明道贵 邱明喜 殷立静
摘 要:微生物诱导成矿技术已被证实可用于沙漠化治理,而钙源直接影响固化效果。为了确定最佳钙源,使用多种钙源用于风积沙固化研究,基于力学性能测试和微观形貌观测等手段,分析不同钙源作用下固化效果及相应作用机理。结果表明:氯化钙与醋酸钙均可有效固化风积沙,氯化钙作用效果优于醋酸钙,而乳酸钙作为钙源时易出现渗流不畅现象、固沙效果较差。氯化钙对应的微生物成矿过程能在风积沙颗粒间产生大量方解石晶体,晶体间的有效嵌合保证了固化体具有良好的力学性能与渗透能力;醋酸钙对应的碳酸钙晶体形状不规则且颗粒较小,致使其对应试样的力学强度及渗透系数均较氯化钙作为钙源的低。
中图分类号:S157.9 文献标志码:A
Abstract:The technique of microbial induced calcite precipitation has been proved to be useful for desertification control, and calcium sources directly affect the curing effect. A variety of calcium sources were used for the study of aeolian sand solidification to examine which kind of calcium source corresponds to the best sand-fixing effect.Based on the mechanical properties test and microscopic morphology observation, the solidification effect and the corresponding mechanism of action of different calcium sources were analyzed. The results show that both calcium chloride and calcium acetate can effectively solidify aeolian sand. The effect of calcium chloride is better than that of calcium acetate. Weak seepage occurs when calcium lactate is used as calcium source, which leads to poor sand fixation effect. The microbial mineralization process corresponding to calcium chloride can produce a large amount of calcite crystals between sand particles. The effective chimerism formed between the crystals ensures the good mechanical properties and permeability of the solidified specimen. Calcium carbonate crystals formed by calcium acetate are more irregular in shape and smaller in particle size, resulting in lower mechanical strength and end-point permeability of the sample than calcium chloride.
Key words: aeolian sand solidification; microbial induced calcite precipitation; calcium sources; permeability; mechanical property
微生物诱导成矿(Microbial Induced Calcite Precipitation,简称MICP)广泛存在于自然界中[3],这种自然作用非常缓慢,人们希望通过人为干预,合理调控MICP过程以提升反应效率,使之能够满足各类工程需求,如土体加固、混凝土裂缝修补、石质文物修复、堤岸防护、抑制扬尘等[4],应用该技术進行风积沙固化正逐渐成为固沙领域研究新方向。Maleki等[5]基于风蚀损失量和贯入阻力探究微生物成矿技术固沙可行性,结果表明高浓度微生物处理剂作用下的沙土可有效抵御风力侵蚀;Pakbaz等[6]考察了MICP作用下沙土抗剪强度的变化情况,结果显示经MICP技术处理15 d后的沙土抗剪强度提高了44%~86%;Bahmani等[7]研究了温度与土壤压实度对微生物成矿作用的影响,发现微生物在60 ℃时具有较高活性,对应的固化效果较好,土密度为2.1 g/cm3时固化体的抗压强度最高;Khaleghi等[8]使用产脲酶微生物混合其他种类微生物作用于沙土,固沙效果明显优于单一产脲酶微生物的固沙效果;Duo等[9]探究了不同固化液浓度对MICP风积沙固化效果的影响,发现高浓度固化液更有利于改性土力学性能的提升;Sotoudehfar等[10]使用优化的正交试验法,探究MICP作用过程中各参数对固化效果的影响,结果表明固化时间对固化效果影响最大,细菌细胞浓度、营养液摩尔浓度比和注液流速对固化效果影响程度相近;李驰等[11]在大量室内试验的基础上开展了微生物矿化覆膜现场试验,发现对沙漠土进行矿化覆膜具有良好的效果。
3 结 论
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【责任编辑 张智民】