合作单位:CBT 建筑师事务所
场地面积:21 367 平方米
建筑面积:4 645 平方米
摄影:Nigel Young / 福斯特建筑事务所
Client: The Norton Museum of Art
Location: West Palm Beach, Florida, USA
Architect: Foster + Partners
Collaborating Architect: CBT Architects
Structural Engineer: MKA
Site Area: 21 367 m²
Building Area: 4 645 m²
Completion Year: 2019
Photography: Nigel Young / Foster + Partners
经过多年的规划,诺顿艺术博物馆将重新向公众开放,届时由福斯特建筑事务所和波士顿 CBD 设计公司合作设计建造的侧厅和雕塑花园也同时开放。
新建的西侧厅将彻底改变诺顿艺术博物馆6.3 英亩的园区布局。还改善了博物馆的可达性和开放性,将新入口设置在沿南迪克西高速公路的主干道上,并恢复了建筑1941 年最初设计的逻辑和清晰度。通过加强建筑与景观之间的关系,增强了与艺术互动的体验,为社区营造出了一个新的社交空间。
诺顿博物馆建于1941 年,是一个由一系列以典雅艺术风格装饰的单层展馆围绕着一个中央庭院组成的博物馆。随后的扩建打破了原有布局的对称性,将主入口重新定位到建筑的一侧,改变了原有的轴向结构。新的总体规划重新确定了主要交通线路的清晰性,并平衡了不同的建筑高度,同时还引入了新的展厅和教育空间,恢复了原始规划的凝聚力。除了新设计的画廊空间外,新规划还仔细剥离了后来扩建的层次,揭示出了历史画廊的原始结构。
The design for the Norton Museum of Artrevitalises and expands the existing museum,adding more galleries and visitor facilities,while res-toring the original axial layout ofthe Museum.
The site has been transformed into a lush Floridagarden, providing a new outdoor set-ting for visitors toexperience art, while reinforcing the relationship betweenthe building and the landscape. It creates a new socialfocus for the community and lays the foun-dations for thefuture growth of the museum to become one of Florida’sleading cultural institutions.The Norton was built in 1941 as an elegant seriesof Art Deco-inspired sin-gle-story pavilions around acentral courtyard. Subsequent expansion broke thesym-metry of the original arrangement, and the axialconfiguration was undermined by the relocation ofthe main entrance to the side of the building. The newmasterplan restores the logic of the original plan,reasserting the clarity of the main circulation, balancingthe different building heights, introducing new exhibitiongalleries and education spaces. The new facilities includean auditorium, shop, restaurant and a unique socialmeeting space - the Great Hall - as well as the GreatLawn,suitable for screening films outdoors, all aimedat attracting a wider local and international audience.
In addition to providing new gallery spaces, the designcarefully peels away layers of subsequent extensionsto reveal the original fabric of the historic galleries.The campus provides the much-anticipated outdoorsetting for the museum’s growing sculpture collectionand reinforces the relationship between the buildingand the landscape.It seeks to create an enhanced visitorexperience with a strong social focus for the com-munitywhile laying the foundation for the future growth of themuseum as one of Florida’s leading cultural institutions.A new street frontage and entrance on South DixieHigh-way to the west redefines the museum’s relationshipwith the city. One of the main protagonists for the designof the new entrance plaza is an iconic Banyan treethat was planted when the museum was first built.
The extension’s new shimmering roof curves aroundthe tree canopy, uniting the entire ensemble whilesheltering the entrance plaza. Behind the canopy, threenew double-height pavilions mediate the low-rise galleriesand the existing three-story Nes-sel Wing, unifyingthe whole composition with a shared palette of white,horizontally-banded stucco.
The pavilions house a state-of-the-art auditorium,the Great Hall, which will be the new social heartfor the local community, an event space, educationcenter, museum shop and restaurant that providesshaded outdoor seating overlooking the garden.
Creating a focus is Claes Oldenburg’s iconicTypewriter Eraser, Scale X (1999) sculpture,floatingover a reflecting pool and signifying the museum’sexpanded commitment to contemporary art.The garden is an integral part of the masterplan,which seeks to en-hance the experience of art byreinforcing the relationship between the buildingand the landscape that celebrates Florida’s rich anddiverse flora. Taking advantage of the Florida climate,the landscaping of the gardens incorporates nativetrees and flowers to provide shaded walkways,andan intimate setting for visitors to enjoy the artwork.
The landscape forms the backdrop of the museum’songoing education program for schoolchildren,encouraging a greater awareness of the collectionand Florida’s envi-ronmental heritage. The outdoorspaces provide a sustainable backdrop for displayin-gart providing a substantial increase in display areas.Corresponding to the canopies of the trees, largeoverhangs and shaded colonnades ensure that theintense sun light is kept out whilst the subtropicallight and lush views can still be enjoyed as partof the visitor experience.
The revitalization of the Norton is rooted inrevealing and enhancing the original spirit ofthe building.Over the years, the museum hadlost its sense of identity in the neigh-borhood.The entrance had been moved to a side road,and there was no presenceof a museum.The new design redefines the museum’srelationship with its surroundings by providing amain entrance on the original central axis, whilecreating new event and vis-itor spaces that willtransform the museum into the social heart ofthe community; as well as increasing the galleryand exhibition spaces, to engage with a wideraudience.”
南立面 South Elevation
剖面 Long Section