

世界建筑 2020年7期


Architects: Tim Greatrex Architect, Peter Hellicar

范斯之家是为范斯品牌爱好者及滑板文化拥护者打造的一处新型多用途创意场所,传承着自1966年起便定义了范斯品牌的滑板文化,将滑板、艺术、电影和音乐相结合。新场馆设有艺术画廊、“范斯实验室”创意空间、放映室、可容纳850 人的现场音乐表演空间、高档咖啡馆、众多酒吧以及一座3 个层级的室内混凝土滑板运动场。

伦敦范斯之家坐落在拥有150 年历史的砖拱结构内,位于从滑铁卢车站出发的铁路线下方,紧邻伦敦著名的涂鸦街——里克大街。该项目占地约2500m2,包括5 条独立的隧道。


项目的主要功能为滑板运动场,占据3 条隧道空间,以用于不同的布局和能力:其主空间为一只混凝土“碗”,主要适用于高阶或专业滑板运动;第二个空间为“街景”区,适合中阶滑板运动;第三个区域则是“微型坡道”滑板运动场,供初学者或休闲人士使用。

该场地的5 条独立隧道与壮观的大型橡胶地板相统一,灵感来自于范斯鞋标志性的六边形和菱形鞋底图案。鞋底六角形的长条与拱门成行排列,勾勒出穿过该场地的主轴和走廊。可回收的耐用橡胶地板提供了干净且舒适的表面,同时又在视觉上与粗糙的纹理砖墙及拱形天花板形成了强烈对比。


伦敦范斯之家已被打造成一个与全球范斯社区相连的活动场所,通过网络电台现场直播,现场摄像机播放滑板运动场内的活动,并通过社交媒体报道“范斯实验室”艺术家空间内的创意活动。□(王单单 译)项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: Vans Europe

项目管理/Project Management: Black Sparrow Presents建筑设计/Architect: Tim Greatrex Architect

创意设计/Creative: Pete Hellicar

场地管理/Site/Event Managers: Zero Degrees Events

结构工程/Structural Engineer: WFBA

预算顾问/Cost Consultant: Simon Bristow Associates

材料/Materials: 外露砌砖,聚苯乙烯骨架上喷涂混凝土,再生橡胶地板/Exposed brickwork, sprayed concrete onto polystyrene formwork skatepark, recycled rubber flooring.

建筑面积/Floor Area: 2500m2

设计周期/Design Period: 2013.09 - 2014.02

施工周期/Construction Period: 2014.03 - 2014.08

摄影/Photos: Nathan Gallagher (fig.1,8,10-12), Tim Greatrex (fig. 2-4,7,9)

1 入口空间/Entrance space

2 从入口到场地的坡道/Ramp access from entrance to venue

It is a new mixed use creative venue for Vans enthusiasts and those interested in skateboarding culture, established as a place to participate in the cultural lineage of skateboarding that has defined the Vans brand since 1966, combining skateboarding, art, film and music. The new venue includes an art gallery, "Vans labs" creative spaces, screening room, live music for 850 people,a premium café, numerous bars and a three tier indoor concrete Skatepark.

The House of Vans London sits within the 150 year old brick arches below the railway lines heading out of Waterloo station and next to London's famous graffiti street, Leake Street. The area of the site is approximately 2500m2and contains 5 separate tunnels.

The House of Vans London provides a cultural hub for skateboarding, art, film and music. The site is delineated into these four main functions so that each are housed within a specific tunnel.

The main function is the Skatepark which accommodates three tunnel spaces to allow for varying layouts and abilities. The main space is the concrete "bowl" predominantly for advanced or professional use; the second area is the "street scene" for medium ability, and the third is the"mini ramp" Skatepark area for beginners or relaxed users.

The five separate tunnels of the site are unified with the large and impressive rubber floor inspired by the iconic patterned sole of the Vans shoe of hexagons and diamonds. The strip of hexagons of the sole has been made to align with an enfilade of arches to delineate a main axis and corridor through the Venue. The durable and recyclable rubber floor provides a clean and comfortable surface but at the same time visually creates a strong contrast to the raw and textured brick walls and vaulted ceiling.

The tunnels are lit in two ways. linear strip lighting grazes the walls and ceilings to illuminate the main spaces creating a dramatic and textured effect, and the Skatepark utilises exterior flood lighting inside to uplight the ceiling to then reflect light evenly onto the Skatepark surface below creating glare-free lighting for professional use.

The House of Vans London has been activated as a venue to link with the global Vans community;broadcasting through a live internet radio station,live camera feeds of activity within the Skatepark,and through social media reporting the creative activities within the "Vans labs" artist's spaces.□

3 改造前的隧道/Tunnels before conversion to the House of Vans, London

4 画廊/Gallery space

5 轴测/Axonometric drawing

6 概念草图/Concept sketch

8 音乐隧道尽头的舞台/Music tunnel with stage at the end

9 咖啡区/Cafe space


王林:该项目将具有150 年历史的砖拱特色隧道改造成一处新型多用途的创意场所,在尊重历史、保持隧道原有风貌的基础上,赋予了新的品牌文化与风格,传承着自1966 年起便定义了范斯品牌的滑板文化。利用隧道的独特地形,并结合范斯和滑板文化,改造形成了滑板场地、电影院、画廊、酒吧、音乐现场等功能,成为城市中富有创造力的综合活动地下空间,为城市历史遗产的保护再利用提供了创新的思路。

刘松茯:铁路下方隧道是一种特殊的工业遗产。伦敦范斯之家利用5 条这样的隧道建造了一个多功能的文化中心,创意独特。项目利用原有的纵横路径完善了中心的交通组织,在筒形的隧道内随意地布置滑板、音乐与电影、咖啡与酒吧等各种复杂而有趣的功能空间,并用现代的灯光和展示形式加以装点。而这一切又是在对遗产本体(如墙面、拱顶等)精心保护的前提下完成。无疑,这是一个充满魅力的设计。


WANG Lin: The project turned a 150-year-old special brick-arched tunnel into a new multipurpose creative place. Respecting the site's history and maintaining the original features of the tunnel, it creates a new brand culture and style, inheriting the skateboard cultures that defined VANS since 1966. Based on the unique topography of the tunnel, it combines VANS and skateboard culture to be transformed to a skateboarding venue, a cinema, a gallery, a bar and a live house as the creative underground space for integrated activities in the city,providing innovative ideas for the conservation and reuse of urban historic heritage. (Translated by PANG Lingbo)LIU Songfu: The tunnel under the railway can be considered as a special industrial heritage.The House of Vans, London, has employed five such tunnels to build a multi-functional cultural centre with unique creativity. The project utilised the original crisscross network of paths to perfect the traffic organisation of the centre.In the tubular tunnel, various complex yet interesting functional spaces, such as spaces for skateboarding, music and movies, cafes and bars, are casually arranged and decorated with modern lights and exhibits. All this is done under the premise of the careful preservation of the heritage itself (such as the wall and arch).Undoubtedly, this is a design full of charm.(Translated by Dandan Wang)

10 滑板运动场“碗”/Skatepark bowl

11 正在进行音乐表演的滑板运动场街景区/Skatepark street area during music performance

12 专业选手正在滑滑板/Skatepark bowl with professional skateboarder

