

重庆与世界 2020年8期





本次展览由著名设计评论家柏木博、策展人深川雅文、TSUKUSHI文具店店主设计总监萩原修、21_21DESIGN SIGHT副馆长川上典李子共同策展,在探索日本设计最新趋势及特点的同时,透过设计展现日本当代文化的多重面貌,让重庆市民在“家门口”就领略到地道的日式设计风格。


From July 19th to August 14th, co-sponsored by the Chongqing Peoples Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Chongqing China Three Gorges Museum, Japan Foundation and the Japanese Consulate General in Chongqing, the 100 Selections of Contemporary Japanese Design Exhibition Tour was held at the Three Gorges Museum. Having hand-picked 100 works for concentrated display, including 89 works commonly seen in the contemporary daily life of Japan, and 11 works reflecting the characteristics of Japanese product design in the past decade, the exhibition fully demonstrates the beauty of contemporary Japanese design.

Small and adorable childrens masks, tiny screens with exquisite patterns, portable folding safety helmets, high-performance star theatre projectors... The exhibition is not only teemed with upscale design works, but also more popular objects that are closely related to life.

As a prelude to contemporary design, the initial 11 works focus on classic modern design, paying tribute to design masters such as Sori Yanagi, Kenji Ekuan, and Riki Watanabe. The remaining 89 works are divided into 9 categories: home décor & furniture, tableware and kitchenware, apparel & accessories, children's products, stationery and little items, hobbies, healthcare, emergency response, and transportation tools. These works represent the essence of contemporary Japanese day-to-day life design, and shows people's preferences and lifestyle.

Jointly curated by the renowned design critic Hiroshi Kashiwagi, curator Masafumi Fukagawa, the design director Hagihara Osamu, the owner of TSUKUSHI stationery store, and Noriko Kawakami, the deputy curator of 21_21DESIGN SIGHT, the exhibition, while exploring the latest trends and characteristics of Japanese design, also brings the authentic Japanese design style to the doorsteps of Chongqing citizens via manifesting multiple aspects of Japanese contemporary culture through ingenuous design.

The Consulate General of Japan in Chongqing is the earliest foreign affairs agency in Chongqing and has been committed to promoting cultural exchanges between Chongqing and Japan. Among various endeavors, the cooperation between the Japanese Consulate and Chongqing China Three Gorges Museum can be traced back to the Photo Exhibition Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of Deng Xiaopings Visit to Japan 10 years ago; after that, many exhibitions such as the Japanese Dolls Exhibition, Reconstruction Photos after the Great East Japan Earthquake-Adding Strength for Tomorrow, and Walking into the Kingdom of Classic Animation Characters-Japan were successively held at Chongqing China Three Gorges Museum. These exhibitions not only enriched the cultural life of Chongqing citizens, but also promoted mutual knowledge and trust between Chinese and Japanese cultures.


State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Myanmar’s Foreign Minister U Wunna Maung Lwin Inaugurating the Consulate-General of Myanmar in Chongqing国务委员兼外长王毅与缅甸外长温纳貌伦共同为缅甸驻重庆总领事馆揭牌