我们接触的第一个学校就是幼儿园,在英文中,比较小的学生上的幼儿园类似于我们的托儿所,在英语中称为nursery school-a school forchildren between the ages of about two and five.
例句:Iwentto the nursery schoolevery day.我每天去幼儿园。
My daughter's nursery school will be closed soon. 我女儿去的那家托儿所要关闭了。
稍微大一点的孩子读的,类似于我国的学前班的可以称kindergarten-aschool or class to prepare children aged five for school。
例句:Shesin kindergarten now.
Bring the children back from kindergarten at four o'clock.
下午四点把孩子们从幼儿园接回来。注:nursery school在英国比较常用。
我们人生中的第二个学段是小学,英文中小学可称为primary school-aschool for children between the ages of 5 and 11。
例句:Sheis a primary school teacher.她是一名小学老师。
He is now in primary school. 他现在还在读小学。
除此之外小学还可以称为elementary school-a schoolfor childrenbetween the ages of about 6 and 12。
例句:My little brother is in the elementary school.
These were my very favorite books when I was in elementary school. 這些书是我小学时的最爱。
注:这两种表达对年龄的限制不同。另外,在英国一般用primaryschool,在美国一般用elementary school。
小学毕业后,我们会进入中学,说起初中,我们立刻会想到middle school,在英国,它指的是a school for children between the ages of about 9 and 13;在美国,它指的是a school for children between the ages of about 11and 14。
例句:Are you study in middle school?你在中学读书吗?
I'm a middle school teacher.
除此之外,我们还可以称它为junior high school-a school for youngpeople between the ages of 12and 14。
例句:He dropped out ofjunior high school.他初中辍学了。
They have been classmates since junior high school. 自从初中起他们一直是同班同学。
junior指的是级别比较低的,相对应的senior指的是级别比较高的,因此,高中可以称为senior high school-a school for young people betweenthe ages of 14 and 18。
例句:Wehaveasenior high schoolreunion every winter holiday.每年寒假,我们都举行高中同学聚会。
The book is too difficult for most senior high school students. 这本书太难,不适合大多数的高中生。
例:a secretarial college文秘职业学校
King's College,Cambridge剑桥大学的国王学院
The history department is part of the College of Arts and Sciences. 历史系是文理学院的一部分。
university-an institution at the highest level of education where youcan study for a degree or do research,一般指综合性大学,可以包含多个college。
例:York University约克大学
Peking University 北京大学
注:在美国,college的使用要常见得多,比如美国人会问:Doyou want to go to college?(你想上大学吗?)而不是问Doyou want to go to university?
大三学生junior student
大四学生senior student
public school公立学校
private school私立学校
attached middle school附属中学
vocational middle school职业中学
experimental middle school实验中学
normal school师范学校
key university重点大学
university of liberal arts 文科大学
university of science理科大学
secondary technical school中等专科学校
school of technology 技工学校
adult school成人学校
boarding school寄宿学校
full-time school全日制学校
medical school医学院;医学专科学校
business school商业学校
art school艺术学校
chemical engineering school化工学校
posts &.telecommunications school邮电学校
foreign languages school外语学校