

重庆与世界 2020年8期




在本次首发仪式上,西部陆海新通道(南充)集散中心正式成立。据了解,中新南向通道(重庆)物流发展有限公司作为西部陆海新通道的运营平台,在坚持“共商 共建 共享”的原则下,全力推动成渝地区双城经济圈建设。将以南充作为川渝地区发展的重镇和服务窗口,整合各地优势资源,为企业提供更加高效的线路,更加全面的综合服务,切实解决企业遇到的痛点和难点问题。陆海新通道铁海联运(南充—重庆—钦州)专列的开行将为两地携手共绘区域合作发展新篇章,深入推进成渝地区双城经济圈建设打下坚实基础。

On July 27th, a special train loaded with batik fabric departed from the dedicated railway line of the Modern Logistics Park in Nanchong City, Sichuan Province. After being assembled in Chongqing, the cargo will then be sent to Qinzhou Port, and took an ocean route to Apapa Port in Nigeria, Africa.

This is Chongqing's integrated rail-sea transport service tailored for Nanchong export enterprises, further playing Chongqings role as major logistics channel and operation organization center. The whole journey of the special train takes about 40 days, saving more than 10 days compared with the river-sea transport, which greatly improves the transportation efficiency and reduces the cost.

At the launching ceremony, the Nanchong Distribution Center of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor was formally established. It is understood that CCI Eurasia Land Bridge Logistics Development Co.,Ltd., as the operation platform of the Corridor, is sparing no effort of promoting the construction of Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle under the "co-building and sharing" principle. Nanchong will serve as an important town and service window for the development of Sichuan and Chongqing, integrating the superior resources of various places, providing enterprises with more efficient routes and comprehensive services, and effectively solving the pain points and difficult problems encountered by enterprises. The opening of the Nanchong-Chongqing-Qinzhou rail-sea cargo line will lay a solid foundation for the two places to jointly draw a new chapter of regional cooperation and development and further promote the construction of Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle.



Sichuan and Chongqing judicial administrations held joint meeting to promote the rule of law and improve community legal environment

On July 27-28, the joint meeting of Sichuan and Chongqing judicial administrations to promote the rule of law and improve community environment was held in Dazhou. The meeting pointed out that the people's mediation, which consists of joint organization, joint investigation of contradictions, joint mediation of disputes, coordination and joint creation of peace, should be accelerated in the border areas between Sichuan and Chongqing. At the meeting, Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Justice and Sichuan Provincial Department of Justice jointly signed the Work Plan of People's Mediation, Joint Defense and Joint Adjustment in Sichuan-Chongqing Border Area and the Implementation Plan of Sichuan-Chongqing Community Legal Environment.



First batch of 16 major cooperation projects in Sichuan and Chongqing started

On July 12th, Chongqing Municipal Development and Reform Commission reported that since Sichuan and Chongqing established the working mechanism of a joint office to promote the construction of Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle this year, the two sides have held director meetings to jointly build the Economic Circle, and started the first batch of 16 major projects in 2020. According to reports, the total investment of these projects is about 380 billion yuan, including 12 transportation infrastructure projects, one inland waterway project and three industrial projects.



First voyage of "China-Europe Railway Express plus river-sea transportation" Guoyuan Port launched

On July 4th, Guoyuan Port of Liangjiang New Area reported that the container liner "Guanrong 668" had left the container terminal of Guoyuan Port with full load, marking the first voyage of the "China-Europe Railway Express plus river-sea transportation" from Guoyuan Port. The goods, with a total of 100 TEUs, arrived at Guoyuan Port from Russia via China-Europe Railway Express (Yuxinou), then proceed to Shanghai via the Yangtze River golden waterway, and finally arrived in Vietnam by sea, saving about 10 days compared with the trip by Eurasian trains plus sea transportation.


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