在校运动会的跑道上,头顶那一缕跳动的红色总能成为全场的焦点;在 “火鸡大叔加油”的呐喊助威声中,他高高挥舞着双臂,奋力冲过终点线。李焱兴趣爱好广泛,特别在音乐方面造诣颇深,是一名资深音乐人。
7年后,李焱眼里的浙江也更美了。“嗯,我觉得浙江近几年最大的改变在于环境。空气质量现在大有提升。这里绿地成片,公园涌现,河流越发清澈。你每天都能看见山峰。” 这里的生活不再是灰蒙蒙的天空,而是空气清新,河流清澈,蓝天映于水中,鸟雀停于树梢。
Cranmore Tapioca Lydd has been in Shaoxing in the east of Zhejiang for seven years. He is from the southwest of England. In 2012, he resigned from a job in UK and came to China to find new opportunities for his career and life. In June he was hired to teach at Yuanpei Academy of Shaoxing University and in 2013 he was transferred to Foreign Languages School of Shaoxing University. He fell in love with Shaoxing at first sight.
Cranmore Tapioca Lydd teaches English and American literature at the school. With a passion for poetry of the 18th and 19th centuries, he advocates the importance of language and literature. Versed in writers, poets and playwrights in English and American literature, he guides students in appreciating literary masterpieces and helps them read better and understand life and the world. Both the school and students think highly of his performance. In the eyes of his students, he is a man of humor who takes literature most seriously. With a wide range of hobbies, he is a music buff.
What makes Lydd popular on the campus is a series of lectures he gives on English culture and tradition. He talks about a lot of things such as Rock and Roll, Punk, philosophy, cuisine. He does not just talk. He demonstrates wholeheartedly and the lively style brings energy and fun to his lectures. And he competes in the school sporting games. His students cheer him loudly.
The seven years in Shaoxing have given him a lot. He loves biking around this city of history and culture with a lot of bridges. His girlfriend is a native of Shaoxing. Zhejiang in his eye is much bigger than seven years ago. Back then, all he knew about Zhejiang was the West Lake in Hangzhou. Today, he has traveled extensively in the picturesque province of rivers and mountains.
“I feel lucky about the seven years in Shaoxing. I love Shaoxing and it is my home now,” says Lydd. “I am looking forward to my future here.” Lydd has a Chinese name Li Yan. The surname comes directly from his English surname. The given name refers to fire because of his passion for life. He blames his poor Chinese calligraphy on his left-handedness.
“I feel the biggest change in Zhejiang in the past seven years is ecological improvement. Air quality is much better now. You see greenbelts are numerous, parks are everywhere, and rivers are clear. You see mountains every day. And the overall development is amazing: the look of the cities and buildings,” comments Lydd.
What Lydd says about the environment improvement is supported by data. In the past few years the air quality and water quality in Zhejiang have improved remarkably. In the past ten years, acid rain has been greatly reduced.