

农业工程学报 2020年3期




(沈阳农业大学食品学院,沈阳 110866)

脉冲强光技术可应用于微生物诱变育种以及获得高产菌株。该文采用响应面法确定脉冲强光诱变黑曲霉高产果胶酶的最佳条件,同时探究突变菌株高产果胶酶的酶学性质。结果表明:脉冲强光诱变条件为脉冲电压2 075 V,脉冲次数36次,脉冲距离5.4 cm。以此工艺参数进行诱变,得到了高产果胶酶的突变菌株L9,与原始菌株相比,其果胶酶活力提高了82.22%±0.18%。突变菌株L9遗传性能良好,所产果胶酶具有更高的pH稳定性和热稳定性。因此,脉冲强光可用于黑曲霉诱变,得到稳定性良好的高产果胶酶的突变菌株。


0 引 言




1 材料与方法

1.1 材料

1.1.1 供试菌株


1.1.2 主要设备

脉冲强光装置波长范围在200~1 100 nm,其中紫外光部分占15%~20%,脉冲宽度20s,最大输入能量644 J,沈阳农业大学食品学院自制;高压蒸汽灭菌锅上海三申器械有限公司;PHS-3C型酸度计;DK-S22恒温水浴锅,常州国华科技有限公司;超净工作台,上海博讯有限公司;恒温培养箱,上海一恒科学仪器有限公司;离心机,Sigma 公司。

1.1.3 培养基


初筛培养基:果胶5 g/L、NaNO33 g/L、NaCl 1 g/L、MgSO41 g/L、K2HPO4·3H2O 1 g/L、KH2PO40.5 g/L、溴酚蓝0.1 g/L、琼脂粉20 g/L、pH值5.5

发酵培养基:桔皮粉20 g/L、蛋白胨5 g/L、NaCl 1 g/L、MgSO41 g/L、K2HPO4·3H2O 1 g/L、KH2PO40.5 g/L。

1.2 试验方法

1.2.1 脉冲强光诱变条件的确定

斜面活化好菌株后,将制备的孢子悬液转移到直径为9 cm的灭菌培养皿中,放入脉冲强光处理室氙灯正下方,进行脉冲强光照射处理。考察最佳脉冲电压、脉冲次数、脉冲距离和菌液量[16]对菌株致死率和突变菌株胞外果胶酶活力的影响。文献报道,致死率在70%~80%时,菌株突变性可以保持在较稳定的水平[17]。前期单因素试验结果得到脉冲电压2 000 V、脉冲次数30次、脉冲距离5 cm为最佳处理条件,菌液量对脉冲处理结果无显著影响。进而通过最陡爬坡试验以快速逼近最佳产酶区域。


1.2.2 响应面试验设计


表1 响应面试验自变量因素与水平

1.2.3 高产果胶酶突变菌株的筛选


将适当浓度孢子悬液[20]进行照射处理,取100L孢子悬液涂布于筛选培养基上。30 ℃锡箔纸避光培养3 d,用未处理的孢子液涂布筛选培养基进行对照[21],每组做3个平行。观察透明圈与菌落直径的(/)比值,选择(/)值较大的菌株进行复筛[22]。



1.2.4 酶活的测定

采用3,5-二硝基水杨酸比色(DNS法)测定[24]。底物为0.4%果胶溶液。酶活力单位(U):在pH值为4.0,45 ℃条件下,每分钟催化果胶水解生成1mol半乳糖醛酸所需酶量为1个酶活力单位。

1.2.5 突变菌株遗传稳定性实验


1.2.6 果胶酶酶学性质研究

试验将菌株发酵液经离心取上清液为粗酶液,加入(NH4)2SO4饱和度为60%,经冷冻离心取沉淀,溶于缓冲液,4 ℃透析12 h。通过Cellulose DE-52阴离子交换柱层析,收集酶活部分。再经SepHadex G-100凝胶过滤柱层析,二次纯化,收集酶活部分。采用SDS-PAGE电泳进行纯化结果的验证。




将最适pH环境下的果胶酶活测定体系分别置于30、35、40、45、50、55、60、65 ℃的不同温度环境中,测定果胶酶在不同温度环境中的酶活。


将粗酶液用不同pH值的缓冲液(3.0、3.5、4.0、4.5、5.0、5.5、6.0、6.5)处理1 h后与底物反应,在最适条件下测定其酶活,以未经处理的酶液活性为100%,计算相对酶活,分析果胶酶pH稳定性。


将粗酶液置于不同温度(40、50、60、70 ℃)恒温水浴锅中水浴保温,每隔20 min取少量酶液迅速在冷水浴中降温冷却,测定酶活,以未处理的果胶酶活力以100%计。

1.2.7 数据分析

试验数据均平行测定3次,测定结果以平均值±标准差(SD)表示,使用SPSS 17.0软件进行数据分析[26]。

2 结果与分析

2.1 脉冲强光对黑曲霉诱变效果研究




表2 最陡爬坡试验设计及结果


Note:is the ratio of transparent circle to colony diameter, the same below.




表3 响应面试验设计及结果

表4 试验结果方差分析


Note: ** means significant influence on the test results (< 0.01);* means significant impact on test results (< 0.05).


该模型回归项极显著(<0.01),失拟项不显著(>0.05),决定系数为0.978 9,校正后决定系数0.940 9,说明该模型成立,可有效反映出菌株水解圈/菌落直径比值与脉冲电压、脉冲次数和脉冲距离之间的关系,能够较真实地反映试验结果,具有实际应用意义。由以上可知,、、、2、2、2为显著影响因素,各因素两两交互作不显著。如图1所示。

利用Design-Expert10软件计算,确定诱变条件为:脉冲电压2 074.3V、脉冲次数36.338次、脉冲距离5.41cm,最大比值为1.612。结合实际操作,即脉冲电压2 075V、脉冲次数36次、脉冲距离5.4 cm。在此最优条件下进行3次验证试验,比值为1.58,比预测值略低,且致死率达到76.67%,说明用该回归方程分析得到的最优诱变条件具有可信度。

2.2 脉冲强光诱变选育





表5 突变菌株的复筛结果

注:试验数据均平行测定3次,测定结果以平均值± 标准差(SD)表示,下同。

Note: All experimental data were measured three times in parallel, and the results were expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD), the same below.

表5可知,相较于原始菌株,突变菌株产酶能力均有显著提升。其中,突变菌株L9产酶能力最强,其酶活力高达(188.21±1.22)U/mL,比原始菌株(103.29± 0.31) U/mL提高了82.22%±0.18%。因此选取突变菌株L9进行后续研究。

2.3 遗传稳定性研究


表6 突变菌株遗传稳定性研究


2.4 果胶酶性质

诱变前后菌株所产果胶酶采用SDS-PAGE电泳进行纯化,有一条清晰条带在29.0~44.3 kDa之间,并初步估计酶的分子量为35 kDa。诱变前后菌株所产果胶酶的最适pH、最适温度如图2a、2b所示。pH 值5.0、45 ℃时,L9与原始菌株果胶酶活力均达到最高,L9的果胶酶活分别为191.16、192.67 U/mL,与原始菌株相比分别提高了80.84%、71.68%。

突变菌株L9果胶酶的pH稳定性、热稳定性结果如图2c、2d、2e所示。在pH值在4~6时,原始菌株果胶酶出现不同程度的损失,L9果胶酶相对酶活均超过80%,明显高于原始菌株。原始菌株果胶酶在40~50 ℃条件下处理活力呈现不同程度的损失,在60~70 ℃条件下仅保存80 min酶液基本失活。而突变菌株L9果胶酶在40~50 ℃条件下保存40 min后,酶活基本没有损失;在60~70 ℃条件下保存100 min。酶液基本失活。因此,诱变菌株果胶酶的pH稳定性、热稳定性有较明显的提升,这可能是由于突变株所产酶亚基间的聚合度增强[29]。脉冲强光诱变黑曲霉菌株得到果胶酶高产菌株,与已有研究脉冲强光诱变增加菌株发酵产酶性能结果一致[30],说明了脉冲强光应用黑曲霉诱变的可行性。Effect

注:图a、c中温度为45 ℃,图b、d、e中pH值为5.0。

3 结 论

本文对产果胶酶的黑曲霉菌株进行脉冲强光诱变处理,通过响应面试验确定的最优诱变条件为脉冲电压2 075 V、脉冲次数36次、脉冲距离5.4 cm。在此诱变条件下,得到高产果胶酶突变菌株L9,其酶活力为(188.21±1.22)U/mL,比优化前提高82.22%±0.18%。经传代培养实验表明,突变菌株产果胶酶能力稳定,该酶最适pH值为5.0,最适温度45 ℃。突变菌株L9所产果胶酶比原始菌株具有更高的pH稳定性和热稳定性。综上,脉冲强光可以应用于菌株诱变,在工业酶制剂中应用前景广阔。可进一步探究脉冲强光技术诱变机理,开发脉冲技术在诱变领域的潜力。

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Effect of Aspergillus Niger induced by intense pulsed light on pectinase-producing activity

Zhang Baiqing, Ge Xinyu, Ma Fengming, Ma Yichao, Zhang Shihao, Xie Jiahao


Intense pulse light (IPL) technology is a new non-toxic and environmentally friendly cold treatment technology, which can be applied to mutation breeding of microorganisms and to obtain high-producing strains. Aspergillus Niger is the main strain producing pectinase in food industry at present, but its pectinase yield is low. In order to verify the feasibility of applying intense pulse light technology to mutagenize Aspergillus Niger strains for high yield of pectinase, this experiment used intense pulse light technology to mutagenize Aspergillus Niger. With pulse voltage, pulse number and pulse distance as independent variables and ratio of transparent circle to colony diameter as dependent variables, steepest slope moving tests, response surface tests and result analysis are carried out to determine the optimum conditions for high-yield pectinase induced by the intense pulse light. At the same time, secondary screening of mutant strains was carried out and the genetic stability of the mutant strain was determined and the enzymatic properties of the mutant strain with high pectinase production were explored. The results showed that the multiple quadratic regression equation of transparent circle and colony diameter ratio () against impulse voltage (), pulse number () and pulse distance () is as follows:=1.59+0.068+0.048−0.033− 0.011−0.019−0.022−0.0712−0.0872−0.132.All the factors in the response surface design test were significant, and the interaction between two factors was not significant. The optimum mutagenesis conditions were when the pulse voltage was 2 075 V, the pulse number 36 times and the pulse distance 5.4 cm. Under the optimum conditions, the ratio of transparent circle to colony diameter could reach 1.58, which was in good agreement with the predicted value of response surface fitting equation, indicating that the model was credible. Induce mutation to the Aspergillus Niger under such optimized condition, screen mutant strains using transparent circle for 60 mutant strains with bigger ratio of transparent circle to colony diameter. The mutant strain L9 with high pectinase production was finally selected by re-screening the above-mentioned 60 strains by determining pectinase activity, which was as high as (188.21+1.22) U/mL, which was 82.2% higher than that of the original strains. The results of genetic stability analysis showed that the mutant strain L9 had stable pectinase performance within 6 generations and no significant changes were seen in terms of pectinase activity, which indicated that the mutant strain L9 had good genetic stability. The optimum pH value and temperature for producing pectinase were 5.0 and 45℃. Compared with the original strain, the mutant strain L9 produced pectinase with better activity at the optimum pH and temperature. The range of the pH stability and thermal stability of the mutant strain were also significantly wider than that of the original strain, indicating that the mutant strain had good pH stability and thermal stability. Through the above experimental results, we can know that the application of intense pulse light technology to Aspergillus Niger mutation is feasible. After the intense pulse light induced mutation and secondary screening, a mutant strain of Aspergillus Niger with higher pectinase production with high enzymatic activity and good genetic stability can be obtained.

enzyme; agricultural products; electric field; pulsed light; mutagenesis; Aspergillus Niger; pectinase; response surface analysis

张佰清,葛新宇,马凤鸣,马艺超,张士豪,谢加豪. 脉冲强光诱变对黑曲霉产果胶酶活力的影响[J]. 农业工程学报,2020,36(3):296-301.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.03.036

Zhang Baiqing, Ge Xinyu, Ma Fengming, Ma Yichao, Zhang Shihao, Xie Jiahao. Effect of Aspergillus Niger induced by intensepulsed light on pectinase-producing activity[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(3): 296-301. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.03.036










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