
国际论坛 2020年4期

3 “The Trump Doctrine”:Connotations,Origins and Assessments

by Han Zhaoying &Huang Zhaolong

【Abstract】Since the ascension of President Donald J.Trump in 2016,his administration has sought to significantly overhaul United States foreign policy,which has had a profound impact on the United States and the international order.As the Trump administration’s foreign policy has been given various labels,it has become a hot topic for academic discussion.As such,it is critical to clarify what “doctrine” informs and guides the Trump administration’s foreign policy strategy,examine the reasons for the formation of such a “Trump Doctrine”,and assess its limitations and influence,particularly concerning its impact on Sino-US relations.By analyzing the administration’s national strategy documents,this article identifies four major elements of the Trump Doctrine:(1) great power competition as the basic strategic judgment;(2) America First as the specific principle that guides foreign policy;(3) unilateral and coercive diplomatic style consistent with the America First principle;and (4) “Rust Belt First” and “Whites First” as domestic manifestations of America First.Causes of the “Trump Doctrine” include a combination of ongoing structural changes,domestic factors such as party politics and changing societal perceptions,and President Trump’s personal traits.The “Trump Doctrine” has not only had negative consequences for the international order,but also profound impact on Sino-US relations.This is why it has received extensive criticism inside the US.

【Key Words】the Trump Doctrine,great power competition,America First,unilateralism,coercive diplomacy

19 The Evolution of the EU’s Strategies towards the EaP Countries after the end of the Cold War

by Ding Peng &Zhu Guichang

【Abstract】After the end of the Cold War,the European Union’s strategy toward Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries such as Ukraine,Belarus,Moldova,Georgia,Azerbaijan,and Armenia has gone through three stages from active but limited engagement to active and high-profile involvement,and finally to comprehensive involvement.As a result,the EU’s influence in these countries has apparently increased.The EU’s adjustment and deepening of its EaP strategy are motivated by three objectives:first,to maintain security and stability around the periphery and enhance its geopolitical influence;second,to reduce energy dependence on Russia and ensure energy supply security,and third,to promote democratic expansion in the EaP countries to create a demonstration effect.The EU’s EaP strategy is influenced by internal and external factors.The external factors mainly refer to the increasingly fierce geopolitical competition between the United States and Russia,the US pursuit of security and energy interests,and Russian efforts to maintain its traditional geopolitical advantages and interests in the region.The internal factors mainly include the challenges facing the EU and the EaP countries,namely the decline in the EU’s cohesion and attractiveness resulting from multiple crises,and the domestic instability and severe security deficit in the EaP countries.In the midst of the ongoing transformation of the structure of world politics and the reshaping of the global order,the European Union is increasingly emphasizing “strategic autonomy”.In the future,it will pay more attention to the surrounding areas and continue to adjust its strategies towards the EaP countries.

【Key Words】EU diplomatic strategy,EaP countries,geopolitics,US-Russian relations,Ukraine crisis

35 The US-ROK Alliance Dilemma:A Power Shift Perspective

by Zhao Yihei &Zheng Hua

【Abstract】The US alliance system in the Asia-Pacific is always an important pillar of its global strategy.Since the Obama administration proposed the “Pivot to Asia” and President Trump promoted the “Indo-Pacific Strategy”,the United States has further emphasized the significance of alliances,viewing allies as important “tool” for dealing with China’s rise.However,US allies may not have the same strategic goals as the US.As China’s rise continues,US alliance relations will change due to the different strategic goals among US allies.Using the US-ROK alliance as an example,this study examines how US-ROK relations will change with the ongoing power shift between China and the United States,and the kind of problems the US is likely to face in managing its alliance system.This paper argues that as China rises and the US steps up its competition with China,South Korea will see increased costs and diminishing benefits in its alliance with the US,and that the US-ROK alliance will face the alliance dilemma of abandonment (for the major power) and entrapment (for the junior power).This paper emphasizes that changes in the US-ROK alliance are likely to be caused by structural changes occurring amid the power shift,and such alliance dilemma is likely to be common in the US alliance system in the Asia-Pacific.

【Key Words】the US-ROK alliance,alliance dilemma,power shift,Indo-Pacific Strategy

60 The Syrian Conflict and Its Prospects in the Context of US-Russia Competition

by Yan Wei

【Abstract】The competition between the United States and Russia has been a crucial factor in the Syrian issue,and has to some extent determined the course of events in Syria.The US-Russia competition can be roughly divided into three phases over different issues:the fate of the Syrian regime,the war on terror,and Syrian reconstruction.Russia’s forceful intervention in the Syrian issue prevented the US and other western countries from duplicating the “Libyan model” in Syria.With the withdrawal of US forces which upset the balance of power among related parties,things began to change in Syria.The Syrian government began to have limited cooperation with the Kurds.Syrian reconstruction began after the Turkish military intervention which shifted the focus to northern Syria.The factors driving Russian and US interventions are different,however.Since Syria is more of a regional issue for the US,it intends to use the issue to contain Iran’s influence in the region and hit back at regional states unfriendly to the US and at radical Islamic organizations such as ISIS.But for Russia it is not only an important fulcrum to enhance its international status and force change in the international order,but also an important opportunity to redefine international norms and to reestablish Russia as a world power.This has led to US wavering on the Syrian issue.In the context where Russia is gaining an upper hand,Syria’s security situation is basically controllable,and there is now the positive sign of reaching a political settlement.However,given the uncertainty resulting from US-Russia competition,the Syrian problem will likely persist for a long time.

【Key Words】the Syrian issue,U.S.diplomacy,Russia diplomacy,the Middle East situation,Turkey diplomacy

75 A Rhetorical Analysis of China’s Diplomatic Argumentative Strategies in International Forums

by Fan Zucheng

【Abstract】International forums serve as diplomatic platforms where multiple parties can resolve differences and achieve consensus by virtue of argumentation.Nevertheless,sometimes it seems inevitable for the argumentative communication in these forums to be reduced to the mere assertion of one’s own opinion and stance and the rejection of those of the others given the commitment of the diplomatic arguers to their respective values and ideologies.This is nothing but a deviation from the purpose of the international forums.Rhetorically speaking,to avoid this deviation,the arguer should be able to tell his audience from his opponent,stay focused on his argumentative goal which is to secure the adherence of the audience rather than debunk the opinion of the opponent,and argue from the premises accepted by the audience rather than from his own.There is no denying that when the opponent and the audience share the same values and ideologies,the arguer will find it more difficult to convince his audience at the international forum.However,from the cross-cultural and cross-ideological rhetorical perspective,the arguer can still win over his audience by exploiting the subtle differences between his audience and his opponent,and strategically ally with some stances in order to argue against other ones.As an essential component of Chinese soft power,the argumentative persuasiveness of China’s diplomatic discourse in international forums may be boosted if it follows the rhetorical insights into argumentation.

【Key Words】rhetoric,international forum,argumentative strategies,audience,discourse power

88 Canada’s Feminist International Policy:Causes,Patterns,and Characteristics

by Zhang Xiaoyi

【Abstract】Two Canadian government documents released in June 2017—“Strong,Secure,Engaged:Canada’s Defense Policy” and “Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy”—marked the formal establishment of Canada’s feminist international policy.Attributable to the flourishing women’s movements within Canada and the country’s track record in gender diplomacy,this policy represents the best choice for the Trudeau government’s efforts to reinvigorate Canada’s international influence.With feminism as the main theme,the Canadian international policy has been widely implemented in its three main areas:development,diplomacy and trade.Recognized for its innovative steps in these areas,the implementation is the result of the concerted efforts of multiple actors involving the Canadian government,Canadian civil society,and the international community.The policy’s significance lies in its boost for the feminist movement worldwide against the backdrop of Trump’s right-wing conservative backlash,and in its significant promotion of Canada’s domestic feminist movement.This policy has of course met its fair share of criticism due to the difficulty in realizing its ambitious goals,the Trudeau government’s arms sales to countries that suppress women rights,and its controversial attitude to a high ranking women official.

【Key Words】Canadian foreign policy,feminism,feminist foreign policy,the Trudeau government

104 Japan’s Personnel Strategy for International Organizations

by Ding Hongwei

【Abstract】When Japan’s national capabilities were on the rise,it began to strengthen the mechanisms and the system through which it could send Japanese nationals to work in international organizations.Since the mid-1990s,with the decline of its national strength and the consequent decline in international status,Japan began to adjust its foreign policy and the implementation of its personnel strategy for international organizations.It would emphasize the diversification of the diplomatic means for its multilateral diplomacy and would strengthen its diplomacy in international organizations by enhancing the mechanisms for its participation and its funding practices.In addition to improving its diplomacy through Official Development Assistance (ODA),Japan has built a personnel training and dispatching system for international organizations by sending more young Japanese nationals to these organizations through the Japanese Junior Professional Officer (JPO) program and providing policy and financial support.Aside from increasing the number of dispatched JPOs,Japan attaches great importance to improving the quality of the JPOs dispatched to international organizations in recent years.On top of this,Japan has increased its efforts to attract international organizations to relocate or be based in Japan,and has effectively improved its diplomatic capabilities and agenda setting capabilities in international organizations in areas such as climate change,environmental protection,and poverty reduction.Japan’s personnel strategy for international organizations is conducive to enhancing its diplomatic soft power and strengthening its international discourse power.Nowadays,China is vigorously advancing the “Belt and Road” initiative and continuously integrating into the global governance system.In this process,competition and complementarity between China and Japan coexist.Understanding Japan’s international organization talent strategy and its personnel training and dispatching mechanism can not only provide insights for China’s participation in global governance and regional cooperation,but also help build strategic bilateral and multilateral relations.

【Key Words】Japan’s diplomacy in international organizations,personnel strategy,economic diplomacy,ODA,international discourse power

116 The EU Response Mechanism for the COVID-19 Epidemic and Its Limits

by Zhang Lei

【Abstract】Under the framework of the EU health policy,the EU has been using the main mechanism for cross-border health threats to respond to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic.This mechanism stresses the importance of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control,and encourages member states to exchange information and coordinate national responses to health threats through instruments such as the Early Warning and Response System (EWRS) and the Health Security Committee (HSC).Since the COVID-19 outbreak,the EU has been paying close attention to the development of the epidemic and has taken various measures to share information and coordinate responses among member countries.With the continuous spread of the epidemic,many EU institutions and agencies have further strengthened the concerted responses among member states,focusing on mitigating the epidemic’s negative impact on society and the economy.The epidemic fully reflects the limitations of the EU’s response mechanism for dealing with cross-border health threats.Since the EU only has limited authority and member states are still the main actors responsible for health policy,the response from the EU level is restricted.The lack of effective coordination further weakens the EU’s response capacity.In addition,the European people’s values,behavioral patterns and lifestyle also make it difficult for the EU to effectively respond to cross-border health threats.Besides,Brexit also brings potential risks to the EU response.

【Key Words】EU health policy,the COVID-19 epidemic,cross-border health threats,epidemic response mechanism

133 Structural Problems of South Korean Politics:the Constraints of Two Structures and Two Systems

by Ge Xiaohui

【Abstract】In recent years,South Korean politics has received growing attention because of its unusual dynamics and instability,particularly the fact that former or even sitting presidents could end up in very undesirable circumstances.This article aims to examine the structural factors and conjunctural factors that give rise to such phenomena.Generally,South Korean politics has been shaped and constrained by the “dual divisions” on the structural level,and by the presence of the “two regimes” as conjunctural factors.The “structure of dual divisions” refers to the division of the Korean Peninsula between the South and the North,and the internal divisions within the South Korean society including the regional division between the Southeastern Gyeongsang provinces and the Southwestern Jeolla provinces and the ideological division between the so-called “Progressives” and “Conservatives”.The “two regimes” refer to the 1987 Regime and the 1997 Regime,with the former being the constitutional regime created in 1987 as the result of the “June Democracy Movement” (or “June Struggle for Democracy”),and the latter being the socioeconomic regime generated by the sweeping neoliberal reforms after the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis.With regard to the corruption problem,South Korean leaders are not necessarily destined for an unhappy ending because even under the constraint of the above-mentioned factors,they can still choose whether to become corrupt or not.However,when it comes to the issue of governance effectiveness,they are significantly constrained by those factors and will inevitably have to face the political predicaments such factors may cause.

【Key Words】South Korean politics,division of the Korean Peninsula between the South and the North,regionalism,ideological conflicts,1987 Regime,1997 Regime