


第1期 (总第131期)



论中国少年审判机构的设置 陈 巍(1)


论社会服务机构出资人权利 刘利君(8)

股权型基金会的法人治理问题探讨 罗 昆,肖海银(15)

农村集体经济组织的演进逻辑与基本内涵 王 江(21)



国学:传承传统文化的大学问 梁 涛(29)

当代大学中国经典教育的初步探索——基于北京航空航天大学“中国经典研读”课程的思考 顾家宁(34)

美国当代大学经典教育初探——以哈佛大学通识教育改革下的经典教育为例 陈 绮(41)



中国共产党支部工作法规制度探讨 李斌雄,杨竹芸(48)

腐败程度感知、公共服务效能与基层政府信任 任建明,王 璞(60)

基于公众感知的廉洁文化传播效果研究 杜治洲,万超凡(68)

新时代讲好中国廉洁故事的价值、基础与路径 潘春玲(78)

政府购买服务改革与社会组织互动发展研究——基于动力机制与决定因素的分析 李 宏,李 光(84)


中国城市工业污染的影响因素研究 李学迪,郑海涛(93)

城市土地扩张与人口增长耦合测度与政策研究——以京津冀为例 沈映春,张之蔚(99)

基于TFP提升的晋江模式经济增长机制研究 陈春玲,庄惠明(106)

基于AHP的科研人员综合评价方法——北京航空航天大学青年拔尖人才评价方法研究 王 菲(116)



民航旅客个人信息保护的法律规制研究 刘光才,靳 璐(122)

航班放油备降的相关法律责任问题浅析——以MU587和MU551航班为例 宋 刚,耿绍杰(129)



大学科研需要直面社会发展的现实问题 马陆亭,宋晓欣(138)

产教融合促进高校学科建设路径研究 马永红,德吉夫(146)

建国以来硕士研究生招生制度回溯与展望 杨雨萌,张飞龙(152)

补白 (77)

第2期 (总第132期)



加强新时期少年法庭专业化建设研究报告——以少年、家事审判协同发展为路径 北京市高级人民法院未成年人案件综合审判庭课题组(1)

中国少年司法中的行政调解研究 李冠新(8)



党的十九届四中全会对马克思恩格斯权威观的继承和发展 刘娜娜,尹培艳(16)

社会主义核心价值观:表述次序中的价值秩序——一种可能的阐释 王江伟,胡 卓(21)

国家治理现代化视域下党的执政能力建设——逻辑理路、基本要素与建构路径 张树焕,闫晓庆(27)

中国特色社会主义社会治理道路的与时俱进——单位制时代与新时代社会治理制度的对比 王海宇,谢 昕(33)


略论宋代花鸟画的哲学内涵 陈传席,刘 阔(39)

中国传统“画道”:内核、意蕴及当代价值 蔡劲松(45)

中国艺术观念传播中的语境三要素 李 韬(51)



城镇职工基本养老保险政府财政责任研究 金 刚,刘钰彤(61)

“嵌入式”养老院入住老年人的满意度及其影响因素分析——以上海市为例 温海红,王怡欢(72)

长期护理保险制度公平性探讨 岳林琳,刘文凤(80)

大类招生背景下专业课程教学改革研究——以北京航空航天大学《社会保障概论》课程为例 贾洪波(86)


中美贸易摩擦:问题、观点与对策 段 颀,卢庆贺(93)

基于教学科研的高校所属企业体制改革研究 张 广(100)

高校外派管理岗职员的激励机制研究——以北京航空航天大学为例 戴 彬,李 瑞(105)



高等教育的卓越性和国际性 Ulrich TEICHLER(112)

比较高等教育研究 Barbara M.KEHM(124)

“双一流”高校国际交流指导“课程化”初探 韩 钰,张江龙,吕 莹,马齐爽(128)

“双一流”背景下大学生国际化培养研究——以北京某高校X学院为例 方 志,刘 扬(134)


中国司法鉴定市场化的危机与应对 王媛媛,邢 哲(143)

权利冲突研究的元分析——基于CSSCI数据(1983—2013年) 杨 丽,王晓宇,孙新强(154)

第3期 (总第133期)



个人信息保护立法中的基础问题探讨 周学峰(1)

大数据与人工智能时代的个人信息立法——论新科技对信息隐私的挑战 丁晓东(8)

人工智能时代中国个人信息保护法的选择 李海英,徐小露(17)

美国网络安全监控战略与法制变迁及其启示 李建伟(25)



政策哲学:学科构建、例证与模型 张耀南,刘璐瑶(35)

“天人合一”的生态政策哲学观及其现代价值 胡象明,陈一帆(45)



公共政策视角下中国政务微信管理文本的量化研究 陈 强(54)

新时代中国国家形象传播的新方向 李彦冰(65)

政务新媒体政策传播的现状、特征及发展趋势——以“上海垃圾分类政策”为例 贾哲敏,傅柳莺(72)


农业保险保费补贴扶贫的乘数效应——来自时间序列数据的经验证据 郑 军,王 彪(79)

产业文化发展对产业升级的影响 刘小龙(86)

通用航空发展研究的热点与演进——基于知识图谱的可视化研究 杨凤田,李作学,马婧婧,黄 涛(92)



外层空间法对巨型星座部署的影响及对策研究 熊楚杨(101)

外空国际规则对未来军事行动的影响及对策 左清华,芦 雪(106)


米兰·昆德拉小说中的创伤叙事 赵 谦(111)



大数据分析在研究生教育质量评价中的应用探析 陆根书,李珍艳,王 玺(118)

高校智慧教学工具使用效果研究——以“雨课堂”为例 王秀丽,沈述宜(126)

一流大学网络就业服务战略探析——基于中美十所就业能力领先高校的案例分析 张彦通,刘志刚(133)

基于校园BBS开展高校精准育人路径探析——以北京航空航天大学“未来花园”BBS社区为例 齐建立(142)


互联网医疗服务平台公众使用意愿影响因素研究 王梦浛,方卫华(150)

补白 (110)

第4期 (总第134期)



修改法律保障未成年人权益 王公义(1)

以价值观引领未成年人刑事司法保护 陈惊天(2)

论加大猥亵儿童犯罪的刑事制裁力度 佟丽华(4)

性侵害未成年人案件定罪量刑的困局与反思 何 挺(5)

从国家对儿童的保护义务谈猥亵儿童罪的量刑问题 王 锴,刘犇昊(7)

从审判不公开看未成年被害人的保护 裴 炜(9)

性侵未成年人犯罪治理中刑事诉讼的制度立场 初殿清(12)

论猥亵儿童罪中的“其他恶劣情节” 王永茜(13)

论猥亵儿童案中强奸罪(未遂)的认定 王海涛(16)

未成年人的刑法保护应全面准确适用法律 葛 磊(18)

“王某某涉嫌猥亵儿童案”的事实认定争点与职业伦理纷争 吉冠浩(21)



以人民为中心发展理念的生成逻辑与科学内涵 刘海霞,朱 玉(23)

习近平关于意识形态工作重要论述的双重向度 龚志军,邵永运,王艳彪(27)

新时代思想政治理论课程建设视野的突破与课程体系的创新 高 宁,徐梦遥(34)

试析新时代群众路线的新内涵 黎章娅(39)

新时代高校党支部建设研究——以B大学为例 何 情,李家强(44)



人工智能与公共管理:机遇与挑战 于文轩(50)

数字群团组织:理论逻辑、战略意蕴及实践路径 余 茜(55)

公民参与腐败治理:基于区块链技术的实现方式 周 冬(62)


腐败对环境政策效果影响的国际研究趋势 张丽颖,苏徐红,胡象明(69)

集体腐败的博弈模型分析:生成、扩散与分化机制 宋 伟(78)

智能监察:价值、逻辑与反思 陈洪连,吕玉雪(86)


企业并购对军用技术创新的影响 陈 波,刘珊君,王萍萍(97)

网约车的伦理审思 崔东方(108)

目标价格政策对棉花全要素生产率的影响分析——以新疆棉区为例 丁建国,穆月英(113)



基于层次分析法的航空运输危险品源评估分析 张 燕(121)

浅析国际航空运输第五管辖权 宋 刚,耿绍杰(126)


缪勒“语言疾病说”的转译——以章太炎和周作人为例 杨 艳(134)

记忆、遗忘与宽容:《被掩埋的巨人》中的人文思考 唐晓芹,石云龙(140)



提升艺术类研究生研究能力:特征与途径 王战军,张泽慧,徐 学(145)

工程硕士教育质量指数构建——基于全国1 480份有效问卷的研究 刘润泽,马永红,于苗苗(151)

博士研究生科研倦怠影响因素分析——以北京航空航天大学为例 李悦池(158)

“双一流”视野下高校研究生导学关系研究 王雷华,韩 霞(165)

第5期 (总第135期)



论抵押财产转让对抵押权的影响——以《民法典》第403,404,406条的协调适用为视角 王 琦(1)

人格权一般条款的规范分析 雷震文(11)

《民法典》视野下人脸识别信息的权益归属与保护路径 赵精武(21)



正确认识列宁主义及其对马克思主义中国化的影响 汪先平,钟壮壮(30)

毛泽东对马克思主义史学理论创新探索 曲洪波,金钰昕(38)



公共卫生危机事件处置中政府协同机制研究——以新冠疫情防控为例 王洛忠,杨济溶(44)

公共卫生应急协同治理中志愿组织“嵌入”研究 杜孝珍,袁乃佳(54)

突发公共卫生事件政府应对的信息传导研究 涂晓芳,王逸琪(63)


中央党内法规程序规定的技术性分析及发展路径 庄德水(71)

制度效力的双重逻辑:十八大以来中国共产党巡视制度的创新发展 李 莉,马 琳(79)

党和国家监督体系制度有效性的标准和指标 牛朝辉(88)

派驻监督:运动式腐败治理模式的自我调试 周 磊(95)

习近平关于国家监察体制改革的重要论述及其时代价值 吕永祥(101)


进口型国家能获取商品期货国际定价权吗?——以棕榈油为例 姚 林,穆月英(108)

基于Kano模型的政府采购用户满意度调查——以教育图书和设备为例 高 娟,刘红宇(117)



中美民航新冠疫情应对政策比较分析 王若源(125)

完善民航突发公共卫生事件立法的思考 张君周(133)



研究生教育大数据信息资源建设的众筹模式初探 李 娟,张晓会(141)

高校学生工作数据挖掘的研究和实践 刘科生,倪义坤(147)

人工智能背景下法学高等教育的改革 赵艳红(153)

大学生社会主义核心价值观的培育——基于网络流行语影响的实证研究 周 彬,龚秀媛(161)

第6期 (总第136期)



《民法典》视域下侵犯公民个人信息罪的司法适用 喻海松(1)

中国数据安全立法形势、困境与对策——兼评《数据安全法(草案)》 黄道丽,胡文华(9)

人工智能的伦理风险及其治理 郭 锐(18)



《大学》简述 张学智(24)

朱熹序定《四书》过程探析 李丽珠(34)



二战后德国养老保险制度改革及启示 杨伟国,袁 可(40)

新加坡延迟退休政策的变迁及启示 代 懋,张 雅(47)


社会心理服务体系建设与健康社会心态培育——基于重大突发事件应对的实证分析 付丽莎(55)

重大疫情防控中中国社会动员:经验、挑战与启示 徐冶琼(61)

后疫情时代理工类学生的专业素质教育——以道德胜任力重返社会 张正清,严玉蓉(67)

疫情防控融入“概论”课教学:内容整合与方法优化 徐宏潇(75)


省域经济系统能源与水关联及协同发展研究——基于投入产出和生态网络分析的福建省实证 张 俊,林 卿,王江泉(80)

互联网金融视角下的知识产权融资 谢黎伟(93)



太空交通管理问题的认识与思考 刘震鑫,张 涛,郭丽红(101)

航天法的主要特征与基本原则初探 黄建余,冯 旭(107)


论十九世纪早期英国文学中阿拉丁的形象 郑鸿升(114)

伦理透视与社会表征:重读“兔子”四部曲 黄诗海(121)



中国西部大学生跨文化交际学习观调查研究 张 婧(127)

高校学生公寓对大学生适应性影响的实证研究 张 凤,吴 瑶(136)

大学生得失观问题思考 高 雅(143)


(Social Sciences Edition)

Vol.33 Total Contents 2020


Establishment of Juvenile Trial Institution in ChinaCHENWei(1)

Rights of Donors of Social Service InstitutionsLIULijun(8)

Management of Equity-based FoundationLUOKun,XIAOHaiyin(15)

Evolutionary Logic and Basic Connotation of Rural Collective Economic OrganizationWANGJiang(21)

Chinese Classics:A Discipline System Inheriting Traditional CultureLIANGTao(29)

Classical Education in Contemporary Chinese Universities:A Case Study of “Chinese Classics Study” at Beihang UniversityGUJianing(34)

Classical Education in Contemporary U.S.Universities:A Case Study of Classical Education in Harvard’s GE ReformCHENQi(41)

Regulations and Systems on Work of Party Branches of the Communist Party of ChinaLIBinxiong,YANGZhuyun(48)

Residents’ Perception of Corruption,Public Service Effectiveness and Township Government TrustRENJianming,WANGPu(60)

Effect of Integrity Culture Communication Based on Public PerceptionDUZhizhou,WANChaofan(68)

Value,Foundation and Path of Telling China’s Integrity Stories in the New EraPANChunling(78)

Interactive Development of Government Purchase Service Reform and Social Organizations: An Analysis Based on Motive Mechanism and DeterminantsLIHong,LIGuang(84)

Influencing Factors of Industrial Pollution in Chinese CitiesLIXuedi,ZHENGHaitao(93)

Coupling Measurement and Policy Research on Urban Land Expansion and Population Growth:A Case Study of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei RegionSHENYingchun,ZHANGZhiwei(99)

Economic Growth Mechanism of Jinjiang Model Based on TFP PromotionCHENChunling,ZHUANGHuiming(106)

Comprehensive Evaluation Method of Scientific Research Personnel Based on AHP: A Case Study of Beihang University’s Young TalentsWANGFei(116)

Law Regulation of Civil Aviation Passengers’ Personal Information ProtectionLIUGuangcai,JINLu(122)

Legal Liability of Flights Discharge Fuel:A Case Study of MU587 &MU551 Rescue CasesSONGGang,GENGShaojie(129)

Scientific Research in Universities Need to Solve Practical Problems of Social DevelopmentMALuting,SONGXiaoxin(138)

Promoting of University Discipline Construction Through Industry-education IntegrationMAYonghong,DEJifu(146)

Retrospect and Prospect of Master’s Enrollment System in China Since Founding of China from Perspective of Historical InstitutionalismYANGYumeng,ZHANGFeilong(152)


Professionalization of Construction of Juvenile Courts in the New Era:The “Harmony in Diversity” Model of Juvenile and Family TrialsResearchGroupofComprehensiveTrialChamberofJuvenilesCasesofBeijingHigherPeople’sCourt(1)

Administrative Mediation in Juvenile Justice in ChinaLIGuanxin(8)

Inheritance and Development of Marx and Engels’ View of Authority of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central CommitteeLIUNana,YINPeiyan(16)

Core Socialist Values:The Order of Values Involved in the Order of Concepts: A Possible InterpretationWANGJiangwei,HUZhuo(21)

Construction of CPC’s Governing Ability from the Perspective of Modernization of National Governance: Logical Route,Basic Elements &Construction PathZHANGShuhuan,YANXiaoqing(27)

Advancing with the Times on the Road of Socialist Social Governance with Chinese Characteristics: Comparison of Social Governance System Between the Unit System Era and the New EraWANGHaiyu,XIEXin(33)

On the Philosophical Connotation of Flower and Bird Painting in Song DynastyCHENChuanxi,LIUKuo(39)

Chinese Traditional “Painting Ethics”:Core,Implication and Contemporary ValueCAIJinsong(45)

Three Contextual Elements in Communication of Chinese Art IdeasLITao(51)

Government Financial Responsibility of Urban Workers’ Basic Pension InsuranceJINGang,LIUYutong(61)

Satisfaction and Influencing Factors Analysis of Older People Lived in “Embedded” Nursing Home:Take Shanghai as an ExampleWENHaihong,WANGYihuan(72)

Discussion on the Fairness of Long-term Care Insurance SystemYUELinlin,LIUWenfeng(80)

Teaching Reform of Professional Courses under the Background of Major Category Enrollment: Take “Introduction to Social Security” Course of Beihang University as an ExampleJIAHongbo(86)

Sino-US Trade Friction:Issues,Views and StrategiesDUANQi,LUQinghe(93)

Understanding the System Reform of University-owned Enterprises Focusing on Teaching and Research PracticeZHANGGuang(100)

Motivation System of Dispatched Personnel from Universities: Taking Beihang University as an ExampleDAIBin,LIRui(105)

Excellence and Internationality of Higher EducationUlrichTEICHLER(112)

Comparative Higher EducationBarbaraM.KEHM(124)

“Curriculum Oriented” Guidance for International Exchanges in “Double First-Class” UniversitiesHANYu,ZHANGJianglong,LYUYing,MAQishuang(128)

Undergraduates’ International Training Mode under “Double First-Class” Initiative: Take X College of a University in Beijing as an ExampleFANGZhi,LIUYang(134)

Crisis and Countermeasures of Marketization of Judicial Identification in ChinaWANGYuanyuan,XINGZhe(143)

Meta-analysis of Rights Conflict:Based on CSSCI Data,1983—2013YANGLi,WANGXiaoyu,SUNXinqiang(154)


On the Basic Problems of the Legislation of Personal Information ProtectionZHOUXuefeng(1)

Personal information Legislation in the Age of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence: Challenges of New Technology to Information PrivacyDINGXiaodong(8)

Choice of Chinese Personal Information Protection Law in the Age of Artificial IntelligenceLIHaiying,XUXiaolu(17)

Strategy and Legal System Changes of American Cybersecurity Monitor and Its EnlightenmentLIJianwei(25)

Policy Philosophy:Discipline Construction,Example and ModelZHANGYaonan,LIULuyao(35)

Ecological Policy Philosophy of “Tianren Heyi” and Its Modern ValueHUXiangming,CHENYifan(45)

Quantitative Research of Chinese Government WeChat Policy Documents under Perspective of Public PolicyCHENQiang(54)

New Directions of China’s National Image Communication in the New EraLIYanbing(65)

Status Quo,Characteristics and Tendency of Policy Communication via Government Social Media: A Case of Garbage Sorting Policy in ShanghaiJIAZhemin,FULiuying(72)

Multiplier Effect of Agricultural Insurance Subsidy for Poverty Alleviation: Empirical Evidence from Time Series DataZHENGJun,WANGBiao(79)

Influence of Industrial Culture Development on Industrial UpgradingLIUXiaolong(86)

Research Hotspots and Evolution of General Aviation Development:A Visualization Study Based on Knowledge MappingYANGFengtian,LIZuoxue,MAJingjing,HUANGTao(92)

Impact of Space Law on the Deployment of Mega-Constellations and CountermeasuresXIONGChuyang(101)

Influence and Countermeasures of International Rules in Outer Space on Future Military OperationsZUOQinghua,LUXue(106)

Traumatic Narration in Milan Kundera’s NovelsZHAOQian(111)

Exploration of Quality Assessment Based on Big Data Analysis in Graduate EducationLUGenshu,LIZhenyan,WANGXi(118)

Effects of Intelligent Teaching Tools in Colleges and Universities: A Case Study of “Rain Classroom”WANGXiuli,SHENShuyi(126)

First-class University Online Career Service Strategy:Based on Ten Case Studies of Top Universities for Graduate Employability in China and U.S.ZHANGYantong,LIUZhigang(133)

Preliminary Study on Improving the Accuracy of Higher Education Work Based on BBS: A Case Study of “Future Garden”BBS Community of Beihang UniversityQIJianli(142)

Influence Factors of Public Willingness to Use Internet Medical Service PlatformWANGMenghan,FANGWeihua(150)


Forum on the Protection of Minors by Criminal JusticeWANGGongyi,CHENJingtian,TONGLihua,etal(1)

People-centered Development:Its Generation Logic and Scientific ConnotationLIUHaixia,ZHUYu(23)

Dual Dimensions of Xi Jinping’s Important Expositions on Ideological WorkGONGZhijun,SHAOYongyun,WANGYanbiao(27)

Vision Breakthrough and Curriculum System Innovation of Ideological and Political Theory Courses Reform in the New EraGAONing,XUMengyao(34)

New Connotation of Mass Line in the New EraLIZhangya(39)

Party Branch Building in Colleges and Universities in the New Era: Taking B University as an ExampleHEQing,LIJiaqiang(44)

AI and Public Management:Opportunities and ChallengesYUWenxuan(50)

Digital Mass Organization:Theoretical Logic,Strategic Implication and Practical PathYUQian(55)

Citizen Participation in Corruption Governance:An Implementation Based on Blockchain TechnologyZHOUDong(62)

International Research Trends on the Impact of Corruption on Environmental Policy EffectsZHANGLiying,SUXuhong,HUXiangming(69)

Game Model Analysis of Collective Corruption:Mechanisms of Generation,Diffusion and DifferentiationSONGWei(78)

Intelligent Supervision:Value,Logic and ReflectionCHENHonglian,LYUYuxue(86)

Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on Military Technological InnovationCHENBo,LIUShanjun,WANGPingping(97)

Ethical Review of the Online Car-hailingCUIDongfang(108)

Impact of Target Price Policy on Cotton Total Factor Productivity: A Case Study of XinjiangDINGJianguo,MUYueying(113)

Evaluation of Dangerous Goods Sources in Air Transportation Based on AHPZHANGYan(121)

The Fifth Jurisdiction of International Air TransportSONGGang,GENGShaojie(126)

Zhou Zuoren and Zhang Taiyan’s Indirect Translation of Max Müller’s Idea “Mythology is a Disease of Language”YANGYan(134)

Memory,Amnesia and Forgiveness:Humanistic Reflection inTheBuriedGiantTangXiaoqin,ShiYunlong(140)

Enhance Research Ability of Art Postgraduates: Characteristics and ApproachesWANGZhanjun,ZHANGZehui,XUXue(145)

Construction of Education Quality Index for Master of Engineering: Based on 1 480 Effective QuestionnairesLIURunze,MAYonghong,YUMiaomiao(151)

Factors Affecting the Research Burnout of Doctoral Students:Based on BUAALIYuechi(158)

Relationship between Tutors and Graduate Students from the Perspective of Double First-ClassWANGLeihua,HANXia(165)


Influence of Transaction of Mortgaged Property on Hypothec: Systematic Application of Article 403,404,406 Civil CodeWANGQi(1)

Analysis on the General Provision of the Personal RightsLEIZhenwen(11)

Ownership and Protection of Face Recognition Information from the Perspective of Civil CodeZHAOJingwu(21)

Correct Understanding of Lenin and Leninism: Ideological Origin of Leninism and Marxism in ChinaWANGXianping,ZHONGZhuangzhuang(30)

Innovation of Mao Zedong on Marx’s Theory of HistoriographyQUHongbo,JINYuxin(38)

Government Synergy Mechanism in Emergent Public Health Event: Take the Fight Against COVID-19 as an ExampleWANGLuozhong,YANGJirong(44)

“Embedding” of Voluntary Organizations in Collaborative Governance of Public Health EmergenciesDUXiaozhen,YUANNaijia(54)

Information Obstruction of Government Response to Public Health EmergenciesTUXiaofang,WANGYiqi(63)

Technical Analysis and Development Path of Procedural Statements of the Central Inner Party’s LawsZHUANGDeshui(71)

Dual Logical Aspects of Inspect System Effectiveness: Inspection System of Communist Party of China Since the 18th National CongressLILi,MALin(79)

Criterion and Indicators for the Effectiveness of the Party and State Supervision SystemNIUZhaohui(88)

Departments of Discipline Inspection and Supervision: Self-debugging of Sports Anti-corruption ModelZHOULei(95)

Xi Jinping’s Important Exposition on the National Supervision System Reform and Its Era ValueLYUYongxiang(101)

Can Importing Countries Obtain International Pricing Power for Commodity Futures? — Taking Palm Oil as an ExampleYAOLin,MUYueying(108)

Users’ Satisfaction on Government Procurement Using Kano Model: Based on Educational Books and EquipmentGAOJuan,LIUHongyu(117)

Comparative Study on Strategy for Air Transportation System Recovery from COVID-19 between China and U.S.WANGRuoyuan(125)

Improvement of Legislation of Civil Aviation Public Health EmergencyZHANGJunzhou(133)

Preliminary Research on the Crowdfunding Model of the Construction of Big Data Information Resources in Graduate EducationLIJuan,ZHANGXiaohui(141)

Research and Application of Data Mining on College Student Affairs ManagementLIUKesheng,NIYikun(147)

Reform of Higher Education of Law in the Era of Artificial IntelligenceZHAOYanhong(153)

An Empirical Study of Internet Catchphrases on Cultivating the College Students’ Socialist Core ValueZHOUBin,GONGXiuyuan(161)


Judicial Application of Crime against the Citizens’ Personal Information under the Perspective of Civil CodeYUHaisong(1)

Situation,Dilemma and Countermeasures of China’s Data Security Legislation: Comment on the Data Security Law of the People’s Republic of China (Draft)HUANGDaoli,HUWenhua(9)

Ethical Risk of AI and Its GovernanceGUORui(18)

An Introduction of theGreatLearningZHANGXuezhi(24)

Zhu Xi’s Procedure of Annotating theFourBooksLILizhu(34)

German Pension System Reforms after World War ⅡYANGWeiguo,YUANKe(40)

Changes and Enlightenment of Singapore’s Delay Retirement PolicyDAIMao,ZHANGYa(47)

Construction of Public Psychological Services System and Cultivation of Social Mentality: Empirical Analysis Based on Major EmergenciesFULisha(55)

China Social Mobilization in the Prevention and Control of Major Epidemic Diseases:Experience, Challenges and InspirationsXUYeqiong(61)

Professional Literacy of STEM Students in Post-epidemic Era: Return to Local Society by Moral CompetenceZHANGZhengqing,YANYurong(67)

Integrating Epidemic Prevention and Control into “Introduction” Teaching: Content Integration and Method OptimizationXUHongxiao(75)

Energy and Water Nexus and Collaborative Development in Provincial Economic System: Empirical Study in Fujian Based on Input-Output and Ecological Network AnalysisZHANGJun,LINQing,WANGJiangquan(80)

Intellectual Property Financing Based on Internet FinanceXIELiwei(93)

Understanding and Thinking about Space Traffic ManagementLIUZhenxin,ZHANGTao,GUOLihong(101)

A Preliminary Study on the Main Features and Basic Principles of Space LawHUANGJianyu,FENGXu(107)

Image of Aladdin in British Literature of the Early Nineteenth CenturyZHENGHongsheng(114)

Ethical Perspective and Social Representation:Rereading Updike’s the Rabbit TetralogyHUANGShihai(121)

Conception of Intercultural Communication Learning of University Students in Western ChinaZHANGJing(127)

An Empirical Study on the Influence of College Students’ Apartment on College Students’ AdaptabilityZHANGFeng,WUYao(136)

Contemporary College Students Gain and Loss Concept and Educational CountermeasuresGAOYa(143)

