

阅读与作文(英语初中版) 2021年3期

In the fall of 1980 I was on that path, driving from Seattle to Madison, Wisconsin, to graduate school, when I pulled off and slipped down a side road until I found a place to rest for the night, a recently harvested cornfield. Hands behind my head and ready for a deep rest, I lay between rows of stubby, shorn stalks. I heard a wonderful chorus of chanting crickets and began to smell the dampness of an approaching storm. There, on the prairie, the thunder rolled in from far away, signaling rain long before it arrived. Again and again this thunder boomed and echoed, growing ever louder—magnificent, deep, primordial, soul-shaking sounds. Id never heard thunder like this before.

Hours later and thoroughly soaked, I thought, “How could I be 27 years old and never have listened before?”

My life changed that night in the cornfield, though I didnt fully appreciate it at the time. It took me a few months to realize that graduate study at the University of Wisconsin was not the path I wanted to pursue. I felt a new yearning, one I understood better after reading John Muir describe his life-changing epiphany as “soul hunger”. Since then Ive been around the globe three times, recording the sounds and silences of nature. My hearing had become my life, my livelihood. My hearing was everything.

Three doctor visits and a CAT scan later, I learned that my hearing loss was due to a problem in my middle ear. But nothing could be done, at least, the doctors said, without the risk of making matters worse. Worse? The best thing to do, I was told, was to be fitted for a hearing aid and hope that the matter cleared up on its own.

To even suggest a hearing aid was an outrage. Nearly all hearing aids are designed primarily to amplify and clarify human speech, to hear what a person has to say. They do not make music more enjoyable or nature sounds more audible.

Back home, in a fit of private anger, I said out loud, “I just want my old life back!” So I examined everything I had done a year before my hearing loss and everything that Id been doing during my hearing loss, regardless of perceived significance.

I had recently turned 50, and to celebrate this I began taking supplements that were recommended to me by my brother, who is a physician and had been on a rigorous vitamin and hormone regimen himself: high-potency B-complex, potassium, calcium, alpha lipoic acid, to name a few. And to top off my new look, I also put Rogaine onto my head like hair tonic and sometimes felt it drip down my scalp and around my ears. All of this, my ear doctors reported, had nothing to do with my hearing loss. Nevertheless, out of desperation, I discontinued all supplements and put away the Rogaine.

Then, about two months after quitting the supplements, as if God himself had spoken to me, I experienced a sudden onset of completely normal hearing. Sitting in my grandfathers rocking chair next to my woodstove, I realized I could hear the crackle of the fire and the once-familiar gurgling of the refrigerator. Then, as quickly as it had returned, my hearing vanished once again.

I continued to abstain from all supplements. Time became my ally, not my enemy. Brief periods of normal hearing came more frequently and lasted longer, then blended together, fashioning an encouraging, nearly normal six months. Today my hearing has fully recovered.

Weve all heard it said: “There are no accidents. Everything happens for a reason.” When I hear this, I think of the great naturalist John Muir, who lost his eyesight in an industrial accident while working as a young man at an Indianapolis carriage factory. Thrust into total darkness, alone, and desperately wishing that he could once again see, to fully enjoy the natural world as intended, Muir vowed that if his sight should ever return he would devote himself to “the inventions of God” and not to the inventions of man. When his sight did eventually return, he began a 1,000-mile walk to the Gulf of Mexico, “along the leafiest and least trodden path possible,” on his way to becoming the man Americans know best as the father of our national parks.

In the spring of 2005, my hearing restored, my career as the Sound Tracker back on track, I asked myself, “What good is perfect hearing in a world filled with noise pollution?” After a good bit of thought, I resolved to make good on a quiet conversation project Id conceived of years earlier.

One Square Inch of Silence was designated on Earth Day 2005(April 22), when, with an audience of none, I placed a small red stone, a gift from an elder of the Quileute tribe, on a log in the Hoh Rain Forest at Olympic National Park, approximately three miles from the visitors center. With this marker in place, I hoped to protect and manage the natural soundscape in Olympic Parks backcountry wilderness. My logic is simple and not simply symbolic: If a loud noise, such as the passing of an aircraft, can affect many square miles, then a natural place, if maintained in a 100 percent noise-free condition, will likewise affect many square miles around it. Protect that single square inch of land from noise pollution, and quiet will prevail over a much larger area of the park.

My hope is that this simple and, I believe, inexpensive method of soundscape natural resource management will prove both an inspiration and a helpful mechanism for the National Park Servive to meet several under-attended, codified goals, namely, preserving and protecting the natural soundscapes of its parklands and restoring those soundscapes degraded by human noise.















Chapter 3 Back to the village