Vol.30 No.3 2020 Tot.No.136
Xiong Yunshi1Guo Zhihong1Wu Xilan2Liang Tao1Gao Qichen1
(1.CNPCResearchInstituteofSafetyandEnvironmentalTechnologyCo.,Ltd.; 2.NanjingUniversityofInformationEngineering)
ABSTRACTBased on the analysis of the impact of process pollution during oil and gas infrastructure construction and operation on the environment sensitive areas, this study concluded that the major problems are as follows: the delimitation and implementation of three control lines in the land space planning, the imperfection and concretization of relevant environmental protection laws and regulations, and the environment sensitive areas The delineation is not fully demonstrated, the “pass if possible” is not clearly defined, the concept of environmental protection is not fully implemented in urban energy corridor planning, and the concept of spatial adjacent planning is not yet implemented. Countermeasures and suggestions to the oil and gas infrastructure construction department were raised accordingly.
KEYWORDSoil and gas infrastructure; environmentally sensitive area; ecological protection red line; countermeasures and suggestions
Liu Qingyu
ABSTRACTThe aim of this paper is to analyze the safety and environmental protection situation and risk of oil and gas processing under special geographical environment. Based on the sounded management of a safety and environmental protection system, the climatic conditions, geographical locations and the regional regulatory requirements of the southern coastal areas should be considered, as well. The environmental management under such circumstances requires a capacity under severe weather conditions such as more thunder and lightning, strong typhoon, high salt, high temperature and high humidity, as well as meeting the eco-environmental indicators leaning towards low emissions, low noise, less solid waste. As a result, effectively fulfill the entity responsibility of the enterprise could be effectively fulfilled, and the safety and environmental protection accidents and environmental sensitive incidents could be avoided.
KEYWORDSsouthern coastal environment; safety and environmental protection; oil and gas processing
Wei Yuan Wang Hongchun Xiong Juanjuan Gao Changsheng
ABSTRACTBased on the investigation on the production characteristics from a high sulfur gas field, such as high sulfur content, high pressure, mountainous environment, etc., as well as the gas recovery plant and purification plant, a scientific evaluation index system for clean production was developed, to evaluate the clean production potential of high sulfur gas fields. A more scientific, more environmental friendly and suitable equipment, technology and management system in line with current clean production requirements was introduced, so as to provide reference for the evaluation, and eventually promote the sustainable development of high sulfur gas fields.
KEYWORDShigh sulfur gas field; clean production evaluation; indicator system
Xu Jun1,2Zhang Xinfa1,2Li Shiyong1,2
(1.CCDCDrillingEngineeringTechnologyResearchInstitute; 2.NationalEngineeringLaboratoryforExplorationandDevelopmentofLow-PermeabilityOil&GasFields)
ABSTRACTAiming at the problems of potential environmental pollution and waste of base oil resources caused by a large number of oil-bearing cuttings in the development of unconventional oil and gas development, current status and future prospects on thermal desorption treatment of oil-bearing cuttings were discussed. Based on the analysis on the characteristics of thermal desorption technology, combustion heating, electrical heating, electromagnetic heating, microwave heating and friction heating were discussed, and the suggestions and prospects for thermal desorption technologies in treating oil drilling cuttings were raised.
KEYWORDSoil cuttings; thermal desorption; treatment technology
Che Chunbo1Li Wenxin2Liu Guoxing2Gu Fang1Li Junsheng1Xia Zhi1Nie Qian1
(1.DepartmentofEnvironmentalEngineering,SchoolofFoodEngineering,HarbinCommercialUniversity; 2.HarbinPetrochemicalCompany,PetroChina)
ABSTRACTActive carbon/cuprous oxide (AC/Cu2O) photocatalyst was prepared by liquid-phase reduction method with active carbon as the carrier. The functional groups, morphology and phase of the samples were analyzed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction(XRD). This type of catalyst was further applied in the treatment of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) wastewater. The results showed that: the removal efficiency of PVA was 90.60% with a initial pH of 5, PVA concentration of 75 mg/L, dosage of catalyst of 4 g/L, and a reaction time of 50 min. The removal rate of PVA was the most significant with the initial pH.
KEYWORDSactivated carbon; cuprous oxide; polyvinyl alcohol;photocatalysis
Sun Yaqin1Shi Wenguang2He Xianwei2Wang Hongchun3Huo Haizhou3
(1.EnvironmentalMonitoringStationofDazhouCity,SichuanProvince; 2.PuguangBranch,SinopecZhongyuanOilfield; 3.TechnicalMonitoringCenter,ofZhongyuanOilfieldBranchofSinopec)
ABSTRACTPuguang gas field natural gas processing plant had carried out the investigation and field experiment of phosphorus-free chemicals for circulating water, the investigation and research of phosphorus removal from circulating water wastewater, In response to the requirements of notice on strengthening the environmental supervision of industrial circulating cooling water issued by Sichuan Province. Based on the lab-scale and the pilot test, phosphorus removal (including organic sulfur) process and chemical formula were optimized, and a “high-density precipitation+V shape filter” process was adopted. integrated with PLC full-automatic control system, In addition, a steel structure device for chemical removal of high concentration of organic phosphorus was built with an integrated fully-automated PLC system. During the trial operation of the device, all the phosphorus removal indexes had reached the designed value, and the average content of total phosphorus (calculated by P) after phosphorus removal was lower than 0.5 mg/l. This device could satisfy “TheComprehensiveWastewaterDischargeStandard” (GB8978-1996) after the treatment of circulating water discharge, and reduce the total phosphorus discharge.
KEYWORDSorganic phosphorus removal; high density precipitation; circulating water discharge
Ni Chengbo1Wu Zhiyong1Wu Chengze2Liu Jun1Li Qiyan1Liu Lingzi1Gong Jie1Zhao Dong1
(1.SinopecShengliPetroleumAdministrationCo.,Ltd.; 2.CNPCResearchInstituteofSafetyandEnvironmentalProtectionTechnologyCo.,Ltd.)
ABSTRACTIn recent years, the supporting system of Shengli oilfield, including power, water and heat supply, and transportation, has carried out in-situ standardization construction. Based on the features of the production support system of the oilfield, the production area was allocated to sub-areas with various standards according to the detailed list for production area construction. By forming the fine model for other production region, the overall level of standardization was promoted.
KEYWORDSShengli Oilfield; production support system; three-base implementation; standardization construction
Yu Chuntao1Zhang Yu2Zhou Chunlai3
(1.ResearchInstituteofOilandGasEngineering.CNPCJilinOilfieldCompany; 2.CNPCPipelineEngineeringConstructionProjectManagementDepartment3.HSESupervisionStation,CNPCJilinOilfieldCompany)
ABSTRACTAccording to the characteristics of the tight oil reservoir in Jilin oilfield, TY nano-surfactant was applied with emulsification effect to reduce viscosity of the oil, and further lower the risk of pore blocking. The TY nano-surfactant had a small molecular size, degradability inside the reservoir environment, a low interfacial tension, a small emulsified particle size (50-100 nm), a syneresis rate over 90% after emulsification, and a core displacement efficiency of 39.7%. During the pilot test, the production increased significantly with an input/output ratio over 1.5, showed a promising economic benefit. This study could Provide technical support for the subsequent recovery enhancement of tight oil reservoir.
KEYWORDSnano-surfactant; tight oil reservoir; stimulation measures
Feng Yingming
ABSTRACTAiming at the oily sludge disposal project constructed upon “screening fluidization-thermochemical cleaning-centrifugal dewatering” treatment, this paper investigates the status quo of sludge treatment stations from three oilfields. The major problems during the application of such technology was summarized. Facing a more stringent requirement from national environmental protection, a pre-filtration device with high efficiency and automation level needs to be deve-loped. In the meantime, a following advanced treatment measures including electrochemical, biological, or pyrolysis was needed after the current treatment scheme, so as to achieve a highly efficient, stable discharge.
KEYWORDSoilfield; oily sludge; chemical hot washing; centrifugal
Zhang Benyan Wang Yongfei Zhu Jing
ABSTRACTThe produced water from a gas field underwent large discharge pressure and a high cost of sewage transportation. In this study, the feasibility of produced water reinjection to Xujiahe Formation in Penglaizhen Formation and Shaximiao Formation was analyzed based on the reaction between formation, fluid, and reservoir, respectively. The turbidity and scaling trend of the mixed water samples from Xujiahe Formation, Penglaizhen Formation and Shaximiao Formation were predicted, and the reservoir damage evaluation experiment of the mixed water samples was carried out, as well. The results showed that: the compatibility of the mixed water samples from Xujiahe Formation and Shaximiao Formation was good, although CaCO3and BaSO4would be produced under the stratum conditions. However,scale produced by the mixed water samples of Xujiahe Formation and Shaximiao Formation was lower than that from the mixed water samples of Penglaizhen Formation. The loss of core permeability when produced water from Xujiahe Formation re-injected into Shaximiao Formation was 39.68%, which was lower than that of Penglaizhen Formation (69.34%). The fluid compatibility of Xujiahe Formation and Shaximiao Formation was good, and the produced water of Xujiahe Formation had little damage on the reservoir of Shaximiao Formation. Therefore, Shaximiao Formation was selected as the produced water reinjection layer of Xujiahe Formation.
KEYWORDSXujiahe Formation; produced water; reinjection; reservoir damage
Yu Shuai Yang Zhibo
ABSTRACTAiming to reduce the possibility of gas injection pipeline failures, the reasons for the corrosion of gas injection pipeline from an artificial island were analyzed from the aspects of external corrosion and internal corrosion. The corrosion were mainly caused by pipeline material or construction quality failing to meet the standard, poor soil environment, water corrosion, erosion corrosion, impurity corrosion etc. Strict supervision, quality control, intense monitoring, timely drainage of water, stable operation and thorough purging are needed to avoid the piercing, so as to ensure the integrity of gas injection pipeline.
KEYWORDSgas injection pipeline; corrosion; countermeasures
He Qiping1Liu Shi1Shi Xiaozhi1Meng Zhaohai1Li Hui1Gao Fei2
(1.CNPCChuanqingDrillingEngineeringCo.,Ltd.; 2.SichuanJiurunEnvironmentalProtectionTechnologyCo.,Ltd.)
ABSTRACTHollow fiber membrane, when applied in the treatment of hydraulic fracturing flowback fluid, could meet problems such as membrane pollution, and fast flux attenuation, thereby affecting treatment efficiency. In this study, the effects of solid content and coagulation bath temperature of PVDF on the performance of PVDF membrane were discussed, and PVDF was prepared by non-solvent phase separation method, and modified by surface grafting. When this type of PVDF was applied in the adsorption flowback fluid, the results showed that: surface grafting reduced the contact angle of PVDF and improved the hydrophilicity of the membrane. When applied in the filtration treatment of shale gas hydraulic fracturing flowback fluid, the results showed that: the removal rate of total iron, SS, turbidity and bacteria in the fracturing flowback fluid could reach over 90%, the flux retention rate after long-term operation remained high, with a relatively good resistance of membrane pollution.
KEYWORDSPVDF hollow fiber membrane; hydrophilic modification; membrane pollution; hydraulic fracturing flowback fluid; flux attenuation
Hu Feihu
ABSTRACTIt is crucial to minimize the oil and gas loss and further reduce air pollution in the highway transportation of oil products. Based on the data from the property of refined oil products, the characteristics of oil product transportation and the oil and gas loss, this paper mainly discussed the causes of the loss and the control measures from three aspects: oil distribution from oil depots, highway transportation and oil and gas loss in gas stations. Technical measures and suggestions on preventing loss and air pollution were raised, which could be referred to in the field practice of oil products transportation.
KEYWORDSoil products; highway transportation; oil and gas loss; pollution treatment
Hao Qingyuan1Ren Hengtai2Li Changlin1Gao Qichen1Gao Xiuhua1
(1.CNPCResearchInstituteofSafetyandEnvironmentalTechnology; 2.NationalPetroleumandNaturalGasPipeNetworkGroupCo.,Ltd)
ABSTRACTThere would a risk of biogas releasing when oil and gas pipeline passing through marsh formation by Shield Tunnel. It could pose threat on the safety of construction crew, increase the difficulty of construction, and lower the construction quality, and further lead to construction related accidents. Nonetheless, explosion could be triggered when biogas reaches a certain level. In order to avoid or reduce such accidents, the construction unit could take prevention methods, such as discharge marsh biogas, monitor biogas concentration, enhance ventilation and choose suitable construction equipment. Meanwhile, management measures should be strictly followed accordingly.
KEYWORDSoil and gas pipeline; shield tunnel; biogas; accident risk; prevention method
Luan Hui1,2Tang Zhihe1,2Zhang Hu1,2He Wei1,2
(1.StateKeyLaboratoryofPetroleumPollutionControl; 2.CNPCResearchInstituteofSafetyandEnvironmentalTechnology)
ABSTRACTThis article mainly introduced the major measurement techniques for continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS). The advantages/disadvantages, and the scope for the application of different mea-surement techniques were discussed. Combined with the characteristics of pollutants from flue gas of FCC desulfurization, the disturbance mechanism of water vapor and ammonia on the measured SO2results in the CEMS based on the widely applied cold-dry direct pumping method. Based on the comparison of analytic technology and flue gas pre-treatment technology, countermeasures including dilution extraction, installation of pre-treatment system were raised to enhance the accuracy of the CEMS.
KEYWORDSFCC; continuous emission monitoring system(CEMS); desulfurization; problems; suggestions
Wang Chengliang Meng Qingbo Li Dongmei
ABSTRACTAt present, the construction and development of domestic chemical industry park has brought important impetus to economic development, but at the same time, it has brought great challenges to the local safety production and management. Based on the investigation of the enterprises in a petrochemical functional area, this paper analyzed the impact on the safety environment from the risk analysis with focus on the safety impact, sea area pollution, and the enterprise management and the emergency ability during accident scenario. Based on the analysis among typical ha-zardous chemical accidents, the safety and environmental impact of petrochemical functional areas, and the safety and environmental protection distance of petrochemical functional areas, suggestions were raised to improving the ability of safety and environmental management.
KEYWORDSpetrochemical functional area; risk accident; accident potential; half lethal concentration (LC50); toxic end point concentration