Unit 1?Can you play the guitar?


时代英语·初中 2021年1期


sing  v.  唱歌

swim  v. & n.  游泳

dance  v.  跳舞

n.  舞蹈

draw  v. 画

speak  v.  说(某种语言);说话

join  v.  参加;加入

tell  v. 讲述;告诉

write  v.  写作;写字

talk  v. & n.  说话;交谈

make  v.  使成为;制造

teach  v.  教;讲授

guitar  n.  吉他

chess  n.  国际象棋

club  n.  俱乐部;社团

story  n.  故事;小说

show  n.  演出;节目

v.  给……看;展示

kung fu  n.  (中国)功夫

drum  n.  鼓

piano  n.  钢琴

violin  n.  小提琴

people  n.  人;人们

home  n.  家;活动本部

adv.  到家;在家

center  n. (=centre) 中心;中央

weekend  n.  周末

musician  n.  音乐家

also  adv.  也;而且

today  adv.  在今天

or  conj.  或者;也不(用于否定句)


play chess  下国际象棋

speak English  说英语

be good at...  擅长……

talk to...  跟……说

play the drums  敲鼓

play the piano  弹钢琴

play the violin  拉小提琴

be good with  善于应付……的;对……


make friends  结交朋友

help (sb) with sth  在某方面帮助(某人)

on the weekend  (在)周末


1. What club do/does sb want to join?


Sb want(s) to join... club.


2. What can sb do?


Sb can + 动词原形.


3. Can sb + 动词原形?



1. 情态动词can的用法

2. 球类运动和乐器中冠词的用法

—Can you play the drums?


—No, I cant, but I can play soccer.



Section A

1. Can you play the guitar?



I can sing English songs.


(2)play the guitar意为“弹吉他”。当play后跟乐器时,通常在乐器前加定冠词the;但play后跟球类时,不加任何冠词。

play the drums  打鼓 play basketball  打篮球

2. I want to join the art club.


(1)join  v.  加入,成为……的一员

(2)want to do sth  想做某事

She wants to join the English club.


(3)art  n.  藝术,美术

an art teacher  一名美术老师

an art lesson  一堂美术课

3. speak English  说英语

speak  v.  说(某种语言);说话

I can speak a little French.


4. Youre very good at telling stories.


(1)be good at意为“擅长……”,at为介词,后接名词、代词或v.-ing形式作宾语,构成介宾短语。

Im good at playing chess.


(2)tell  v.  讲述;告诉

Dont tell me you are hungry now!


tell sb to do sth  告诉某人做某事

My mother tells me to get up early.





I can speak English.




She cant play the piano.



肯定回答:Yes, 主语 + can.

否定回答:No, 主语 + cant.

—Can you speak Japanese?


—Yes, I can. / No, I cant.

是的,我会说。/ 不,我不会说。

(3)变为特殊疑问句:句型通常为“特殊疑问词 + can + 主语 + 动词原形(+ ...)?”。

What can you do?




1. Tom can play ___ chess. He can play ___ guitar, too.

A. the; the B. a; a C. the; / D. /; the

2. Mary is English. She ___ English.

A. say B. says C. speak D. speaks


3. Mary can speak English.(改为一般疑问句)

4. I want to join the music club.(对画线部分提问)

club do you want to ?

5. Linda likes music.(改为否定句)

Section B

1. I can speak English and I can also play soccer.


also  adv.  也

I can speak French and I can also play the guitar.



I like English, and he also likes English.


I like English, and he likes English, too.


I dont like salad, and he doesnt like salad, either.


2. I like to talk and play games with people.


talk  n. & v.  说话;交谈

Please talk to Mr Zhang after school.


(1)talk with/to sb  与某人交谈

(2)talk about sth  谈论某事

My mother is talking with my teacher about my study.




3. We need help at the old peoples home.


(1)help  v.  帮助,帮忙

① help sb (to) do sth  帮助某人做某事

Can you help me (to) carry the box?


② help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事/在……方面帮助某人

My friends often help me with my English.


③ help  n.  帮助,帮忙

Thanks for your help.


(2)home  n. & adv.  家;到家;在家

I stay at home all day.


I go home at five oclock.


4. They can tell you stories, and you can make friends.


make  v.  使成为

We want to make our schoolyard into a beautiful garden.


make friends with  和……交朋友

Can I make friends with you?




Ⅰ                                       Ⅱ

( ) 6. What club do you want to join? A. Im good.

( ) 7. Whats your phone number? B. Its $10.

( ) 8. How are you? C. Its 8989766.

( ) 9. Can you speak English? D. The music club.

( ) 10. How much is the shirt? E. No, I cant.



( ) 1. Can you ___ English?

A. speak B. talk

C. say D. tell

( ) 2. Let me help you ___ your studies.

A. at B. with

C. about D. on

( ) 3. —Can you play the violin?

—No, I ___ .

A. can B. cant

C. am not D. dont

( ) 4. Mary can play chess ___ she cant swim.

A. and B. or

C. but D. so

( ) 5. Can you help me ___ the books to my bedroom?

A. take B. takes

C. taking D. took


1. I like playing baseball on the w .

2. She likes music and wants to be a m .

3. Can you come and s us your Chinese kung fu?

4. Can she s English?

5. Mr Wang wants to t to Peter after school.


1. Do you want (join) the English club?

2. Robert says his father (swim) very well.

3. My parents are good at (sing).

4. He often tells (story) about the old man.

5. Ms Brown (teach) well. We all like her.


1. I can play the guitar well.(改为一般疑问句)

play the guitar well?

2. Jenny wants to join the chess club.(对画线部分提问)

does Jenny to join?

3. My sister often helps me learn math.(改为同义句)

My sister often helps me math.

4. Can Victor and Jack play chess?(作否定回答)

No, .

5. Jenny can sing and dance.(对画线部分提问)

can Jenny ?

6. 我很高兴和你们交朋友。(完成译句)

Im very happy to with you.

7. 戴尔擅长打排球。(完成译句)

Dale playing volleyball.

8. 你可以加入我们的音乐俱乐部。(完成译句)

You can our .

9. play, brother, the, your, drums, can(连词成句)

10. to, club, music, join, want, do, you, our(连词成句)


A: Hi, Jack.        1

B: I want to join the chess club.

A: Oh.        2

B: Yes, I can. I can play chess well.        3

A: No.        4        I can play soccer well.

B: I can play it, too.

A: Really?        5

B: OK.

A. Lets play it now.

B. Can you play chess?

C. I want to join the soccer club.

D. Do you want to join the club?

E. What club do you want to join?

1.                2.                3.                4.                5.



There are many clubs in our school. My English is not good, but I want to join the English club. Wang Ying wants to learn to paint (用颜料画). So he wants to join the art club. Zhang Ping likes running. He wants to join the running club. Li Nan is good at singing and she wants to join the music club. What club does Han Mei join? Oh, she likes eating and she joins the cooking (烹饪) club.

( ) 1. Im not good at .

A. art B. math

C. Chinese D. English

( ) 2. What club does Wang Ying want to join?

A. The art club. B. The sports club.

C. The music club. D. The swimming club.

( ) 3. Who wants to join the running club?

A. Han Mei. B. Li Nan.

C. Wang Ying. D. Zhang Ping.

( ) 4. Li Nan does well in .

A. singing B. dancing

C. painting D. cooking

( ) 5. Why does Han Mei join the cooking club?

A. She can cook. B. She likes eating.

C. She likes cooking. D. She wants to be a cook.


Mr Smith is from New York. He came to China in 2008. He teaches us English. His English classes are very interesting.

Mr Smith has two children—Scott and Catherine. Scott is 16 and his sister is 12. They are in China, too. For Scott, he likes music, especially (尤其) hip-hop (嘻哈音乐). He is in the music club at his school. He is also in the kung fu club, because he likes China and kung fu very much. For Catherine, she likes music too, but her favorite music is pop music (流行音乐). And she is good at writing. She wants to be a writer (作家), so Mr Smith teaches her to write. Mr Smith says he is very happy to have these two children. He is proud of them.

( ) 6. How long is Mr Smith in China?

A. About 11 years. B. About 13 years.

C. About 14 years. D. About 16 years.

( ) 7. Mr Smith is .

A. a writer B. a musician

C. a sports player D. an English teacher

( ) 8. Both Scott and Catherine like .

A. kung fu B. music

C. playing the guitar D. writing

( ) 9. What is Catherine good at?

A. Writing. B. Hip-hop.

C. Pop music. D. Kung fu.

( ) 10. What does the word “proud” mean in Chinese?

A. 失望的 B. 担忧的

C. 骄傲的 D. 开心的


Hello! Im Kai Yue from China. My 1 name is Rose. I like music and I like playing the 2 . I have a music 3 . I call her Mrs Li. She 4 me with the guitar every weekend. For me, playing the guitar is interesting 5 relaxing.

Mrs Li has a daughter. 6 name is Wu Qian. She

7 playing the guitar, too. And she plays it very well. When her 8 is busy, she helps to teach me the guitar. Wu Qian is 9 with me. She always says to me, “ 10 , Kai Yue! You can do it well!” She is really a nice girl.

( ) 1. A. last B. first C. family D. English

( ) 2. A. piano B. guitar C. violin D. drums

( ) 3. A. teacher B. student C. lesson D. book

( ) 4. A. thinks B. needs C. helps D. wants

( ) 5. A. but B. and C. or D. so

( ) 6. A. Your B. Their C. His D. Her

( ) 7. A. knows B. asks C. likes D. shows

( ) 8. A. mother B. father C. sister D. brother

( ) 9. A. well B. busy C. good D. same

( ) 10. A. See B. Play C. Go out D. Come on



play tell drum student good

she only be also all

Hello, everyone! Let me 1 you something about our school band (乐队). There are five 2 in our band. We are

3 good at music. We can sing and dance 4 . Zhao Kai is good at 5 the piano. Wang Hao can play the 6 well. Han Mei is the 7 girl in the band. 8 favorite thing is playing the violin. Ding Ming plays the guitar best and he can 9 play the piano. What about me? Well, I 10 the singer and I am also good at playing the guitar.

1.   2.   3.   4.   5.

6.   7.   8.   9.   10.



姓名 年龄 学校 爱好 特长

王明 13 第一中学 英语、排球、

电子游戏 弹吉他、


参考词汇:电子游戏 video game


巧记不规则动词 (二)
can have done用法小结
Baba Yaga邪恶女巫——芭芭亚加
Units 1—2句型转换专练
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