士明军,王 勇,文 悦
士明军1,2,王 勇1,2,文 悦1,2
(1.重庆大学 经济与工商管理学院,重庆 400044;2.重庆大学 现代物流重庆重点实验室,重庆 400044)
在线销售系统;市场能力; Stackelberg博弈;电商平台
0 引言
1 模型描述
图1 在线销售系统结构图
Figure 1 Structure of online sales system
2 均衡分析
本节主要考虑Stackelberg博弈和Nash均衡博弈2种分散博弈情况下电商卖家商品定价、在线销售平台服务水平和收费、物流公司服务水平和收费的最优决策。其中Stackelberg博弈中,考虑到在线销售平台与物流公司的合作情况(如阿里巴巴—菜鸟、京东到家—达达),而在线销售平台与物流公司又分别作为独立的主体进行决策,而不是组成一个联合公司,当在线卖家选择入驻在线销售平台时,等于同时选择了物流公司。考虑物流公司和平台具有同等市场能力的情况下,物流和平台是同时进行决策的。因此在本文Stackelberg博弈的研究中,考虑了物流-平台Stackelberg 模型和电商Stackelberg模型两种情形。
2.1 Stackelberg博弈模型
2.1.1 物流-平台Stackelberg 模型
2.1.2 电商Stackelberg模型
2.2 Nash博弈模型
3 最优比较和敏感性分析
3.1 最优解的比较和分析
表1 三种模型的均衡解和利润
图2 模型1中和随着的变化情况
图3 模型1中和随着的变化情况
图4 模型1中随着的变化情况
图5 模型1中随着的变化情况
图7 模型1中和随着的变化情况
图11 模型1中和随的变化情况
图15 模型1中和随的变化情况
表2 不同决策方案下的最优决策
表3 不同决策方案下各成员的最优利润和总利润
3.2 市场能力结构分析
4 结束语
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Research on the online sales system of “online seller-platform-logistics” in different market powerstructures
SHI Mingjun1,2,WANG Yong1,2,WEN Yue1,2
(1. School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China;2. Chongqing Key Laboratory of Logistics, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China)
With the rapid development of the Internet, e-Commerce has been spread pretty fast in recent years,such as Amazon、eBay,Alibaba and JD. At the meantime, some retailers started e-Commerce business to increase the volume of sales, and some manufacturers also sell their products online for higher sales. The prevalence of e-commerce has also led to the unprecedented development of the logistics enterprises,for instance Debon logistics and Rookie Inn. Online shopping has brought convenience to consumers, and consumers can buy them whenever and wherever they want, especially with the development of the mobile network. Therefore, an increasing number of consumers are willing to choose online shopping,
Researchers have paid attention to the topic of selling online because it provides a critical market share in the overall market. In this paper, we build a selling-online game model that includes “online seller-platform-logistics.” The consumer demand depends on the product price, platform and logistics service level,wherethe online sellers decide the price of the goods, the logistics company determines the logistics service level as well as the logistics charge and the online platform determines the platform service level, the platform transaction fee and a fixed settlement fee (but also the platform subsidies for the seller). As the increasingly fierce competition in e-Commerce, there are some logistics platforms in the market like Jingdong home - Dada, Alibaba – a rookie in the form of logistics cooperation. Specifically, if suppliers use Jingdong home to sell their products, it means that they will use Dada logistics and distribution. It is the same case with Alibaba – rookie: selecting Alibaba e-Commerce platform means choosing rookie delivery. Based on this background, this paper studies a problem of different market capacity structures between the online seller, platform, and logistics in online selling system when logistics and platform are simultaneously decision-making. We consider the decentralized decision-making model of three different market capabilities: the logistics-platform Stackelberg, online seller Stackelberg, and NG models. The corresponding equilibrium and optimal profit of channel members are obtained in different cases.
The results show that in different structures of market capacity,when the platform and logistics company make decisions simultaneously, even if their service costs are different, they still charge the same fees. The structure of market power has a significant influence on online selling members. For online sellers, when the market power is high, they will set lower retail price, obtain the maximum profit, and improvethe purchasing enthusiasm of consumers. When the market power is low, they will set the higher retail price and obtain the least profit. For platform and logistics company, when the market power is high, they will set high fees and make fewer efforts, but they will not get the highest profits, and the purchasing enthusiasm of consumers also falls. However, when market power is low, they must get the least profit. Finally, we find that the platform and logistics company make every effort to obtain the maximum profit, and the online selling system achieves its highest profit in the NG model. Platform and logistic company make the least efforts, and the online selling system achieves the minimum profit in logistics and platform Stackelberg model.
Finally, through the sensitivity analysis of some key parameters, we obtain some meaningful management implications.The increasing consumer demand for online shopping and consumer sensitivities to services are beneficial to members of the online selling system. Meanwhile, members of the online selling system provide better service to promote consumer utility, and those members of the online selling system benefit themselves. However, with the increase in logistics service cost, the profit of members in online selling system goes down. Accordingly, the improvement of service is beneficial to both consumers and members of the online selling system.
Online sales system; Market power; Stackelberg game; Electronic business platform
Funded Project: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (71672015), the Major Program of National Social Science Foundation of China(15ZDB169), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(2017CDJSK02PT09) and the Innovation Strong School Project of Guangdong Province(2014KTSCX187)
中文编辑:杜 健;英文编辑:Charlie C. Chen