Two Dealers of Ancient Coins


Special Focus 2019年12期

By Liu Liangcheng

In an alley beside Shayibake Street, a young imam, Luz, runs his unusual business, the trade of ancient coins.When you enter his house through an inconspicuous wooden door, you find yourself in a maze consisting of tiny rooms.Then you will see all the coins—those of different periods over the last 2,000 years from Kuqa.He has coppers from the Han Dynasty from central China, and some gold and silver coins from various countries and dynasties left by merchants who traveled along the ancient Silk Road.Luz is a dealer rather than a collector, but he has stored the “less marketable” goods at home.As time has gone by, the contents of the young imam's boxes and cabinets have become more extensive than that of any common collector, in terms of both quantity and variety.

As Luz seldom leaves Kuqa, he has no idea what the price of a Qiuci copper is in the market of Guangzhou or Beijing.He just knows that he bought the coins with not so much money, and would be happy enough to accept a “reasonable” offer.His major customer is Miss Xiaolan who lives in the new district of the town.She has been a businesswoman dealing in ancient coins for more than ten years, and knows well about the “outside” market.Xiaolan doesn't ask Luz his purchasing price of coins; she only lets the imam name a price, and then accepts it if she thinks the deal could be profitable.






Luz was in the business of second-hand carpets before Xiaolan introduced him to the trade of ancient coins in the early 1990s.Luz once found half a bag of coppers when he went to the countryside to buy old carpets.He didn't take it seriously, and only soaked the coins in a basin full of lime water in order to get rid of the rust.When Xiaolan somehow heard of this, she visited Luz and bought the coins at a price of 0.5 yuan each.

Our young imam is a smart guy, though.He soon figured out that the coppers Xiaolan bought from him were “Jianzhong Dali” minted in Xinjiang, and that before his lucky discovery, only two pieces of such coins were known in the whole nation, the market price of each being 5,000 to 10,000 yuan.Xiaolan's purchase of 300 Jianzhong Dali coins became a huge event among the coin collectors, and instantly made her rich.

Luz changed his business scope to become a specialized merchant of ancient coins.His living standard has improved gradually since then, as a motorcycle has replaced his donkey cart, and his single room has multiplied into a maze of rooms.The imam and Xiaolan became good partners in the coin business in Kuqa.

Luz can speak only a few simple sentences of Mandarin Chinese, therefore he is not able to do coin business outside his home area.On the other hand, Xiaolan knows very few Uighur words, and cannot purchase coins directly from the villagers herself.Naturally they started a joint business: one went around the countryside, while the other took care of things in the city.From then on, in the large and small villages near Kuqa, Hotan, Aksu, and Kashgar, you could often see Luz on his red motorcycle.The backyards of large families, the deserted houses where aristocrats lived, the recycling stations, and the copper-smith's shops: they could all be the sites of hidden treasure, and Luz visits them to buy whatever he thinks may be good.Then he takes all of what he buys back to the city—ancient coins, old copper wares, gold and silver ingots, jewelry, parchments—and lets Xiaolan pick what she needs.Sometimes the imam sells coins he doesn't recognize to his partner at a very low price, but fortunately, he is such a quick learner who not only asks his peers for advice, but also learns the Chinese characters and reads reference books.Now the young Uighur has sufficient knowledge about coins, and the trade between he and Xiaolan has become an expert-to-expert one.






Thus the two dealers have been buying and selling the coins of ancient lands for years.They gather Hotan horse coins from the Han, Wei, and Jin dynasties, the “Han-Qiuci coins” (both Chinese and Qiuci words are inscribed on the coins), Chagatai Khanate's coins, Junggar's “Pu'er Coins” minted in the late 17th century, and coins from other ancient states such as Guishuang, Persia, and Byzantium.Then they let these coins “circulate” to various places.

This is the typical route of the circulating coins: from Kuqa to the market of Guangzhou or Beijing: a peasant digs them up with a Kantuman shovel, sometimes one or a few pieces, and sometimes many.Then our imam Luz who hears about it will ride his motorcycle all night to find the peasant, and hopefully buys them before another dealer comes.Actually, Luz is often late—the coins could have been in the hands of his competitor, and even been sold and resold three times in a night, from one village to another, at higher and higher prices.So the imam has to spend much more money to buy them.However expensive the coins may become, Luz will add an additional price (which is his “satisfactory” profit) when he sells them to Xiaolan.

Then the coins are in the hands of Xiaolan.She usually goes to Luz's house once a week, or when Luz calls her.After checking the categories and conditions of the coins, Xiaolan will call her husband who works in Guangzhou to get the market price there.Xiaolan rarely bargains with Luz, as they have cooperated for more than ten years and know each other well.If she thinks the price Luz asks for is reasonable, they will make the deal.At most five days later, these ancient coins will arrive at the market in Guangzhou in an express parcel.

The person who earns the least in the process is the peasant who digs the coins up.The unexpected fortune his Kantuman shovel brings him might be a once in a lifetime thing for him.If he sells the coins for a few thousand yuan, the money would be enough to change the life of his family.But he sells them for only a few dozen yuan, which is enough for buying a lamb leg.In this way, he could improve his family's living standard for just one day, but it may seem quite satisfactory to him already.

The person who earns the most is the one who owns the coins ultimately.After all the buying and selling, the price of the ancient coins finally reaches its peak.He buys them, gives them an even higher price, and then puts them in his collection showcase.The new price may be double the total amount of the profits earned by all those sellers; but as these coins must be very rare, or even unique, it is all up to the owner to decide the price.In the end, the best coins will not enter the market again, but the owner will still do the calculations, and include the coins' added value in his possessions.This is the person who really understands ancient coins: he wants the infinite possibility of value instead of a certain sum of money.Now an ancient coin is buried deep in a man's hand, just as it was before the excavation.(FromKuqa on the Way, Lijiang Publishing House.Translation: Wang Xiaoke.)

