1. 理清人物关系,抓住记叙文基本要素。指导学生从已给的故事开头,抓住记叙文的几个要素who, when,where,what,how, why. 以2020年山东卷为例:
2. 把握文章结构,梳理故事情节。可以利用思维导图或下划线在原文做标注,梳理故事情节发展脉络。续写通常是从故事发展的高潮写起,如图1.
1. 根据主题与线索,构思情节发展。根据每段开头句以及原文线索,可以把握故事发展的走向。通过巧设问题,推动情节发展。续写部分要衔接自然流畅。以2020年山东卷为例。
Para 1: When Mrs. Meredith heard of Johns idea, she thought it was a good one, too.根据续写开头句可知Mrs. Meredith认同支持John的想法并付诸实践。接下来进一步追问:
How to make popcorn?
When to tell the plan to Bernard and his parents?
Whats Bernard and his parents response to the plan?
Para 2: With everything ready, Bernard started out on his new business.
Where to sell the popcorn?
Whats peoples response to Bernard?
How Bernard feels?
2. 把握文体特点与语言风格。记叙文要以记叙、描写为主。叙述和描写关注细节,要细致、生动、感人。好的记叙文有这样的特点:故事脉络清晰明了;主题依靠细节描写来烘托、映射或凸显;运用形象的刻画、丰富的体验(视觉、听觉、触觉和嗅觉);细节描写丰富、充分、真实而细致。以2017年浙江卷为例。
Just as we excitedly marched to the site, we surprisingly found that we have no sleeping bags. On seeing Moms embarrassed face, we realized what had happened. Oh, Gosh!
We drove through several states and saw lots of great sights along the way. I looked out of the car window, winding rivers, lofty mountains, sunny beaches and deep valleys holding me entirely in their fascination.(视觉+环境描写+拟人)
The fresh air was fragrant with scents from the earth, awakening all my cells to breathe greedily. The sun cast a warm golden glow on Moms face which seemed a little exhausted due to the freezing cold night.
3. 准确、恰当运用词汇、语法。例:We had no choice but to stay and struggle through the night. During the night, David and I were blanketed with most of the clothes. Meanwhile, Mom embraced me in her arms all night long. When the morning dawned, we went on with our trip.(2017年浙江卷)
4.首尾照应,升华主题。It was Mom who filled our childhood with surprise, amusements and love as well. This is our Mom. Absent-minded and forgetful as she is, she never fails to let us know how much she loves us.(2017年浙江卷)
It turned out that their efforts not only helped a brother in need, but also gave themselves the sweet taste of helping others.(2020年山东卷)
5. 恰当运用修辞手法。以2020年浙江卷为例。
While it was looming like a dark cloud, we threw the bread at the bear a little bit at a time until it had run out.(比喻)
My mind raced like flash as my hands groped for anything that might keep us safe from the bears rampage.(比喻)
I ran back to the camp, stumbling a hundred times in my haste.(夸张)