严谨而抽象的诗歌对于学生来说比较陌生,我们要关注一些“家常”的诗歌,如讲上学、买东西等。请看Back to School一诗的开头:In the last week of the holidays,I was feeling glum.I could hardly wait for school to start Neither could mum.可见,诗歌既可以严肃,也可以十分有趣。只要我们肯花时间收集,就能找到不少这样生动的诗歌。
诗歌形式自由,学生可以充分利用想象力来创新,表达感情。这是教材中的任何句型操练、两两对话所不能实现的。如在母亲节或父亲节开展“献给妈妈/爸爸的诗”活动,学生可以用短句写诗歌,写出最想对妈妈/爸爸说的话。一个学生的作品是这样的:My mother is a good woman,She has a good husband.My mother likes singing songs,My father will keep him strong.My father likes apples,my mother likes pineapples.
在实际教学活动中,辅助教学的诗歌选材是至关重要的。如:Ten green bottles standing on the wall,Ten green bottles standing on the wall,And if one green bottle should accidently fall,Thered be nine green bottles standing on the wall.Nine green bottles standing on the wall.此诗中所含语法比较复杂,但教师只需在黑板上画上瓶子代表standing on the wall,擦去瓶子则代表accidently fall,这样演示就可以使学生容易理解诗歌的意思。所以,教师在选择诗歌辅助教学时,不能单纯看其语法的复杂程度,而要考虑其可操作性。教师还要了解学生的性格特点、知识水平等,思考诗歌能否与学生产生共鸣。
我们可以利用诗歌来进行/I/与/I:/的对比:Fish,fish,all in a dish.Who will eat my beautiful fish?Fish,fish,all in a dish.可以進行/ai/的训练:I like a skip.I like to jump.I like to run about.I like to play,I like to sing,I like to laugh and shout.还可以训练学生对/dr/,/gr/,/sl/等双辅音的发音:Drip by drip,the rain drops slip.Drop by drop; they softly plop into my fingers.
英语是讲究强弱音和节奏的,让学生练习具有音乐感的诗歌,可以有效培养语感。请看这一句:The `River `Weser `deep & `wide,`washes its `walls on the` southern `side.其中River,Weser,deep,wide,washes,walls,southern,side是重读,而the,and,its,on the等是弱音,要读得轻而快,这样才会使上下两句用时一样。我们可以让学生打着拍子或敲着桌子来朗读,感受诗歌节奏。
(责 编 莫 荻)