杨 科,李 英
杨 科,李 英
(华东理工大学商学院,上海 200237)
0 引言
事实上,虽然消费者的维权意识和维权能力有了较大的提高,但维权形势仍不容乐观。就汽车领域而言,在目前的实际召回管理过程中,存在着缺乏明确统一的缺陷汽车召回检验标准、缺少公正透明的汽车缺陷检测机构、车主在启动汽车缺陷调查程序中缺位、确定车主损失难度大等诸多问题[31]。这也造成了汽车危机处理过程中责任归因难度大、政府及企业响应时间长、危机伤害持续时间长等后果,相比于一般的食品伤害危机,车主的维权之路也显得更加艰难。而消费者的社交网络,尤其是社交媒体(包括论坛、微博、微信等)的快速发展,为消费者的维权行为提供了更多的选择,消费者可以通过社交媒体获取、收集相关危机信息,并进行二次或多次扩散。这种维权信息和维权观点的扩散方式比传统的口口相传具有更高的效率,也容易引起广大媒体的关注[32; 33]。通过社交媒体,车主能够实时了解其他车主的观点状态变化,并能够随时随地分享个人观点,车主间的即时交流对于车主的观点变化起到了极其重要的影响。因此,深入剖析汽车产品伤害危机发生后,社交网络中车主维权观点的扩散过程,掌握其主要影响因素及具体影响过程,对于处理产品伤害危机具有十分重要的理论意义与现实意义。
1 维权观点扩散模型构建与算法设计
1.1 基于舆论动力学的车主维权观点演化机制分析
基于有界信任规则,有两种代表性的模型:一种是Deffuant-Weisbuch 模型[34](简称DW 模型),另一种是Hegselmann- Krause 模型[35](简称HK 模型)。DW模型的核心思想是:任一时刻,两个满足信任阈值的个体进行观点交流,交流结果为上一时刻自身观点值加上两者间观点差对其的影响值,即所谓的异步更新;而在HK模型中,个体将以所有邻居个体观点的算术平均值作为自身下一时刻的新观点值,即所谓的同步更新。
表1 汽车产品伤害危机事件样本
在对论坛帖子的扎根分析过程中,为了方便进一步的比较分析,编码保留了帖子中每句话的顺序。编码包含汽车产品伤害危机事件序号-帖子序号-帖子内容的句子序号,如编码1-1-1 表示事件编号1的大众“DSG”事件的第一个帖子中的第一句话。
图1 车主维权观点的状态演化机制
Figure 1 State evolution mechanism of owner's rights defense viewpoint
1.2 汽车产品伤害事件中车主维权观点扩散的模型构建
1.3 汽车产品伤害危机中车主维权观点扩散的算法设计
2 车主维权观点扩散的仿真实验与分析
2.1 参数设置
本文采用Matlab 平台,按照车主维权扩散算法设计仿真程序。仿真过程中,部分参数是结合实际情况和调查问卷等方式确定的,而其余参数则根据仿真结果进行动态调整,用来探索对车主维权观点扩散产生的影响。部分参数设置如表2所示。
表2 车主维权观点扩散仿真的参数及赋值
图2 车主观点扩散仿真结果
Figure 2 Simulation results of car owner’s viewpoint diffusion
2.2 影响因素仿真分析
图3 小世界网络的度对于车主观点扩散的影响
Figure 3 The influence of the degree of small-world network on the diffusion of owner's opinions
2.2.2 不同状态个体间影响力
Figure 4 The influence of individual in different states on the diffusion of owner's opinion
图5 初始各状态比例对于车主观点扩散的影响
Figure 5 The influence of initial state proportions on owner opinion diffusion
从图 5(a)中可以看出,随着初始状态时正常态比例的增大(危机态和维权态比例减少),车主维权观点达到稳定的时间也逐渐增加。在危机发生初期,当正常态个体占据绝大多数时,其接触的危机态和维权态个体也就相对较少,观点交互过程中观点值增长缓慢。此外,通过大量媒体及政府网站调研发现:政府、社交媒体等相关的汽车投诉必须具备一个重要的条件,即投诉人数需达到一定的规模。由于维权人数比例较少,政府、媒体可能介入的时间延后,观点扩散的速度也就相对较慢。当危机态和维权态个体占据比例增加时,观点扩散的速度也随着加快。其影响效果会随着危机态和维权态比例的增加而减弱。此外,从图5(b)中,我们发现,初始各状态比例仅仅影响车主观点到达稳态的时间,对于稳态时的各状态个体数基本无影响。
2.2.4 危机严重程度
图6 危机严重程度对于车主维权观点的影响
Figure 6 The impact of the severity of the crisis on the owner's view of rights protection
2.2.5 企业努力程度
图7 企业努力程度对于车主维权观点扩散的影响
Figure 7 The impact of enterprise effort on the diffusion of owner's view on rights protection
3 结论与展望
3.1 研究结论
3.2 展望
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The opinion diffusion mechanism of consumer safeguarding-rights in social networks:A simulation research based on automobile product harm crisis
YANG Ke, LI Ying
(School of business, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China)
The occurrence of product harm crisis not only brings huge losses to the enterprise but also causes both psychological and physical damages to consumers. At the same time, with the rapid development of the Internet, social media has played a vital role in the process of social movements (e.g., communication and mobilization) and has a greater impact on customers and crisis firms. In consideration of the impact on consumers’ behaviors, previous studies on product harm crisis mainly focus on the purchasing behavior, while few kinds of literature explore safeguarding-rights behaviors to provide consumers with appropriate advice to protect their legitimate rights and interests. Therefore, a study on the safeguarding-rights opinion diffusion of car owners has great theoretical and practical significance to the management of automobile product harm crisis.
After analyzing the factors that affect the opinion diffusion of car owners in an automobile product harm crisis, we propose an opinion diffusion model based on opinion dynamics and then adopt computer simulation to examine how the factors influence the opinion diffusion of car owners.
First, this paper adopts grounded theory to analyze the factors that affect the opinion diffusion of car owners in an automobile product harm crisis. Taking the automobile product harm crisis as keywords, we collect the relevant posts from the forum XCAR (a car forum that has the greatest car theme community all over the world). After a strict screening for removing some irrelevant posts (e.g., car prices and advertisements), a systematic theory called grounded theory is applied to analyze the posts of the forum. The results indicate that the opinion diffusion is affected by the opinion of other car owners. The support from the government, media, consumers, rights organizations and the opinion of other car owners have a positive effect on the diffusion of car owners’ rights; at the same time, the diffusion is restricted by the capability of car owners.
Then, we propose an opinion diffusion model based on posts and opinion dynamics, and an algorithm is designed for simulation. This paper divides the car owners into three states -- normal state, crisis state, and rights state according to the opinion value, and adopts WS small-world network to represent car owners’ network. Based on the analysis results of posts, opinion dynamics models (i.e., Deffuant-Weisbuch Model and Hegselmann- Krause Model) are introduced to construct an opinion diffusion model of consumers’ right-safeguarding act in automobile product harm crisis.
Finally, a computer simulation using MATLAB is adopted to examine how the factors influence the opinion diffusion of car owners. This paper adopts the method of continuous selection of variables to get a more intuitive and clearer understanding of the steady-state time and the number of individuals in the steady-state.
In summary, the degree of the small-world network, the proportion of the initial state and the influence of the individual affect the time when the diffusion system reaches the steady-state, but they do not affect the number of individuals in the steady-state. Moreover, the severity of the crisis and the degree of enterprise effort affect both the steady time and the number of individuals.
Automobile product harm crisis; Safeguarding-rights; Opinion diffusion; Opinion dynamics
Supported by the Ministry of Education Layout Foundation of Humanities and Social Science (15YJA630033) and the Shanghai Pujiang Talents Plan (14PJC023)
中文编辑:杜 健;英文编辑:Charlie C. Chen