预测文本信息 提升学生思维品质


校园英语·上旬 2021年12期

【課题】牛津小学英语四上Unit 7  “How much?” (sound time, rhyme time, cartoon time)

【教材简介】本单元呈现了以爱心义卖为场景的购物活动,教师在设计活动时要让学生学会在比较真实的情景中使用How much is it/are they? It's/They're...等句型。




能听懂、会说、会读单词: live, give, love, river,her,tail。





能根据cartoon time部分的内容,创造性地表演。



【重点、难点】能创造性地表演cartoon time,能创编歌谣。


【设计思路】通过猜测含有v的物品的价格,如vest,van,复习本单元重点句型,同时引到sound time的学习;通过看图,启发学生理解sound time句子的意思,并会有节奏地诵读;通过Vicky过渡到Vicky's shop, 理解try them on, buy them all的意思;在Mr Pig的店里,通过图意猜测语言,然后进行剧本创编;最后引导学生love家人、朋友以及需要帮助的人。

【教学过程】Step 1 warming up

1.T: Good morning, boys and girls. You know we'll have a charity sale in English next class. So you should try your best today. Then I'll give you some “money”. (将give贴到黑板上)

2. Sing a song : How much?

3. Lead in:

T: From this song, we know the pencil is one dollar, the notebook is four dollar. But how much are these things? Let's guess the price. Look, how much is the vest?

S: Is it...yuan?

T: Yes, it is.(同法猜vase,vans,violins的价格,并引导学生猜复数物品的价格时用Are they...yuan?)

解析:教师宣布本节课的奖励机制——通过自己良好的课堂表现挣“钱”,激发学生的学习斗志,在此情景中理解本课词汇give;让学生唱一首与主题相关的歌曲,和前两个课时的内容承接,引导学生迅速进入课堂状态;学生通过前两个课时的学习,对How much...的句型和用法已经很熟悉,本课时引导他们用疑问句式,培养灵活运用语言的能力;同时,所猜测的物品都是含有字母v的单词,为下一个环节sound time的学习做了铺垫。

Step 2 Sound time

1. 复习V的发音:

T: Look at the four words: vest, vase, van, violin. They have the same letter. Which one?

S: V.

T: V says...

Ss: /v/  /v/

T: Do you know this chant?

Ss: Van, van, van. A very big van. V says / v/ /v/, van, van, van.

解析:学生从三年级开始与教材同步学习Phonics kids,现在已经学到4A字母的拼读,所以他们对辅音字母的发音基本掌握。在这里用儿歌回顾,唤起学生旧知,也为新词汇的出现降低难度。

2. 回顾其他含有字母 v的单词:

T: Do you know other words?

Ss: seven, eleven, five, very, lovely, living room, love...

3. 学习新词汇:live, river, summer

(1)T: Yes, so many words. Do you know this word? Can you read the sentences?

S1: live

S2: The bird lives in the tree.

S3: We live in Changzhou.

T: So what does it mean? (PPT出示:A.客厅   B.居住)

S: B.

(2)T: Yes, we live in Changzhou. But look at the five men, where do they live?

Can you see the river?

S1: Yes, it's nice and clean.

T: Do they live in the river?

S2: No, they live near the river.

(3)T: Are they happy?

S: Yes, they love to swim.

T: Yes, they love to swim in summer. Summer is one of the seasons.

(4)Ss listen and chant.

解析:本课的sound time,语音不是难点,难在词汇多。所以在本课开始,分散学习了一个词汇give;在学生回忆了很多含有v的单词后,老师自然地引到live的教学,通过两句话的对比使学生理解了这个词的意思;接着引到Where do the five men live,从而根据图片学习river,再让学生看图猜测,说出live near the river;同样接下来引导学生在句子中填love使整个句子意思完整。这个猜测过程既需要学生想办法使句子意思完整,又要填写含有v的单词,对学生的分析和推理能力是一个不小的挑戰。

4. 创编新句子:

T: Can you make a new sentence with these words?

解析: 这个创编环节是学生非常喜爱的,他们乐于将看起来毫无关联的词汇连成一句有趣的句子。如:Five violins are in the vase.这样天马行空的句子锻炼了他们的想象能力,让他们感觉到语言的趣味性。

Step 3 Song time


T: Vicky gives you five lovely vests. Who's Vicky? He has a shop. What can you see in his


S: I can see blue shirts...

T: They're clothes.(将clothes 贴到黑板相应位置)


T: You can buy nice clothes in his shop. How will Vicky sell his clothes?

S: It's only nine yuan. It's very cheap.

They're very nice...


T: Let's listen. What can you hear?

S: You can try them on. You can buy them all.(通过图片理解并学习这两种表达)

T: Let's chant and sing.


4.Cartoon time. 看图,猜测Bobby想要什么?

T: Mr Pig has a shop too. Is it a clothes shop? Who likes to go to this shop, boys or girls?

S: Girls.

T: But Bobby and Sam go to this shop today. What would Bobby like? How do you know?

S: D.  Look at his fingers.

T: Yes, they're bowknots.

看图,猜测Bobby, Sam和Mr Pig的对话:

T: What would Mr Pig say?

S: Can I help you?

T: How about Bobby?

S: I'd like these.

T: “these” means not only one. So What will Mr Pig ask?

S: How many would you like?

T: Sam is very surprised. What will he say?

S: Ten?/ Why? What?


5. 根据动画回答问题:

T: Why would Bobby like ten? Who are the bowknots for? Let's watch and answer.

S: They're for Tina.

S: Because Tina's tail is long.

6. 试着想象:

T: Is Tina's tail beautiful? Is Tina happy?

S: Yes.

T: Try to image: What else will Tina say? What will Tina do?

(将give移到板书中Bobby 和Tina的中间)

S: I love you.

Tina will kiss/ hug Bobby.

T: Why does Bobby give the bowknots to Tina?

S: Because Tina's birthday is coming.

Because Tina likes Bowknots.

Because Bobby loves Tina.

(將love移到板书中Bobby 和Tina的中间)

7. 创造性地表演对话:

T: Now, let's act the story out.


Step5  Homework

1. 情感提升:

T: You know Bobby gives Tina the Bowknots, because of love. Yes, we should love our family, our friends and the people who need help(出示山区孩子的照片).

Look at these photos, you had a charity sale last Children's Day.

2. 布置作业:

T: Next class, we'll have a charity sale in English. Please take some things to school and make a price. Then make a new song for your things.




Let’s play football.(部级优课)
Playing with / i? /