智利驻蓉总领事迪亚兹: 持续深化与中国西南地区的交流合作


一带一路报道 2021年6期










As the first country in Latin America to establish a consulate general in Chengdu, Chile is looking forward to further deepening exchanges and cooperation with southwest China, including Sichuan Province.

On September 27, 2021, Gustavo Díaz, newly inaugurated Consul General of Chile in Chengdu, gave an interview to a journalist of The Belt and Road Reports.

In terms of economic and trade cooperation, China was Chile’s largest partner, largest source of imports, largest destination of exports and largest market for agricultural export in 2020. The amount of Chile’s exports to China totaled USD 19.092 billion in the first six months of 2021, the highest in the same period on record, up 35.5% compared with the same period in 2020. Gustavo Díaz said that China, with a huge market, is a very important strategic partner for Chile.

Gustavo Díaz revealed that the Consulate General of Chile in Chengdu is gathering information about Sichuan’s enterprises and institutions willing to carry out economic and trade cooperation with Chile and the Consulate General will constantly facilitate the signing of related cooperation agreements between the two places and advance their implementation. Recently, a business representative recruited by Chilean Exporters Association for affairs in southwest China took office at the Consulate General, whose task is to explore more opportunities for cooperation.

In terms of investment, the latest data released by InvestChile show that China was Chile’s largest source of foreign investment from January to June 2021. During this period, China’s total investment in that country reached USD 5.646 billion, up 26% year on year. The Consulate General expects a closer relationship in investment, economy and trade between Chile and Sichuan and even the whole southwest China.

Gustavo Díaz is looking forward to the investment and business operation of more Chinese high-tech enterprises in Chile. High-tech enterprises of China, represented by Huawei, have achieved good results in Chile. At present, Huawei is building 5G networks in that country. The Consulate General hopes Chile can introduce Chinese high-tech products and services after learning more about them. Gustavo Díaz introduced that the submarine fiber optic cable connecting China and Latin America is under construction and Chile hopes to become a hub on it.

Chile also longs for further cooperation with Chinese universities in scientific research. Through visits to more university-based scientific research institutions in China, the Consulate General strives for more opportunities to build platforms for scientific research exchanges and cooperation of related universities between the two sides.

During the interview, Gustavo Díaz showed great interest in China’s history, culture and customs. He said that China is a country with a long history and its Sichuan owns rich and diverse ethnic cultures and profound historical background. One of the major tasks of the Consulate General in the future is to help people in Chile learn more about Sichuan and China.

