

国际安全研究 2020年6期

[1.1]完善国家治理体系 维护全球安全稳定 陶 坚


[1.4]人工智能时代背景下的国家安全治理:应用范式、风险识别与路径选择 阙天舒 张纪腾

[1.39]太空武器化及中国太空安全构建 何奇松

[2.3]中美在亚太地区的安全矛盾:演变与逻辑 李 岩 达 巍

[2.23]探索中美关系新范式及全球安全治理 安 刚 王一鸣 胡 欣

[4.3]国家安全:问题、逻辑及其学科建设 李文良

[4.24]援助安全:一个基于援助载体的新议题 毛维准

[4.59]国际语境中的政治安全与弱国的治理困境 薛 亮 郑先武

[5.3]论能源安全的公共产品属性与能源安全共同体构建 吴 磊 许 剑

[5.29]合成生物学时代:生物安全、生物安保与治理 彭耀进

[6.3]中美关系走向与国际格局之变(名家笔谈) 时殷弘 唐永胜 倪 峰 吴白乙 傅梦孜 李文良 赵可金 宋国友 安 刚 姜 毅 徐万胜

[6.39]从话语危机到安全危机:机理与应对 孙吉胜

[6.63]跨文化翻译维护国家文化安全的策略研究 曹 进 杨明托


[1.68]同族群平叛优势理论再思考:以印度平息锡克叛乱为例 谢 超

[1.98]国家维护能源安全手段的选择逻辑:产权制度的视角 宋亦明

[2.49]《中导条约》与全球战略稳定论析 郭晓兵 龙 云

[2.73]俄罗斯对美国战略认知的演变及其政策效应 宋 伟 于优娟

[2.91]大国北极博弈与中国北极能源安全——兼论“冰上丝绸之路”推进路径 罗英杰 李 飞

[3.3]国家安全视角下南极法律规制的发展与应对 吴 慧 张欣波

[3.21]安全焦虑、信号传递与中国对东南亚国家的战略安抚 曹德军

[3.46]竞争时代日本多维度联合防卫力战略构建及其影响 孟晓旭

[4.83]趋势焦虑与冲突意愿:区域主导权竞争中的防御性进攻主义 姜 鹏

[5.58]地缘性介入与制度性嵌构:美国亚太区域水安全外交战略 于宏源 李坤海

[5.81]超国家主义与政府间主义融合:欧盟新防务建设举措及前景 冯怡然

[5.111]非洲和平与安全建设:南非的区域大国角色及限度 张 凯


[1.131]中国边疆跨境非传统安全:挑战与应对 谢贵平

[2.116]太空安全秩序构建中的体系压力与战略指向 徐能武 高杨予兮

[2.135]美国国家安全认知的新视阈:人工智能与国家安全 刘国柱 尹楠楠

[3.76]美国全球卫生安全战略及其对世界卫生安全体系的挑战 晋继勇

[3.96]美国生物防御政策与国家安全 刘长敏 宋明晶

[3.127]生物多样性议题安全建构的碎片化 王思丹

[4.109]生物安全时代:新生物科技变革与国家安全治理 王小理

[4.136]前沿生物技术发展的安全威胁:应对与展望 薛 杨 俞晗之

[5.134]论公共卫生的“安全化”与“去安全化”——中日抗击新冠肺炎疫情的模式论析 魏志江 郑宇晴

[6.86]“熊通困境”:国际体系中的身份政治与安全两难 葛汉文

[6.105]国家安全学理论视角下的西周国家安全思想研究 辛 文 韩鹏杰

[6.129]构建南海非传统安全多边合作整体架构研究 祁怀高


Table of Contents (2020)

[1.4]National Security Governance in the Era of Artificial Intelligence:Application Paradigm,Risk Identification and Path SelectionQUE Tianshu and ZHANG Jiteng

[1.39]Weaponization of Space and Construction of China’s Space SecurityHE Qisong

[1.68]Rethinking the Co-Ethnicity Advantages in Counter-Insurgency:A Case Study on India’s Handling of Sikh InsurgencyXIE Chao

[1.98]The Logic in Choice of Means in Maintaining Energy Security:From the Perspective of Property Rights SystemSONG Yiming

[1.131]Non-Traditional Security Issues in China’s Cross-border Regions:Challenges and CountermeasuresXIE Guiping

[2.3]China-US Security Contradictions in the Asia-Pacific Region:Evolution and LogicLI Yan and DA Wei

[2.23]Exploring the New Paradigm of China-US Relations and Global Security GovernanceAN Gang,WANG Yiming and HU Xin

[2.49]An Analysis of the Relationship between the INF Treaty and Global Strategic StabilityGUO Xiaobing and LONG Yun

[2.73]An Analysis of the Evolution of Russia’s Strategic Perception of the US and Its Foreign Policy ImpactSONG Wei and YU Youjuan

[2.91]The Great Powers’ Arctic Game and China’s Arctic Energy Security:Probing into the Advancement Path of the“Ice Silk Road”FrameworkLUO Yingjie and LI Fei

[2.116]System Pressure and Strategic Direction in the Construction of Space Security OrderXU Nengwu and GAO Yangyuxi

[2.135]A New Perspective on the US National Security Perception:Artificial Intelligence and National SecurityLIU Guozhu and YIN Nannan

[3.3]The Development of Antarctic Legal Regulations and Policy Recommendations for China:A National Security PerspectiveWU Hui and ZHANG Xinbo

[3.21]Security Anxiety,Signaling and China’s Strategic Reassurance to Southeast Asian CountriesCAO Dejun

[3.46]The Construction and Impact of Japan’s“Multi-Domain Defense Force”in the Competitive EraMENG Xiaoxu

[3.76]The Health Security Strategy of America and Its Challenges to Global Health Security SystemJIN Jiyong

[3.96]US Biodefense Policy and National SecurityLIU Changmin and SONG Mingjing

[3.127]Fragmentation in Security Construction of Biodiversity IssuesWANG Sidan

[4.3]National Security:Problems,Logic and Its Discipline ConstructionLI Wenliang

[4.24]Aid Security:An Emerging Issue from the Perspective of Aid CarrierMAO Weizhun

[4.59]Political Security and Governance Dilemma of Weak States in the International ContextXUE Liang and ZHENG Xianwu

[4.83]Trend Anxiety and Conflict Readiness:Defensive Offensiveness in Regional Dominance CompetitionJIANG Peng

[4.109]The Age of Biosecurity:New Biotechnology Revolution and National Biosecurity GovernanceWANG Xiaoli

[4.136]Security Threats Associated with the Cutting-edge Biotechnology:Responses and ProspectsXUE Yang and YU Hanzhi

[5.3]On Public Attribute of Energy Security and the Construction of Energy Security CommunityWU Lei and XU Jian

[5.29]The Era of Synthetic Biology:Biosafety,Biosecurity and GovernancePENG Yaojin

[5.58]Geographical Intervention and Institutional Embedding:the US Diplomatic Strategy for Water Security in the Asia-Pacific RegionYU Hongyuan and LI Kunhai

[5.81]The Synthesis of Supranationalism and Intergovernmentalism:Initiatives and Prospects of EU’s New Defense Cooperation ArrangementsFENG Yiran

[5.111]Peace and Security Building in Africa:South Africa’s Role and Its Limitations as a Regional PowerZHANG Kai

[5.134]“Securitization”and“Desecuritization”of Public Health:Analysis of China’s“Wuhan Model”and Japan’s“Sendai Model”for Combating COVID-19WEI Zhijiang and ZHENG Yuqing

[6.3]Future Development of Sino-US Relations and World Landscape (Experts’ Commentaries)SHI Yinhong,TANG Yongsheng,NI Feng,WU Baiyi,FU Mengzi,LI Wenliang,ZHAO Kejin,SONG Guoyou,AN Gang,JIANG Yi and XU Wansheng

[6.39]From Discursive Crisis to Security Crisis:Mechanism and ResolutionSUN Jisheng

[6.63]Study on Strategies for Safeguarding National Cultural Security via Cross-cultural TranslationCAO Jin and YANG Mingtuo

[6.86]“Xiong Tong Predicament”:Identity Politics and Security Dilemma in International SystemGE Hanwen

[6.105]On National Security Thoughts in Western Zhou Dynasty:A Perspective of National Security StudiesXIN Wen and HAN Pengjie

[6.129]On Regime Integration of Multilateral Non-traditional Security Cooperation in the South China SeaQI Huaigao


第12话 完美生物