

疯狂英语·新悦读 2020年8期


福建云霄第一中学高二(6)班 杨 宏

指导老师 张嫦菁

With the race approaching,Hippomenes was as nervous as a taut drum.“Come on!Let's finish the race quickly.”Atalanta said impatiently.She appealed to Hippomenes because she was unique.She was independent and she had been longing for freedom.At that moment,Hippomenes gave up the trick.As the race began,he tried his best to run after her,shouting,“Atalanta,I admire you and I love you!I fail to guarantee to win,but I will never throw away the chance.I'll make efforts to strive for your love.”

Looking at the excited man beside her,Atalanta slowed down advisedly so that she could seize an opportunity to perceive his inner feelings.After all,no one had appreciated her independence.As the race went on,Atalanta became more and more deeply moved.Eventually,she said,“You have won.You've conquered my heart.”They ran side by side.At the finishing line,they hugged like two twining trees with the same root,just staring at each other affectionately.Afterwards,the King held a grand wedding for them.From then on,they lived a happy life.


福建云霄第一中学高二(9)班 方涵宇

指导老师 吴淑琼

Like arrows off the bowstring,they left the raised dust far behind.Soon Atalanta ran past Hippomenes. “It's time to play the trick,”thought Hippomenes.But when he was about to throw the apple,a thought hit Hippomenes,“A person who does this is no more than a fraud.Who wants to marry a liar?”Then he left the apples behind.Meanwhile,Atalanta was just three inches from the finishing line.Hippomenes drooped his head.

“Congratulations,young man.”A soft voice attracted Hippomenes's attention.After raising hishead,Hippomenes surprisingly found Atalanta just stopped in front of the finishing line.“Some men abandoned their morality to marry me,so they lost.” She smiled,“Now you know I just want a winner in morality,not in a race.You are honest and you're a genuine winner.”Stepping forward doubtfully,Hippomenes didn't believe it was true until he crossed the finishing line!With such an upright son-in-law,the King finally permitted Atalanta to join the Olympics.With time passing by,their story also goes on as a legend.


广东中山市龙山中学高一(13)班 谢秋梅

指导老师 袁丹纯

It was a close match between Atalanta and Hippomenes!Suddenly,the Goddess's words occurred to Hippomenes.So he threw one golden apple in front of Atalanta.Seeing the glittering apple,Atalanta paused and picked it up.“I have seen this apple in my dream!The Goddess of Love told me an apple would guide me to my love.”She looked at Hippomenes,eyebrows raised.Aware of the princess's puzzle,Hippomenes made up his mind not to beat Atalanta this way.Instead,he stopped racing to explain,“My dear princess,I admire you madly so I asked the Goddess of Love for help.She told me that the apple would help me win your heart.”Atlanta blushed.“What a surprise!I dreamt of it.Young man,tell me more about this,will you?” “Always at your service.” Hippomenes bowed.

Atalanta and Hippomenes ran shoulder to shoulder all the way.The more Atalanta knew about this handsome and honest man,the more determined she became that he was her Prince Charming.Before long,with the King's blessing,they got married and lived a fairy-tale life ever since.




When I was in the sixth grade,I began noticing how other kids were separating into groups.I wasn't sure where I belonged.I found it hard to fit in.

On a Monday morning,our teacher assigned “a secret friend” for the coming week.She wrote each kid's name on a piece of paper and threw them into a jar;then we each closed our eyes and drew the name of a classmate who we were to secretly befriend and support over the next five school days.By the middle of the week,everyone,including me,had turned this assignment into a contest to see whose secret friend could leave the best gift.We left bubble gum,pens and even money.It seemed that everyone was getting cool presents from their friends except me.

On the last morning of our assignment,I walked into my classroom and noticed there was a package on my desk.I opened the wrapping paper and just stared down at my desk.There sat a box of powder.The girls sitting near me laughed about the“old lady”gift I had received and went off.To make matters worse,the powder had already been opened.I felt my face turn red as I put it into my desk.

I tried to forget about the embarrassing gift,but when I was in the bathroom during the break,the girls who had seen me open the powder started talking trash about my secret friend of giving it to me.I quickly joined in.“How terrible,” I heard myself saying.“What could my friend be thinking by giving me such a stupid gift?My grandmother wouldn't even want it.”The girls laughed at my remarks and filed out of the bathroom.I stayed to wash my hands and let the water run through my fingers as I thought about what I had just said.It wasn't normally like me to say mean things like that about someone.

Suddenly my classmate Jenny rushed up to me,tears streaming down her face.


Along with my apologies,I told her the fact.


