

管理工程学报 2020年1期




(上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院,上海 200030)



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供应链运营中面临资金约束时企业往往不能执行最优决策,如上游制造商存在资金不足而生产产量出现短缺导致下游零售商会出现供应中断的风险。资金约束不仅影响到供应链中一方成员的利润,而且还会影响到供应链上游或下游成员的运营决策,最终导致供应链各方以及整体供应链利润的减少。同时,上游制造商受原材料、自然环境、生产工艺等因素影响,承担着生产不确定性的风险,如中药饮片的原材料中草药的种植过程中就会受到外界天气等不确定因素的影响,Health Industry Distributors Association[1]数据显示2004-2005年流感时节,疫苗生产企业Chiron 工厂由于污染减产五百万支疫苗。


在理论研究中,有关资金约束供应链的运营决策研究。首先是有关资金约束供应链在对外融资中的运营决策:第一是运营与银行融资的联合决策,其中企业利用存货质押,应收账款质押进行银行融资下的运营决策有Dunham[3],朱文贵,朱道立等[4],鲁其辉等[5]研究了存货需求随机波动时,银行的最优质押率决策问题。第二是有关资金约束且银行融资策略影响下企业生产、库存、订货等决策问题:Lai, Debo和Sycara[6]研究了当供应商和零售商都存在资金约束,需要向金融机构借款时,预订模式、寄售模式和组合模式对供应链绩效的影响,论文从供应商的角度证明了组合模式是最佳;Kouvelis和Zhao[7]研究了当存在破产成本时,资金约束的零售商向银行贷款,其自有资金和抵押物对最优融资和订货决策,以及供应商的定价问题。

其次关于资金约束供应链在交易信用中的运营研究,第一,研究了延期付款下供应链的运营、激励与协调等问题,如Babich和Tang[8]分析了当供应商供货存在产品质量风险时,下游买方利用延期付款方式可有限制约风险,并激励供应商保证产品质量。Zhang et al.[9]分析了在延期付款条件下零售商时存在破产风险时,制造商配送量可能会小于零售商的订购量,而且会小于供应链系统最优订购量。第二,以延期付款作为内生变量与激励工具来研究供应链协调。Luo[10]证明了延期付款信用期激励机制是一种不等价于数量折扣的新的供应链激励机制;陈祥锋[11]研究了供应商为资金约束的零售商提供延期付款贸易信用的供应链协调问题,研究表明当零售商存在破产风险且承担有限责任时,延期付款能有效激励零售商增加采购量。第三,研究供应链内部延期付款与银行外部借款的交互问题。如Fabbri和Menichini[12]认为供应商相对于银行来说,具有信息优势和流动性优势,因此供应商有动机向具有资金约束的下游企业提供延期付款信用;Kouvelis和Zhao[13]比较了有资金成本下的供应商融资与银行融资问题,设计了最优两阶段价格延期付款合同的结构,研究表明在一定假设下,供应商总是应该以低于无风险利率的优惠提供延期付款给零售商,最优合同下零售商偏好于供应商融资;Jing,Chen和Cai[14],Jing和Seidmann[15],Chen[16]研究表明制造商的单位生产成本决定了供应链系统的策略均衡,当制造商的单位生产成本较低时,供应链系统唯一的均衡为交易信用,反之,供应链系统唯一的均衡是银行融资。

再次,有关提前付款条件下的供应链运营决策与协调,如Babich[17]分析了当供应商出现债务危机时,制造商向供应商提供财务补贴的融资模式,研究了制造商的联合能力预订和财务补贴决策;Swinney和Netessine[18]研究当供应商存在破产风险时,两阶段需求下制造商在第二阶段面临破产的供应商时,在转换供应商与向供应商提供转移支付融资之间的选择问题;Thangam[19]研究了预付款和交易信用下供应链中易逝品的最优价格折扣和批量订货策略; Mateut和Zanchettin[20]研究了预付款和交易信用之间的关系,研究表明大多数企业中二者是替代关系,但也有些类型的企业中二者是互补关系。王文利和骆建文[21]研究了零售商提前支付与外部融资的对比分析,提出了供应链最优生产与融资决策。


1 问题描述与模型假设

表1 符号含义

2 生产确定下的资金约束供应链运营决策


2.1 提前付款下的运营决策


表2 提前付款且生产确定下的供应链最优运营策略与期望利润

2.2 准时付款下的运营决策

表3 准时付款且生产确定下供应链最优运营策略与期望利润

2.3 延期付款下的运营决策


表4 延期付款且生产确定下的供应链最优运营策略

表5 延期付款且生产确定下的供应链最优期望利润

3 生产不确定下的资金约束供应链运营决策


3.1 提前付款下的运营决策


表6 提前付款且生产不确定下的供应链最优期望利润

3.2 准时付款下的运营决策

表7 准时付款下供应链最优运营策略与期望利润

3.3 延期付款下的运营决策




表8 延期付款下的供应链双方最优期望利润

3.4 最优付款方式的选择


表9 生产不确定下资金约束供应链最优付款方式

4 生产不确定与容量对运营决策的影响

4.1 提起付款下生产不确定的影响


4.2 准时付款下生产不确定的影响



4.3 延期付款下生产不确定的影响


4.4 生产能力对运营决策的影响


5 数值分析

图1 提前付款下的供应链运营决策与期望利润对比分析()

图2 提前付款下的供应链运营决策与期望利润对比分析()

图3 延期付款下的供应链运营决策与期望利润对比分析()

图4 延期付款下的供应链运营决策与期望利润对比分析()

图5 延期付款下的供应链运营决策与期望利润对比分析()

6 总结




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Research on operational strategies for capital-constrained supply chains with yield random

SHEN Jiannan, SHAO Xiaofeng

(Antai College of Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, 200030)

The manufacturer’s financial constraint may lead to unsmooth production. Thus, the downstream firm will face the risk of supply shortages or supply disruption in the supply chain operation, which the firms cannot make optimal decisions, and their profit decrease rapidly. Especially the manufacturer produces under limited production capacity, and the actual output is subject to a random production yield, which further restricts the firms’ decisions. Bank financing and trade credit are commonly used to release financial constraint. As being lack of full business information and avoiding financial risks, the bank may afford a finite credit size. Trade credit, mainly including advance payment and delayed payment, is the business credit between supply chain enterprises or between supply chain enterprises and their customers. Besides punctual payment, trade credit enriches the payment terms between firms. But recently, many studies about the capital-constrained supply chain mainly discussed the optimal decision-making under one payment term and analyzed how to choose the optimal financial channel to solve the limited capital for the retailer. Little research considered that the capital-constrained manufacturer had limited production capacity and random yield under different payment terms.

Under stochastic yield and appropriate financial services, a capital-constrained manufacturer with a traditional partner (i.e., a retailer) sold her products with an exogenously fixed wholesale price. The basic model was classical single-period make-to-order framework under different payments. So the retailer prebooked quantity before the period of selling, and retailer price was a linear function of demand. Without loss of generality, the manufacturer’s initial capital was zero. To keep a successful operation in the supply chain, the manufacturer had a strong incentive as wholesale price discount to advanced payment. But if the retailer implemented delay payment, the manufacturer must be a borrower and announced interest rate of per unit wholesale price to the retailer. Also, because of limited production capacity, the optimal order could not always be satisfied. From the percept of maximizing the profit of enterprises, the model of the operational decision was constructed with different payments. First, this paper took the bench of optimal operational decision and profits under deterministic yield and analyzed them under random yield. Second, according to comparative results under different scenarios, the influences of random yield and limited capacity were proposed.

In the first part, we respectively discuss the optimal strategy and expected revenue under deterministic yield or random yield. So we study the advanced payment scenario that retailer orders quantity and pays the money before producing, and then manufacturer executes a wholesale price discount. Furthermore, we discuss the punctual payment scenario, which product delivering, and financial transactions take place simultaneously. The third scenario, which the manufacturer announces wholesale price with an interest rate replying to delay payment, is analyzed. Using Stackelberg model and backward approach, we respectively show the retailer’s optimal preorder quantity and manufacturer’s optimal discount rate or interest rate under limited production capacity. Calculation formulas of optimal profits are also given. Main results show that the manufacturer will make a heavy discount when capacity and wholesale price is all high so that the retailer will order more quantity, but the discount will be always zero when the wholesale price is low, and whatever capacity is. Also, the rate will be zero when capacity and wholesale price are all high, and the rate will ascend when the wholesale price is intermediate, but the rate will be the highest when the wholesale price is low and whatever capacity is.

In the second part, this study separately compares the retailer’s optimal profits, and manufacturer’s under different payment terms. The result shows that the retailer will choose advanced payment or punctual payment under stochastic yield. Also, we establish the conditions that the manufacturer chooses the optimal payment terms based on production capacity. So when the capacity is high, the manufacturer chooses advanced payment. When the capacity is low, the manufacturer chooses delay payment. The optimal payment between retailer and manufacturer is partly identical under the same conditions. When a coordination contract is designed under low capacity, revenue sharing not only partly coordinates optimal payment terms between retailer and manufacturer under lower capacity but also can improve their profit performance.

In the third part, we further explore the influence of random yield or limited production capacity on operational strategy. The results show that yield random or limited capacity restricts retailer’s ordering. The manufacturer takes a more conservative operating strategy, such as a lower discount or higher rate of the wholesale price. These strategies can reduce their expected revenue. Finally, a numerical example is used to verify the results.

In summary, a manufacturer can use internal financing (i.e., advanced payment) to ease capital pressure when capacity is high. The retailer has the incentive to provide financing to the manufacturer. This conclusion is consistent with prior research. Further, the study under low capacity complements the existing research, and the interesting result is that the capital-constrained manufacturer will prefer external financing when capacity is lower. However, this paper only considers one period and symmetrical information. Asymmetrical information about the capital, multi-period operation will be a direction for future research.

Capital constraint; Yield random; Limited capacity; Operational strategy; Optimal choice of payment terms



Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (71372106)









中文编辑:杜 健;英文编辑:Charlie C. Chen

