《普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)》指出,英语学科核心素养由语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力四个要素构成。英语阅读教学以文本为载体,在理解和表达语言的活动中,融入语言知识和技能,同时也注重培养学生的思维以及文化品格的塑造。而当前的英语课堂,教师们对如何渗透以及适切f 渗透英语核心素养还存有很多的疑惑,对于文化品格的培养尤其重视不足。本节课读前热身为深阅读做好铺垫,做好话题和词汇上的准备;读中分速度、细读、深读,注重带入情景,与作者对话;读后主要是引导学生思考,并通过口头交流的形式训练学生的思维能力,提升学生的文化意识。下面就以译林版初中英语七年级下册Unit 3 Reading课文《欢迎来到阳光镇》为例,记录笔者在阅读课中的一点尝试。
T:The exchange students are coming to the Sunshine Town. Can you tell me what they want to do there?
S1: They would like to go shopping.
S2: They want to eat nice food.
T: Where will the students take them to?
S1: They will take them to the restaurants.
1. 快速阅读,把握文章框架。
T: Read the script and answer the questions. Where is Sunshine Town?
S1: It is not far from the center of Beijing.
T: What can students do there?
S: They can stay in a quiet town, do some shopping, enjoy Chinese food and Beijing opera.
T: Excellent! It's wonderful for them to do these things in Sunshine town.
T: Good job! What's Sunshine Town like? Read paragraph 2 and fill in the blanks.
S: The air is fresh. There are many trees, lakes and green hills. There is a beautiful park in the town center too.
T: What do local people like doing in the morning?
S: Local people like jogging in the park.
T: Do you know why the air is fresh there?
S1: Because there are many trees, and green hills. The environment is great. Local people often go jogging there.
T: What will they buy for their friends and family? You can talk with your partners.
S:They will buy some silk.
S2: They will buy some china. Because China is famous for its china.
T: Great! They can also buy QiPao and Chinese paintings. Also, watching Beijing opera is a good way to relax. Let's read para 5 and fill in the blanks.
S: You can enjoy Beijing opera in the local theatre.
If you want to learn more about Chinese art, don't miss the opera shows.
T: Let's sing with the video.
T:China is famous for Beijing opera. In Chinese culture, white face stands for Cao Cao. Black face stands for Zhang Fei.
T: Neil is calling his mum in the UK. Help them complete the blanks
1. 口头交流,内化文本信息。
T: Today we have known lots of fantastic things in Sunshine Town. If you can go to Sunshine Town, what do you want to do there? Why?
S1: I will go shopping. Because I can have many choices and most of them are cheap.
S2: I prefer famous Chinese food like Beijing Duck, which is very delicious.
T: Let's summarize: How can we introduce a place?
S1: We can write about where the place is.
S2: We can talk about the interesting activities.
2. 聯系实际,体验语言运用。
T: Now work in groups and choose four places in Nanjing to introduce.
S: There are lots of things to do in Nanjing.
S1: Would you like to visit Xuanwu lake? The air is fresh. We can see many green trees and flowers. It's a good place to go jogging.
S2: Would you like to visit Nanjing Museum? We can enjoy many old things like china, watches and so on so that we can learn more about China's history.
S3: Would you like to enjoy operas? If you are interested in acting, don't miss the opera shows there. The actors are good at acting. They are the mirrors of Chinese cultures.
S4: Would you like to eat nice food? You can go to Xinjie Kou where you can enjoy some local snacks like salted ducks.
S: Welcome to Nanjing. We are looking forward to meeting you soon.
T: Wonderful!
1. 语言和思维结伴同行。语言是思维的工具和物质外壳。在读前,通过预测提升学生的逻辑推理能力。在读中,教师通过设置一系列不同层次的问题以激活学生的思维,搭建思维的平台。例如设置获取文章的大意和框架结构的活动,重在培养学生的分析、归纳能力。在分部分细读时,教师有意识地引导学生进一步思考,从文章的表层走向深层,培养了学生的批判思维和创新思维。在读后,教师创设情境让学生运用所学表达自己的想法和观点,加强语言的运用和思维的延伸。此时对学生的关注从理解转向运用,从文本迁移到自我的发展中。教师更多关注的是学生的心理感受。
2. 文本与文化水乳交融。文化一直是英语教学中容易忽视的板块。充分学习中外文化知识,在实际生活中充分运用,有助于提升学生的国际视野。根据本文的内容,笔者特意设置了介绍中国传统美食,给留学生朋友选择中国礼物,和学唱京戏等活动,让学生在充分对比中西方文化差异的同时,更增强对本民族优秀文化的认同感,并有意识借助英文的载体将中国优秀文化传播出去。学生在主动的分析实践中,把静态的文化知识转化为一种行动、判断与修养。在平时的教学中,教师应关注文本的文化价值和文化内涵,搭建支架,在文本中塑造学生文化品格。
3. 活动与情境相辅相成。创设符合学生认知的活动是培养学生听、说、读、看等能力的有效途径。笔者在这节课中借助图片、音频、视频等手段创设情景,组织不同的活动,让学生形成真实的体验,由此激发学生的学习热情,提升学生的语言技能和思维品质。学生在体验中感受中华美食文化,在京戏欣赏中领略中华文化的博大精深。当然教师也要充分考虑学生的主体地位,关注学生的认知水平,在今后的教学中设置丰富多彩的课堂活动,可以帮助学生更好地提升综合能力,培养其核心素养,实现英语学习的交际性。