Analysis of product design needs of the elderly from the perspective of design psycholog


科学导报·学术 2020年1期

Abstract:with the rapid development of population aging,aging has increasingly become one of the concerns of our country and even many countries. This shows that compared with other countries,China has a huge market for the elderly,and the demand is very large,but in fact,the elderly industry is in the initial stage. Therefore,before starting from the design point of view,it is one of the design problems for designers to pay attention to the product design of the elderly,enrich the product types of the elderly,and improve the quality of life of the elderly. Using design psychology to explore the optimization of the design process from the behavior and psychological laws of consumers,at the same time,it can closely grasp the timeliness of market demand,which is also of positive significance for improving industrial product design.

Key words:elderly products,design psychology,needs.

In modern society,there are few products related to the life of the elderly,and sometimes these products can not meet the basic needs of the elderly. From the perspective of design,it is one of the design problems to pay attention to the product design of the elderly,enrich the product types,and improve the quality of life of the elderly. There are many unsatisfactory problems in the products for the elderly in the current market. There are few general categories of products for the elderly,only focusing on the products for helping the elderly. Moreover,the applicability of the products is not high. Many products for the elderly are simple in design and single in form. Secondly,the lack of spiritual needs in the product,the neglect of users' psychological needs and the lack of product experience,so when designing the product,we should enhance the "realm" of use,so that the feelings can be sublimated,so as to meet the needs of people's higher level of cultural and spiritual enjoyment.

The so-called design psychology is the study of product design activities. On the basis of grasping user psychology,following the rules of consumer behavior,designing products that meet the needs of consumers,and finally combining theory with practice and user psychology. It belongs to the category of psychology and is also a branch of psychology. Therefore,in the process of design for the elderly,we should follow the law of behavior of the elderly,through understanding the psychology of the elderly to design,and establish a design concept centered on the elderly.

With the growth of age,the psychology of the elderly is also changing. They will have the influence of various negative emotions,such as sense of loss and fear. They need more emotional care. In addition to the material needs,the elderly have more spiritual needs. They hope that they can work hard to improve their health,and respect the needs. They have an independent mentality and can take care of themselves without relying on their children It is a common psychological state in the elderly that children cause trouble. In the process of design,the user's psychological adaptability is fully considered. The psychological satisfaction is not as obvious and intuitive as the physical satisfaction,which is often difficult to be detected,so it is difficult to explain why the user has a special interest in it. In psychology,people's understanding of things is connected with psychological perception,and forms a rational thinking process. Only through rational thinking,people can make an accurate evaluation of things. Therefore,it is of great significance to study people's psychological perception for fully controlling people-oriented innovative design.

At the peak of the aging society,the elderly group has already become a group that can not be ignored. In the modern society of more and more elderly living alone,design,as a kind of social responsibility,should be able to bear the responsibility of the elderly's mental health life. From the perspective of design psychology,we can understand the living conditions of the elderly,attach importance to their mental health,safeguard their dignity in social life,and understand and meet their design needs. Nowadays,the life style of the elderly is diverse,so it is a challenge to the traditional product development and design. The willingness and possibility of users to participate in the product development and design provide new ideas for the development of products for the elderly. Good design can not only design products that the elderly are willing to accept and use,promote the mental health of the elderly,improve the quality of life of the elderly,but also provide convenience for other groups,and promote the harmony and development of design and society. From the perspective of design psychology,we can fully understand the real needs of the elderly to design products that satisfy users.


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