

疯狂英语·新悦读 2020年8期

陕西西安高新一中 李红娟




The benefits of the Girl Scout are wellknown:developing leadership skills,instilling a strong sense of self,encouraging positive values and healthy relationships,among others.But for one Girl Scout alum,Linda Walker,now a retired school teacher,the Girl Scout was so much more than just a path to friendship—they actually saved her life.

In the summer of 1967,Walker was about to enter sixth grade after having recently moved.Being new to the town,her mother signed her up for Girl Scouts.She was paired with a buddy named Laurie Luna in a four-person tent.At camp,Walker and Luna's lives were tightly intertwined(交织在一起).As a Girl Scout,you have someone to rely on,to know where you're going,to talk over things with,and to develop a friendship.

After canoeing with Luna one afternoon,lightning struck a tree outside the girls'tent.“As happens in the mountains in summertime,a storm blew in and sent us all to our tents,”Walker recalls.“Lightning struck and its path led through me.I was lying on the floor severely burned and unconscious.”As bad luck would have it,Walker had been standing on her metal bed at the time.Instantly,two-thirds of Walker's body was burned.

The other three girls in the tent screamed and fled,but Luna quickly realized her buddy was missing and went back to look for her—only to find Walker on the floor of the tent.Lucy realized her buddy was not among them.She came back.Seeing Walker,she sped to the counselors,brought help,and,in doing so,saved Walker.The counselor raced to give Walker CPR,who then was rushed to the hospital by a nurse.

“The timing of getting artificial respiration(呼吸)and being taken to the hospital allowed me to recover with little health issues and to continue on with my life—to be a teacher,a wife,a mother,and a part of the world,”Walker says.

Reading Check

1.What can we infer about Walker from the second paragraph?

A.Her mother is a teacher.

B.She is a newcomer to the town.

C.Walker and Luna are classmates.

D.She was the fourth girl in Girl Scouts.

2.What made Walker's body burned so badly?

A.The summertime.

B.The material of the bed.

C.Her friends' fleeing away.

D.Her lack of surviving skills.

3.How was Walker saved at last?

A.By relying on her strong will.

B.By her friend's waking her up.

C.By using her skills learned in Girl Scouts.

D.By receiving artificial respiration in time.

4.What does the underlined word “counselors”

in the fourth paragraph refer to?

A.Tools providing timely help.

B.Tools making people breathe.

C.People helping others with problems.

D.People keeping in close touch with others.

Language Study

Difficult sentence

The other three girls in the tent screamed and fled,but Luna quickly realized her buddy was missing and went back to look for her—only to find Walker on the floor of the tent.


【点石成金】本句是一个并列复合句。but连接两个并列句,her buddy was missing作realized的宾语,only to find...tent是不定式短语作结果状语。

Cultural Background




新目标英语九年级UnitStep 2