(1.安徽农业大学 经济技术学院,安徽 合肥 230036;2.安徽农业大学 经济管理学院,安徽 合肥 230036)
人类语言种类繁多,全世界大约有6000~7000种语言[1]。随着人类文明的进步和经济全球化,跨语言的沟通和交流对世界各地的人们来说都变得越来越重要。为了克服语言的障碍,曾经有人提出使用人类通用语言(lingua franca)来替代各种不同语言的想法。但是,这样的想法显然是很难实现的[2](P2)。
1 机器翻译(Machine Translation,简称MT)
1.1 机器翻译的概念
机器翻译就是利用计算机把一种语言(源语言,source language)翻译成另外一种语言(目标语言,target language),实现各种自然语言之间的自动转换,是人工智能和自然语言处理领域的重要研究方向之一。
1.2 机器翻译的诞生
机器翻译的研究历史可以追溯到20世纪30年代。20世纪30年代初,法国科学家G.B.阿尔楚尼提出了用机器来进行翻译的想法。1933年,苏联发明家П.П.特洛扬斯基设计出把一种语言翻译成另一种语言的机器,并在同年登记了他的发明。但是,受到当时技术水平的限制,他的翻译机没能成功。1946年,第一台现代电子计算机 ENIAC 诞生。随后不久,信息论的先驱、美国科学家 W. Weaver 和英国工程师A. D. Booth 在讨论电子计算机的应用范围时,于1947年提出了利用计算机进行语言自动翻译的想法。1949年,W. Weaver 发表《翻译备忘录》,正式提出机器翻译的思想。
1.3 机器翻译系统的发展类型
1.3.1 基于规则的机器翻译系统
1.3.2 基于语料库的机器翻译系统
1.3.3 基于人工神经网络的机器翻译系统
基于人工神经网络的机器翻译系统——神经机器翻译(Neural Machine Translation,简称NMT)。2013年以来,随着深度学习技术取得的较大进展,基于人工神经网络的机器翻译系统逐渐替代了过去基于规则和基于语料库的机器翻译系统。神经网络机器翻译系统受启发于人类自己的生物学神经网络系统,通过端到端的神经网络直接实现自然语言之间的翻译。神经机器翻译系统改进了以往机器翻译系统的不足,通过对上下文信息的充分比较,完成句子的整体编码和解码,由此产生的译文更顺畅、自然、准确。
2 人工智能(Artificial Intelligence,简称 AI)
2.1 人工智能的概念
2.2 人工智能的发展历程
从1956年正式提出人工智能学科算起,人工智能技术取得了长足的发展,尤其是近十年来发展迅猛, 已经广泛应用于社会各个学科和领域,成为一门广泛的交叉和前沿学科。人工智能的发展历程主要分为三个阶段:人工智能的起源、人工智能的二次低谷和人工智能的快速发展期。
2.2.1 人工智能的起源
1950年,一位名叫M. L. Minsky(后被称为“人工智能之父”)的大学生与他的同学D. Edmund一起,建造了世界上第一台神经网络计算机,这被看作是人工智能的一个起点。1956年,在Dartmouth会议上,计算机专家J. McCarthy首次提出“人工智能”术语,这标志着“人工智能”这门新兴学科的诞生。
2.2.2 人工智能的二次低谷
2.2.3 人工智能的快速发展期
1993年,随着计算机性能的飞速发展、海量数据的累积和人工智能研究者们的不懈努力,人工智能研究领域不断取得突破,迎来了快速发展时期。2006年,Jeffrey Sinton提出深度学习的算法,借助这种算法,科学家们不断在众多领域取得研究突破。人工智能的发展进入了快速发展时期。
3 人工智能背景下机器翻译质量对比分析与前景展望
3.1 目前市场上常用的几款人工智能机器翻译软件
3.1.1 百度翻译
3.1.2 科大讯飞翻译
3.1.3 Google翻译
Google 翻译是谷歌公司提供的一项免费翻译服务。功能主要包括:即时翻译,只需输入文字,即可在超过100多种语言之间随时互译;拍照翻译,可使用相机将拍摄的文字即时互译;点按翻译,在任何应用中点按文字,系统即会弹出相应翻译;语音翻译,支持32种语言的即时语音互译;离线翻译,即使没有连接到互联网,也能翻译52种语言;手写翻译,以手写方式输入93种语言的字符,无须使用键盘输入;翻译收藏夹,点击星标可收藏翻译的内容,供日后参考。另外,一些词典上查不到的俚语、俗语等,也可通过Google翻译搜索,即使查不到直接的解释,也可以通过搜索到的上下文内容来猜测其含义。
3.1.4 有道翻译
3.2 上述四款机器翻译软件译文与人工译文对比
3.2.1 源语言文本
3.2.2 人工译文
句子1:The world is so big, I want to see it.
句子2:Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.
句子3:Happiness and a bright future do not appear automatically. Success only belongs to those who are brave and persevering.
句子4:The world is undergoing major development, changes and adjustments. The trend toward multi-polarity, economic globalization,IT application and cultural diversity is deepening. Countries are increasingly interconnected and interdependent. Meanwhile, the world is witnessing growing instabilities and uncertainties, with unilateralism, protectionism and de-globalization on the rise.
句子5:All men long to be immortals, Yet to riches and rank each aspires, The great ones of old, where are they now? Their graves are a mass of briars. All men long to be immortals, Yet silver and gold they prize, And grub for money all their lives, Till death seals up their eyes. All men long to be immortals, Yet dote on the wives they’ve wed, Who swear to love their husband evermore, But remarry as soon as he’s dead. All men long to be immortals,Yet with getting sons won’t have done, Although fond parents are legion, Who ever saw a really filial son?
3.2.3 机器翻译译文3.2.3.1 百度翻译译文
句子1:The world is so big, I want to see.
句子2:Life is like summer flowers, death is like autumn leaves.
句子3:Happiness and a bright future do not appear on their own. Success belongs to those who are brave and committed.
句子4:Nowadays, the world is in a period of great development, great change and great adjustment. With the deepening development of world multipolarity, economic globalization, social informatization and cultural diversity, countries are increasingly interconnected and dependent on each other. At the same time, there are more uncertainties and uncertainties in the international situation. Unilateralism, protectionism and anti-globalization are on the rise.
句子5:Everyone knows that immortals are good, but their fame and fame will never be forgotten. Where will the past and the present be? There is no grass in the mound. The world knows that immortals are good. Only gold and silver can not be forgotten. Eventually, they only hate to gather together, and their eyes are closed for a long time. Everyone knows that immortals are good. Only a lovely wife can’t forget them. On your birthday, you say kindness, and you die with others. Everyone knows that immortals are good. Only children and grandchildren can’t forget them. They have been obsessed with their parents for a long time. They are filial to their children and grandchildren. 科大讯飞翻译译文
句子1:The world is so big, I want to see it.
句子2:Life is like the glory of summer flowers, and death is like the beauty of autumn leaves.
句子3:Happiness and a bright future will not appear automatically. Success only favors those with courage and perseverance.
句子4:The world today is undergoing a period of great development, great changes and major adjustments. The world is multi-polarized, economic globalization, social information, and cultural diversity are deepening, and countries are increasingly interconnected and dependent. At the same time, uncertainties and uncertainties in the international situation have increased, and unilateralism, protectionism, and counter-globalization have risen.
句子5:The world knows the gods well, but the fame can’t be forgotten. The ancient and the modern will be where they are, and the ridiculous pile of grass is gone. Everyone knows that the gods are good. Only gold and silver can’t be forgotten. In the end, they only hate to gather together, and for a long time they close their eyes. Everyone knows the gods, and only the wife can’t forget. On the birthday of Jun, he said that he was kind, and he died. Everyone knows the gods are good, only the children and grandchildren can’t forget, the infatuated parents have come from many times, and the filial sons and grandchildren have met. Google翻译译文
句子1:The world is so big, I want to see it.
句子2:Life is like the glory of summer flowers, and death is like the beauty of autumn leaves.
句子3:Happiness and a bright future will not appear on its own, and success is a person who is brave and limp.
句子4:The world today is undergoing a period of great development, great changes and major adjustments. The world is multi-polarized, economic globalization, social information, and cultural diversity are deepening, and countries are increasingly interconnected and dependent. At the same time, uncertainties and uncertainties in the international situation have increased, and unilateralism, protectionism, and counter-globalization have risen.
句子5:The world knows the gods well, but the fame can’t be forgotten. The ancient and the modern will be where they are, and the ridiculous pile of grass is gone. Everyone knows that the gods are good. Only gold and silver can’t be forgotten. In the end, they only hate to gather together, and for a long time they close their eyes. Everyone knows the gods, and only the wife can’t forget. On the birthday of Jun, he said that he was kind, and he died. Everyone knows the gods are good, only the children and grandchildren can’t forget, the infatuated parents have come from many times, and the filial sons and grandchildren have met. 有道翻译译文
句子1:The world is so big, yet I owe it a visit.
句子2:Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.
句子3:Happiness and a better future do not come by themselves. Success belongs to the brave and earnest.
句子4:The world today is undergoing major development, major changes and major adjustments. The trend towards a multi-polar world, economic globalization, social informatization and cultural diversity is gaining momentum, and countries are increasingly interconnected and interdependent. At the same time, factors of instability and uncertainty are on the rise in the international situation, and trends of unilateralism, protectionism and anti-globalization are on the rise.
句子5:The world all know the immortal is good, but the fame can not forget, ancient and modern phase in where, a pile of grass barren mound. People all know the gods are good, only gold and silver can not forget, eventually only hate to gather no more, and to many eyes closed. The world all xiao fairy good, only the wife can not forget, your birthday said kindness, you died with the people. The world all xiao immortal good, only the children can not forget, spoony parents ancient, filial son who saw.
3.3 上述四款机器翻译软件译文质量分析
句子4的内容选自2018年12月“中国对欧盟政策文件(China’s Policy Paper on the European Union )”,人工译文是该文件的官方英文版本。按照严复“信、达、雅”的翻译原则来看,上述四款机器翻译软件对句子4的翻译都可以做到“信”的标准,“达”的标准也基本可以满足,但都还有些欠缺。比如说对于“国际形势中不稳定不确定因素增多”中的“不稳定不确定因素”的翻译,人工译文是“instabilities and uncertainties”,百度、讯飞、Google的翻译都是“ uncertainties and uncertainties ”,有道的翻译是“ factors of instability and uncertainty ”。还比如对“逆全球化思潮抬头”中“逆全球化思潮”的翻译,人工译文是“de-globalization”,百度和有道的翻译都是“ anti-globalization ”,讯飞和Google的翻译都是“ counter-globalization ”。由此可见,对于一些常见的句子和表达方式,机器翻译虽然各有不同的翻译版本,但基本都可以做到忠实准确地传达原文的内容,但是对于一些原文意思较接近的词语和表达方式,机器翻译目前还不能做到准确识别它们的区别。
3.4 人工智能背景下机器翻译前景展望
人工智能技术在机器翻译领域的应用与发展,为机器翻译质量的提升带来了新的跨度。当前基于神经网络的神经机器翻译系统,翻译的准确度和流畅度都比传统机器翻译系统有了一个很大的提升。Google全球技术总监、中国上海研发院院长陈晓认为,“这个提升的跨度比近十年来在原来系统中所有的质量优化所提高的总和还要多, 也看到某些语言已经达到了人工翻译的水平,相当喜人。”[4]同时人们也开始担心随着人工智能技术的飞速发展,未来的人工智能机器翻译是否会替代人工翻译?
4 结语