【关键词】英语核心素养 体验式写作 中国传统文化
英语学科的核心素养包括语言能力、思维品质、文化品格和学习能力四个维度。其中“文化品格”强调了新时代学生应该具备对中外文化的理解力和对优秀中国文化的认同感与传播力。译林版英语教材进行了多处修改,中国元素越来越多,感受、体验、传播中华民族的优秀文化是小学英语教师的使命担当。译林版小学《英语》六年级(下册)第六单元各版块以An interesting country为话题,介绍了澳大利亚、英国等国家的天气、动物、运动、景点等,使学生对这些英语国家的风土人情形成初步印象。笔者在第4课时设计了“根据提示,以An interesting country为题,用英文介绍中国的基本概况”这一写作教学内容,聚焦中华传统手工艺之趣,以介绍中国十二生肖剪纸为写作话题,以听、说、读、看、写相结合的方式,理解赏析、交流体验中国文化,全面指向素养提升。
Talk about the main countries.
T:From Unit 6, we learned something about different countries. Would you like to complete notes about them?
Step2:Present 问题导向,引领思维品质
1. 呈现中国地图,畅谈话题:China is...in my heart.
T:China. Please use one word to describe it.
S1:China is big in my heart.
T:(数字体验)What is the area of China? It is about 24 times larger than Japan. It is about 90 times larger than Jiangsu.
S2:China is clean and beautiful in my heart.
T:(视觉体验)Lucid water and lush mountains are invaluable assets.
S3:China is powerful in my heart.
T:(图片体验)We defeated the COVID-19 together.
S4:China is interesting in my heart.
T:(思维体验)What is interesting in China?
2. 传统手工艺作品——虎头鞋之初体验。
a. 观看学校“虎娃漫步”社团手工艺作品视频。
T:In some places, there are some interesting traditional handicrafts. In our school,there is one of them, most of students are interested in making it. It is Tiger-head shoes. Lets focus on it.
b. 自主阅读介绍虎头鞋的英文范文,体验更多文化背景。
T:What do the students make in the video?
Why do people call them Tiger-head shoes?
As one of Chinese traditional handicrafts,would you like to know more? Shall we read the following passage?
Hello, everybody! Look at these interesting shoes carefully. What do they look like? Yes, Tiger-head. How cute! People call them Tiger-head shoes. They were made by hand for kids. Tiger is the king of the forest. It is so strong and large that it can drive the evil away. Can you see the tigers eyes, brows, mouth and nose? They are sewn(缝制) with needle(针) and thread(线).It is too hard to make it. But people are interested in making it. Children usually learn to walk in these tiger-head shoes. In the blessing(祝福)of the parents and grandparents, the kids will become strong and healthy when they put on tiger-head shoes.
c. 小组合作,填写信息卡。
T:After reading, you may get other points about it. Try to complete this note.
d. 交流反馈,形成信息差。
Ss:The name is Tiger-head shoe. It is a handicraft. It is not easy to make it. It looks like a tiger head. Children learn to walk easily after wearing it. It makes them healthy and strong...
T:Tiger-head shoes are a kind of traditional handicraft about animals. Here is another one. You can see animals on it too. Read and guess.
a. 初读信息卡,猜出传统手工艺名称:Chinese Paper Cutting。
b. 再读信息卡,问答竞赛形式,了解交流文化背景。
For example:
What color? What shape?
How to make it? When can you see it?
Where do we put it? Is it easy to make?
What year is 2020? It is the year of Rat.
c. 创设“我为外宾讲剪纸”情境,小组合作齐商量,自制思维导图,搭建写作支架。
T:Do you like our Chinese Paper Cutting? It is worth sharing.
How to share well? What can we introduce to more foreigners?
Step4:While-writing 综合运用,提升写作能力
1. 呈现本节课写作要求。
T:According to the mind map, try to use your words to show our Chinese Paper Cutting.
2. 呈现本节课写作自评表。
Welcome to our club to see Chinese paper cutting. I am glad to tell you about it. It has a long history of over 2,000 years. We cut red paper into different animal shapes. Strong tiger, lovely rabbit, clever monkey, honest horse...They are beautiful, cute and useful. On Chinese New Years Eve,people put them on windows.They make our house bright and new. Many students are interested in making it. 2020 is the year of Rat, we use knives and scissors to make a smart rat with our best wishes. We hope everything goes well this year.