Tips to Start a New School Year 如何迎接新学年的到来
◆Reconnecting with a healthy lifestyle
During holidays, children have often been allowed to sleep late and eat what they wanted at any time. The first thing to do is to help yourself make a smooth start and not to wait until the last day to find a healthy lifestyle. You should get used to have regular1 and reasonable2 hours of sleep and to eat healthy food. This of course needs several days of “rehabilitation3”. The best thing is to start reconnecting with a healthy lifestyle one week to ten days before school starts.
◆Buy study resources4
Buy all the resources available for your grade. This will help you do your homework rightly. The resources may include a good dictionary, educational softwares...
◆Create a pleasant study environment
A few days before school starts, do a tidy-up of the desk and the shelves. Clean up your desk. Make it a comfortable place to do your homework. Your workplace should be a quiet well-lit corner where it feels good.
◆Know about your new classroom
If you change your classroom, you need to learn how to find your way to the new classroom. Start building new relationships in your new classroom. It will be easy for you to make new friends if you are willing to. Your new teachers will also be happy to get on well with you.
◆Develop dialogue
If you feel anxious of the new school year, it is very important to talk to your parents about your fears. They will surely find a way to help you get over your fears. They will certainly show you that they believe in your abilities, and will be willing to help you with your homework if it need be. It is also important that you believe in your own abilities.
◆Set goals
Set goals for yourself. Your study goals must be realistic5 and achievable6. For example, start with small steps to reach higher targets7.
Achieving some goals will certainly motivate9 you to reach higher targets. Another motivating factor would be to understand that you work mainly for yourself and your future job. Apart from the prizes that your parents may promise you, you must understand that studying well is your chance for self development.
1. regular [■] adj. 定期的;有规律的
2. reasonable [■] adj. 合理的
3. rehabilitation [■] n. 复原
4. resource [■] n. 資源
5. realistic [■] adj. 现实的
6. achievable [■] adj. 可完成的
7. target [■] n. 目标,指标
8. motivation [■] n. 动机;积极性
9. motivate [■] v. 使有动机,激发……的积极性