A Research on C-E Translation of Official Document:A Case Study of Translation of the Outline of China Tumen River Regional Cooperation Development Plan



Jilin International Studies University,Changchun,China

[Abstract]The thesis presents the reflection of the process of translating the Outline of China Tumen River Regional Cooperation Development Plan.As an official document,it enjoys such similar typical features as syntax,style and semantics.In accordance with the theory of“dynamic equivalence and functional equivalence”,put forward by Eugene A.Nida and Chesterman,A.’s Professional Norms of Influencing Translation Product,as well as some strategies for translation,the author makes a summary and positive analysis on the source-text attempting to find some solutions to the problems in translating it,with the hope of providing some enlightenment and references for other colleagues.

[Keywords]official document;features;translation;solutions


Derived from the approval of the State Council(Guohan,2009,No.106)onOutline of China Tumen River Regional Cooperation Development Plan,as an official document,it enjoys typical features either in tone or in language.Based on empirical study,the thesis focuses on the analysis of the source text language characteristics,such as syntactic feature,stylistic feature and semantic feature.Meanwhile the author of the thesis manages to find the solutions to solve different problems in translating with the guidance of“dynamic equivalence and functional equivalence”,put forward by Eugene A.Nida(1974)andProfessional Norms of Influencing Translation Productaccording to Chesterman,A.(1999).Through the comparative study,the differences between Chinese and English in government documents are presented concisely and distinctly.

Language Characteristics of the Source Text

The source text,as an official document,enjoys many typical characteristics either in syntax,style or linguistic meaning.In this part the author analyses its features in the following three levels.

Syntactic Features

In Chinese official document,short run-on sentences are frequently used.Sometimes parallel structures with compound predicates or coordinate phrases are much employed so as to emphasize the meaning or tone.In addition,active sentences,sentences without subjects,passive states are much used,too.

Use of Run-on Sentences

The most important contrast between Chinese and English is hypotaxis and parataxis.Chinese is a covert coherence-prominent,paratactic language and its clauses are often arranged one after the other without connectives showing the relation between them.Especially in Chinese government document,the feature is very typical.There are not any conjunctions between short sentences.For example,特色产业体系……,科技创新能力……,森林覆盖率……,大中城市污水处理率,资源环境承载能力……

However,in spite of the frequent use of run-on sentences,in terms of its expression or form,it is still more formal,for it represents some opinions or decisions from the government.From head to toe formal expressions can be found.The choices of vocabulary are both precise and rigorous so that the text can deliver exact information to the reader.

Use of Parallel Structure

Parallel structure,also called parallel construction,is used to balance word with word,phrase with phrase,sentence with sentence in order to add the qualities of smoothness and coherence,build a climactic order of ideas with pleasing rhythm and structure.For example,1.……不畅,……不强,……不够,……不大,……不足等。2.……是我国……的需要,是实现……的需要,是加强……的需要。

Use of Active Sentences

active sentence refers to that the action stated by the verb is performed by the subject.Such is much employed in Chinese official document.The same is true in the source text.Many examples can be found in it.For example,我国参与大图们江区域合作的主体格局初步形成,珲春市…有了实质性进展,边境合作开发…呈现互动发展态势。

Use of Sentence with No Subject

another typical feature of the source text is that sentences without subjects can be seen from top to bottom.Such sentences focus on the information itself rather than the recipient or producer as to make the text more positive,formal and convincing.The case also appears in topic sentence at the beginning of each paragraph.For example,高举……旗帜,……,深入贯彻落实……,立足图们江,面向东北亚,服务大东北,全面推进……。

Stylistic Features

The features of seriousness,exactness,simplicity,brevity,preciseness and normalization can be felt in the text.Most topic sentences appear at the beginning of each paragraph; terminology is widely used; furthermore,some expressions with Chinese characteristics can be found everywhere.

Topic Sentence at the Beginning of Each Paragraph

In the 20 sections of the document,each part makes an overview of the main idea first,and then expounds point by point with topic sentences,to be more exact,functions as subtitles,which make the text seem clearer,more serious,logical and normative.And topic sentences are often put at the very beginning.Overview comes first and details follow after it.

Frequent Use of Terms

In the source-text different terms appear frequently,some of which refers to a place,some refers to a document,a meeting,or an organization,and so on.Roughly no less than 100 terms are mentioned in the document.Some of them appear in the form of abbreviations.All these constitute one of the features of the text,such as“物流业”“服务业”“旅游业”“服务外包产业”“文化创意产业”。In the Plan there are also some names of productive materials like“特种纤维”“合成树脂”“改性材料”“合成橡胶”and so on.

Semantic Features

The semantic feature of the source-text highlights the structure of some expressions and sentences as well.These features are much more typical in Chinese language,such as the pattern“adverbial + verb + noun”and expressions with the characteristics of Chinese language.

Frequent Use of the Sentence Pattern“adverbial+verb+noun”

Though Chinese language emphasizes morphological change,in the source-text some typical patterns can also be seen,for example,“加快建设长吉图开发开放先导区”、“进一步发挥珲春开放窗口作用”、“分步推进县城镇升级为小城市”and the rest.All those structures are made up of“adverbial+verb+noun”.This may be another typical features of the text.Such pattern can concisely and explicitly convey information to the receiver.

Expressions with Chinese Characteristics

It is known that Chinese is a paratactic language focusing on the meaning instead of the form.Just as Gong Qianyan summarizes in his book,Because the language of Chinese lacks morphological change in a strict sense,its language structure is unique for flexibility,more implication and parataxis-orientation.(Gong,1997)So the case of gression or omission in the statement is often seen.The case is true in the source text.For example,对外运输道路通而不畅。“通而不畅”means the road is not clear enough,but the text-producer doesn’t put it into“不通畅”so as to meet the rhythm of four Chinese characters.

The use of metonymy is another feature of the source-text.In the description of the Program,Hunchun is compared to the window for opening and bridgehead,Tumen River area to the frontier for opening and Jilin Province the hinterland.

In order to make an emphasis in tone and make a catchy effect in form,parallel structure is widely used,for example,“以总体规划共制、基础设施共建、产业发展同构、公共事务同管,推进……,强化……”。In the remarks some phrases share the similar structure,the same number of Chinese characters,thus making a normative pattern.

With the development of Chinese economy,the expressions with Chinese language characteristics have sprung up.The problems to translate such expressions exist obvious,for example,“现代法人治理结构(the modern corporate governance structure)”,“’西电东送’工程(West Power to East Project)”,“城乡建设用地增减挂钩(the increase and decrease of the rural construction land for the land acquisition of urban development)”,“生态补偿机制(ecological compensation mechanism)”and“三个代表(Three Representatives)”,etc.In a word,in translating above terms,it is essential to understand the background information of them as well as their connotations.

Due to the source-text language characteristics and some problems must be met in translation.However,with the guidance of some translation theories,as well as some strategies and approaches,some goals are achieved.

Solutions to the Problems in the Source Text Translation

The aims of official document translation should be definite and clear in meaning.No matter what method is applied,first“adequacy conditions" are to be met,that is,success conditions and effectiveness conditions.In other word,unless the translated document can convey the original information faithfully and effectively,the final recipient won’t accept it.However,the translator cannot offer the same amount and kind of information as the source-text producer.What the translator does is to offer another kind of information in another form.(Asensio,2008,p.40)According to Chesterman’s Translation Norm Theory(Chesterman,1999),The value to constrain relation norm is not“faithfulness”,but“truthfulness”.Relation norm,as linguistic norm,involves the nature of the relationship between source-text and target-text.“Faithfulness-orientation”is apt to focus on the intention of the source-text producer to eliminate the nature of the relationship between the source text and target text.And the relation norm will become meaningless.However,“truthfulness-orientation”will not.In accordance with the features of the source text,in translating it,the author tries to transform the text truthfully by means of different translation strategies.

Conversion of Sentence Structures

Since sentence structures of Chinese and English are quite different,it is inevitable to adjust the Chinese sentence structure in translation.Eugene A.Nida ever said:“…certain rather radical departures from the formal structure are not only legitimate but may even be highly desirable.”(Nida,2004,p.13)In his theory of functional translation,he advocates that when translating,the translator should reproduce the source-text with the most appropriate and closest natural equivalents both in semantics and stylistic features.In translating the source-text the author also deals with some long sentences in the same way.For examples,

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窗口功能显著提升,…开放前沿功能进一步完善,…腹地支撑能力进一步提高,…明显提升。(English version:By 2012,the function of Hunchun ...will be significantly increased; Yan-Long-Tu ...will be improved; the support capacity of Chang-Ji...will be further developed.Ultimately...comprehensive strengthwill be promotedmarkedly.)

In C-E translation,the conversion behavior of thought pattern is that in the stage of understanding,the translator isbased onChinese thought pattern,while in the stage of presentation,the translator is based on English thought pattern.(Lv,2011)In the source text,active sentences play a leading role.When dealing with the above Chinese sentences,the author puts them into passive ones so as to make the English version more faithful to the original text.

Changing sentences without subjects into the ones with subjects

For example,适时推进…,尽快打通…,逐步建成…(English Version:Wewill step up...,open up...and gradually build up ...)In the source-text,sentences without subjects are often seen.However,in English such pattern is never used apart from in imperative sentences.So being added subject“we”at the beginning of the sentence,the English sentences becomes better and more natural.

Turning sentences into phrases

When long English sentences are put into Chinese,the strategy of turning sentences into phrases is another effective way.However,translating Chinese sentences can also employ this way,for example,…主要有:对外运输道路通而不畅,产业国际竞争力不强,腹地与前沿联动不够,窗口地区经济总量不大,体制机制创新不足等。(English facing some negative factors including inconvenient foreign transportation routes,not strong international competitiveness of industry,not close linkage between the hinterland and the frontier,insufficient gross of economy in openness frontier area and lack of system and mechanism innovation,etc.)In the sentence,the subjectpredicate structures are all changed into noun phrases.In this way the English translation becomes so short and concise that the target-text may be more smooth and readable.

On some occasions the“verb-noun”expressions can also be switched into noun phrases.In such way the translated sentence still remains regular in form under the premise of intact meaning.

Reconstruction of Run-on Sentences

Chinese coordinated run-on sentences constitute many long and complex sentences,due to the characteristics of parataxis.Thus the tough problems entail some effective strategies to cope with.First it’s essential to make a good understanding of the original,then to analyze the structure of the whole sentence,next to restructure it,and finally to test the equivalence between the source text and the target text.

Determining the Sentence Structure

Because of the different syntactic features between Chinese and English,in dealing with long sentences,sentence structure should be analyzed first so as to find the main idea of what the text conveys.On the basis of the understanding of the source-text,it seems very necessary to determine the skeleton of the long sentence and review the logical relations among clauses.Now take a close look.牢牢把握……,统筹……,在东北地区加快培育……,有利于增强……,不断提升……;有利于……,加强……,实现……,进一步营造……。(English Version:As long as we firmly seize ...,take into full account ...,and cultivate ...,it is beneficial to strengthen our comprehensive strength to participate...,upgrade.....It is helpful to stimulate production factors..., that we can further build....)

In the above long Chinese sentence,there isn’t any connective.However,it implies the conditional relationship between clauses.The first three clauses are the conditions of producing the result,有利于增强……,不断提升……As a result,in translating it,“as long as”is added to change it into a conditional subordinate clause.In short,when it is translated into English,such relations should be taken into account so that the translated sentence seems more coherent and exact in accordance with English expression.

Reinventing Sentence Structure

as the saying goes,“The translator is the inverse.”(Xu,2012,p.118)Mostly the orders of some Chinese long sentences are completely different from those of English sentences in the way of expression.Therefore sometimes translating against the original order should be a good way.Translating the back part of the sentence first can produce a natural translation,namely reverse translation.Sometimes the order of the sentence needs to be reorganized.The approach is frequently used in translating such text,for example,长吉图地区实现经济总量翻两番以上,基本公共服务体系进一步完善,建成我国东北地区…基地,基本形成…。(English version:…the important growth pole of economic development in Northeast China will be basically formed by establishing in Northeast China the bases of important new industry,modern agricultural demonstration….and further improved basic public service system with the total economic output of Chang-Ji-Tu quadrupling.)

Integrating the Structure

Sometimes the order of the sentence not only needs to be reorganized,the integration of the structure is also necessary based on the meaning of the sentence so as to achieve the optimal effect of brevity.For example,加快……,打造……产业体系;发挥口岸群优势,扩大经贸合作,建设……(English version:We will speed up the production factors agglomeration,forge...the industrial system,take the advantage of the port group to expand the economic cooperation and to construct Yanbian state-level economic and technological development zone.)

In doing so the original form of the second part has been altered according to the requirement of translation.“发挥口岸群优势,扩大经贸合作,建设延边国家级经济技术开发区”seem to be parallel structure in form.However,logically in meaning the purpose of“发挥口岸群优势”is“扩大经贸合作,建设延边国家级经济技术开发区”.As a matter of fact they form the relationship of cause and effect.

Semantic Conversion

Syntactic analysis focuses on the structure of a sentence,while semantic analysis focuses on the contents of the sentence.A good translation should emphasize a good understanding of mother tongue.In semantics,it is essential to not only put the meaning of a word or phrase into target language accurately,but have a good master of the feeling,part of speech and collocation of the vocabulary.(Dong,2010,p.81)So the translator needs to understand both the basic and professional meaning of a word through the context so as to avoid literal translation.In translation,semantic problems are often confronted.How to convey the meaning exactly seems inevitable .For example,……面向东北亚,服务大东北。“大东北”refers to the whole northeast of China instead of“big northeast of China”literally.For another,…向原料多元化、产品精深化、产业延伸化发展.In translating it,the method of omission is employed so as to conform with English expression.So in the expression of“多元化”、“精深化”、“延伸化”,“化”is put into“with diversified raw materials,refined products,extended industry”.

Handling of Terminology Translation

Terminology refers to proper names with specialized area of knowledge;it does not belong to the general vocabulary.Terminology practice goes from meaning in the source language to find the best equivalents from one language to the other.The wide use of terminology is one of the features of the government document.And how to translate the terms in an accurate way is another problem to concern.

Respect for Authority

Respect for authority is an important strategy in translating terminology.Since most terms are conventional,it can’t be produced optionally.Each term has its origin.Authority here refers to general dictionaries in target languages,legal texts,specialized literature,colleagues specialized in the area of expertise,experts in the field,technical standards,etc.Nevertheless the first three are applied in translating the text.For example,economic growthpole,synthetic resin and modified material,As far as names of places,organizations,and exhibitions are concerned,it’s a good way to consult some legal texts or specialized literature.For example,Chang-Ji-Tu Development and Opening up Pilot Zone,CNR Changchun Railway Vehicle Co.,Ltd,China Jilin Northeast Asia Investmentand Trade Expo,etc.In consulting some materials,by comparison and analysis,try to find and determine suitable one.

Avoidance of Literal Translation

In addition to the strategy mentioned above,another point should be noticed,that is,avoiding literal translation.Take“大中城市污水处理...”as an example.If“污水处理率”is put into English literally,it may become“waste water treatment rate”rather than the correct expression“sewage treatment rate”.Look at another example“中俄互市贸易区”.At first sight the term“互市贸易”is hard to understand for its specialization.After consulting some professional illustration,its real meaning refers to the trade with foreign nations.So the term is translated intofrontier trade zones between China and Russia instead of trade exchange zones.When translating“一次能源”,it is most probably to be put intoonce energy or non-renewable energyin Chinglish way rather than the exact answerprimary energy.

all in all,never translate some terms you don’t know well literally.Remember to have a good and sound understanding first and then turn to some authoritative source or experts before translating those terms of which you are not sure.


Translator is both a producer and a writer.Particularly in translating such official document,truthfulness is more important than faithfulness in a sense.Besides,in stylistics the translator should make the target-text conformed to the source-text.Through analyzing the process of the translation,the author summarizes some features of the sourcetext and puts forward some strategies for some problems in translation.Some opinions derive from the author’s deep thought.Though some strategies are mentioned by some linguists in English-Chinese translation,in Chinese-English translation,not many experts do similar research,which might be sort of innovative in the thesis.

However,in translation,there is no best,but better.In this paper the author only summarizes some typical features of the source-text.Actually others exist distinctly too,such as the choice of vocabulary,some other fixed sentence pattern,etc.Finally the author makes a conclusion that no matter what source-text it is,it is essential to make clear the type of the article and its language characteristics first,and then manage to convey the information truthfully with the aids of some translation theories and skills.And then you can achieve the goal.


Firstly,I am sincerely indebted to Prof.Huang Jiying for her help with the thesis writing.Secondly,I am sincerely indebted to Prof.Yang Yuchen for her recommendation.


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