

农业工程学报 2020年3期





(1. 华南农业大学电子工程学院,广州 510642; 2.国家精准农业航空施药技术国际联合研究中心,广州 510642)

针对当前无人机遥感图像配准算法普遍存在匹配精度差与配准速度慢等问题,该文以点特征检测方法为基础,结合矩阵降维处理方法,提出一种适用于农业航空遥感图像配准的改进算法—SNS(scale-invariant feature transform and singular value decomposition)算法。SNS算法以高斯函数同步检测尺度空间极值点的坐标和特征尺度,利用海森矩阵消除伪特征点,获取特征点精准定位,在求取特征点的模值与方向基础上,采用奇异值分解方法进行矩阵优化,实现数据降维再重构。试验结果表明,SNS算法与经典算法相比,配准速度平均提高5.01%,配准精度均方根误差平均降低10.48%,说明SNS算法在压缩数据量的同时,提高了整体配准精度,具有配准速度较快和鲁棒性较好的特点。研究结果可为农业航空遥感图像快速配准提供参考。


0 引 言


Smith等提出了一种利用图像邻域灰度差的特征点检测法来实现图像配准[6],但该算法易受旋转及噪声的影响;随后有学者提出Harris算法[7],一定程度上克服了Moravec算法在旋转不变性与噪声上的不足,但受尺度变化的影响较大;Lowe等[8-9]提出的SIFT(scale-invariant feature transform)算法在灰度与仿射变换方面具有不变性,同时检测出的SIFT特征点具有很好的稳定性。

近年来,Bay等[10]在SIFT算法基础上提出了SURF(speed up robust feature)加速算法,特征点只用了64维向量,提升算法速度的同时有效减少了计算量。许越等[11]提出以特征点匹配的残余误差为目标函数,但该方法只适用于高分辨率遥感常规对地成像任务的一般要求;同年周微硕等[12]针对配准中存在的几何变形问题提出了一种基于几何不变性局部相似特征的配准算法,但对粗匹配依赖过高,且存在剔除正确匹配点的情况。


1 SNS算法设计

SNS算法在SIFT算法[17-18]与SVD(singular value decomposition)算法[19]的基础上,根据农业航空高分辨率大面积遥感图像的特点,以减少特征提取、压缩图像数据量[20]为方向进行改进。

1.1 SNS算法流程










图1 SNS算法及其图像配准流程

1.2 点特征检测算法改进

1.2.1 SIFT点特征检测原理



1.2.2 算法改进







2 结果与分析

2.1 不同仿射变换的图像配准试验

为进行SNS算法与3种经典配准算法(SIFT、SURF[24]和Harris[25])的性能比较,进行不同仿射变换图像的配准试验(图2)。试验硬件环境为:CPU为Intel Core i5-7200U 2.50 GHz,内存12 GB,显存2 GB,操作系统为Windows10,编程环境为Matlab2015b。试验图片为无人机拍摄的红外遥感图像,无人机型号为大疆精灵4四旋翼无人机,有效载荷约为1 380 g,飞行时间约为28 min,搭载热红外成像相机,最大分辨率为640×512像素;采集地点为华南农业大学院士亭附近园林,采集区域面积大小约为22 m2。分别对SIFT、SNS、SURF和Harris算法的配准速度和配准精度进行试验分析,建立经过仿射变换后的待配准图像(图2):试验原图分辨率为640×512;尺度放大图分辨率为950×760;尺度缩小图分辨率为400×320;旋转30°图分辨率为811×764;旋转30°尺度放大图分辨率为1 000×942;旋转30°尺度缩小图分辨率为500×471。每组试验各运行100次,取配准总时间与均方根误差的平均值作为评价指标,SNS算法取前50个奇异值[26]重构图像。配准总时间越小,说明配准效率越高;均方根误差以待配准图像与融合图像匹配度为标准,数值越小,说明配准效果越好。

图2 不同仿射变换的待配准图像



图3 不同算法的参考图像与6种仿射变换图像的配准效果




表1 4种算法的配准时间


Note: “—” indicates that the algorithm cannot complete image registration. Same as below.

表2 4种算法的均方根误差


2.2 多幅遥感图像配准效率测试试验

为进一步比较SIFT算法与SNS算法的处理效率,进行多幅遥感图像测试试验。试验环境如下:CPU核心数为16个,型号为Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6130 CPU @ 2.10 GHz,内存为32 GB,显存为8 G,操作系统为Windows10,编程环境为Matlab2015b;无人机型号为大疆(DJI)精灵4四旋翼无人机,有效载荷约为1 380 g,飞行时间约为28 min,搭载可见光相机最大分辨率为4 000× 3 000像素。试验图像由160张无人机50 m低空遥感图像组成,每幅图像的分辨率为437×800,采集地点为惠州市博罗县杨村镇井水龙村柑橘试验基地,采集区域面积大小约为3.13 hm2。每个算法各运行50次,取试验图像数据集配准总时间作为比较指标,配准总时间越短,说明配准效率越高速度越快。

图4a为待配准试验图像数据集;图4b为SIFT算法配准效果图,分辨率为1 282×3 116;图4c为SNS算法配准效果图,分辨率为1 337×2 949。试验结果表明,SNS算法的总配准时间相较于SIFT算法减少了10.34%,表明本次试验中SNS算法的配准处理效率和速度明显优于SIFT算法。

图4 多幅遥感图像配准效果图



3 结 论


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Registration algorithm for agricultural aviation remote sensing image based on point feature detection

Lu Jianqiang1,2, Li Wangzhi1, Lan Yubin1,2※, He Binghong1, Lin Jiahan1


How to achieve fast and accurate image stitching to obtain large-area, high-resolution aerial remote sensing images is a key problem in the field of image mosaic research. Aiming at the problems of poor matching accuracy and slow registration speed in the current UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) remote sensing image registration algorithm, based on the point feature detection method and the matrix dimensionality reduction processing method, an improved algorithm SNS (scale-invariant feature transform and singular value decomposition) algorithm, which is suitable for the registration of agricultural aviation remote sensing images was proposed in this paper. SNS algorithm detects the extreme value point of scale, the characteristics of the scale for the feature points, use hessian matrix to eliminate the false feature points to precise positioning feature points. Therefore, SNS algorithm can simultaneously detect the coordinates of feature points and feature dimension. The advantage of SNS algorithm lies in the singular value decomposition and reconstruction of the image, which will reduce the feature points of the reconstructed image, especially the feature points that are not important or obvious, so as to reduce the unnecessary calculation amount of finding feature matching pairs and improve the registration speed and accuracy. SNS algorithm uses SVD method for matrix decomposition, realizing data dimensionality re-reconstruction, compressing data volume, and the overall registration accuracy is improved as well. The experimental image consists of the reference image of infrared remote sensing image collected by UAV, the original image, and five images which is registered after affine transformation from the original image, the reference image resolution is 640 × 512, the original image resolution is 640 × 512, scale-up image resolution is 950 × 760, scale-down image resolution is 400 × 320, the resolution of rotated original image by 30° is 811 × 764, rotated by 30° and scale-up image resolution is 1000 × 942, rotated by 30° and scale-down image resolution is 500 × 471. SIFT, SNS, SURF (speed-up robust features) and Harris algorithms are selected to run 100 times for comparison and analysis. The results show that harris algorithm is suitable for image registration with little scale change and small rotation angle, but cannot complete registration in the case of small scale change or overlap area, so it is limited in the registration of agricultural aerial remote sensing images. SURF algorithm combines the characteristics of integral image and window filter, and has the advantage of fast registration speed, however, because of using approximate Gaussian filter and approximate gradient method to improve the registration speed at the expense of registration accuracy, it is not suitable in agricultural aviation remote sensing image registration with attention to registration accuracy. SNS and SIFT algorithm can be used for image registration in various cases. And the registration speed of SNS algorithm is 5.01% faster than SIFT algorithm, and the RMSE ( root mean squared error )of SNS algorithm is reduced by 10.48%. In order to further compare the processing efficiency of SIFT algorithm and SNS algorithm, multiple remote sensing images test is carried out. The test image data set consists of 160 drone 50 m low-altitude remote sensing images, each with a resolution of 437 × 800. The collection area is about 3.13 hm2. Each algorithm runs 50 times and record the registration time. The experimental results show that the total registration time of SNS algorithm is 10.34% less than that of SIFT algorithm, which shows that the registration speed of SNS algorithm in this experiment is better than SIFT algorithm. Obviously, SNS algorithm has the advantages of fast speed and high precision in the registration of agricultural aerial remote sensing images, which can provide useful guidance for intelligent agriculture to obtain large-area agricultural regional images quickly and accurately for field management, crop management, pest management, yield prediction and other applications.

remote sensing; image processing; algorithm; image registration; point feature detection; dimensionality reduction





陆健强,李旺枝,兰玉彬,何秉鸿,林佳翰. 基于点特征检测的农业航空遥感图像配准算法[J]. 农业工程学报,2020,36(3):71-77.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.03.009

Lu Jianqiang, Li Wangzhi, Lan Yubin, He Binghong, Lin Jiahan. Registration algorithm for agricultural aviation remote sensing image based on point feature detection[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(3): 71-77. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.03.009







