making it less-traded. Possibly the fact Haut-Brion is not on the Medoc ensures it is out of step with its fellow First Growths.This is not simply a question of geography but relates to the gunzian-gravels and clays which comprise their vineyards. These soils allow Merlot to flourish. The higher percentage of Merlot in Haut Brion's blend makes the wines broader, richer and often more alcoholic in style than the leaner Cabernet Sauvignon-dominated Medoc First Growths. To my mind Haut-Brion is at least the equal of its fellow first growths,but its wines don't currently fit the style expected of First Growths.

