2019年9 月13 日,在杭州举办的2019 首届中国浙菜世界大会上,我见到了繁忙的曾险,两年前他在新西兰陶波市创办了当地唯一一家中餐馆“绍兴饭店”。浙菜是世界最为熟悉的中国菜之一,更是一种文化传承。“今天我特地赶来杭州参加首届中国浙菜世界大会,与国内的餐饮同行、精英一起交流切磋,互相学习浙餐发展心得和经验,是为浙菜谱写辉煌。”曾险富有激情地说。
2003 年,19 岁的曾险从浙江越秀外国语学院英语专业毕业,为了梦想他告别父母,独自踏上了新西兰这片完全陌生的土地。在顺利取得新西兰梅西大学人力资源管理学士学位后,曾险以优异表现,先后进入澳新四大银行之一的西太平洋银行和国际知名房地产综合服务公司哈考特置业。进入哈考特的第一年,曾险就成为当年全公司销售的“NO.1”。
在哈考特的三年,正好让曾险拥有了考取持牌人证的基本条件,也积累了最好的工作经验。2010 年,曾险的新西兰利杰国际集团正式创办,这是当地唯一一家华人自办又是持牌人的房地产公司,主要业务分为两块:进出口商品贸易、房地产开发及交易。
“君自故乡来,应知故乡事。”曾险说, 故乡是一种萦绕在每个人心间的情愫。
2012 年,在当选会长的第一年,曾险就组织绍兴莲花落艺术团走出国门,唱响大洋洲。当年春节期间,这支由9 人组成的表演创作团队,带着绍兴莲花落远赴大洋洲的新西兰、澳大利亚演出,受到当地友人、华侨华人的热烈欢迎,掀起了一阵“文化小旋风”,连当时的新西兰总理都前来观看。一些在新居住几十年的华侨华人听到这久违的故乡旋律,不由得打着节拍,轻轻跟着艺术家们一起吟唱。
“去年我们以越剧‘梁祝为主题,组织了10 位国家一级越剧演员前往大洋洲表演。今年我们会推出‘绍剧主题,届时将邀请35位国家级的绍剧名家走进大洋洲。”曾险说,不少新西兰和澳大利亚的华人同胞、尤其是绍兴同乡们,已经充满了期待。曾险认为,地方曲艺作为一项传统的民族艺术,在国际友人、华侨华人尤其是绍兴老乡中间能产生共鸣。
2013 年,在新西兰绍兴同乡会的牵线推动下,曾险邀请绍兴文理学院书法学院的21名师生,到新西兰综合排名第一的奥克兰大学举办“新西兰绍兴书法节”活动。奥克兰博物馆和艺术馆在活动结束后收藏了30 件作品,分别在当地的重要节日进行展出,浓厚的中国传统文化氛围在当地掀起一阵“中国风”。
有了书法、曲艺的交流,新西兰人民对于绍兴、对于浙江、对于中国产生了更大的兴趣。在曾险的牵线搭桥下,2014年7 月30 日,绍兴市与新西兰陶波市签署发展友好交流合作关系备忘录,这是绍兴同乡会在新西兰促成的第一个姐妹城市。
35-year-old Zeng Xian, a native of Shaoxing in eastern Zhejiang, is now a successful businessman in New Zealand. He attributes his success in the island country partly to his proficiency in English. A graduate from a foreign language school in Shaoxing in 2003, the 19-year-old young man went to further his study in New Zealand. Upon his graduation, he was employed by a property development company in New Zealand. He became the companys best salesman in his first year. This success made him highly confident and ambitious. He worked at the company for three years and qualified for a certificate for property development and sales. In 2010, he set up his own business which handles international trade and property development and sales.
In order to make his import and export business well, he set up a company in Shaoxing to import products from New Zealand and Australia. Nowadays he shuttles between Shaoxing and Auckland to do business.
With the support of Shaoxing Municipal Government, Zeng and his colleagues in Auckland set up Shaoxing Natives Association of New Zealand in 2012. The association promotes friendship, culture, exchange and development. Moreover, it enhances ties between China and New Zealand. Zeng Xian was the associations first president from 2012 to 2015.
The association has organized and sponsored some cultural events. In 2012, a group of ballad singing artists visited New Zealand and Australia during the Spring Festival. Their performance caused a sensation in the local Chinese communities. In 2018, ten Yueju Opera artists came to perform in New Zealand and Australia. In 2019, thirty-five Shaoxing Opera artists will have a road show in New Zealand and Australia. The association is the organizer of all these theater events.
In addition to the theater events, Zeng Xian has promoted Chinese calligraphy in New Zealand. In 2013, Zeng Xian invited 21 teachers and students from the Calligraphy School of Shaoxing University to hold Shaoxing Calligraphy Festival at Auckland University. After the festival, 30 calligraphic artworks created during the festival went into the collections of Auckland Museum and Auckland Gallery. The artworks were later on display in Auckland on important occasions, causing a sensation among the local public.
Zeng Xian was instrumental in setting up Orchid Pavilion Calligraphy Classroom, a program between Shaoxing University and Auckland University, on May 14, 2015. It was the first Chinese calligraphy program a Chinese university conducted overseas. Since then, 120 calligraphers from Shaoxing have taught at the classroom and nearly 1,000 students have studied there.
In 2015 Zeng purchased a property in Auckland and turned it into Shaoxing Club House. It has been a venue for exhibitions, performances, concerts, language learning. It also provides space for the Orchid Pavilion Calligraphy Classroom.
With Zeng Xians assistance, Shaoxing and Taupo, a tourism city in New Zealand, signed a memo to set up friendly relations for exchanges and cooperation. It was the first two city relationship achieved by the Shaoxing Natives Association. Zeng Xian has been working to make a twin city relationship between Shangyu, a city in Shaoxing that produces kiwi fruit, and Hastings, a famous grape producer. He hopes the knot between the two cities can be tied in 2020.