王金帅 郎擎宇
“2002年,朋友告诉我义乌有一个市场,很多外国人要到那边做外贸。我借了钱,在义乌开了第一家阿拉伯餐厅,差不多两三年就慢慢地把生意打理好了。” 穆罕奈德不但汉语说得不差,还有一副“热心肠”,所以在彼时的阿拉伯商人圈中,这家餐厅成了接待客商洽谈生意的好去处。
穆罕奈德看義乌的城市变化很实际:“以前是矮房,路也很窄,出租车也没有,现在全部是高楼。” 近年来,随着“一带一路”倡议的提出与发展,作为倡议支点城市的义乌,每年都会吸引超过50万人次的境外客商来到这座有着“世界小商品之都”之称的小城采购商品,进行贸易往来。
Seventeen years have elapsed since Mohanad Shalabi started his restaurant business in Yiwu, Zhejiang. In 2002, he learned from friends that many international traders gravitated toward a huge marketplace in Yiwu. Mohanad Shalabi borrowed some money, arrived in Yiwu, and started an Arabic restaurant there. In two years, his restaurant had a firm Arab clientele from the international community in Yiwu. The restaurant became a magnet for Arabian people in Yiwu and many met there to talk business as Mohanad Shalabi speaks Chinese fluently and is highly hospitable.
Mohanad Shalabi presents authentic Arab cuisine in Yiwu. He is married to a Chinese woman and now the couple has two sons born in Zhejiang. In 2018, he expanded his business and opened a much bigger Arabic restaurant. He has won some awards such as West Lake Friendship Prize for his contribution to Yiwu. “It is in Zhejiang that my dream comes true and I have achieved my Chinese Dream,” enthuses the Jordanian restaurateur.
President Xi Jinping mentioned Mohanad Shalabis story at the opening ceremony of the Sixth Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum in June 2014. “The rapid development of relations between China and Arab countries drew their peoples together,” Xi remarked. “There is a Jordanian, Mohanad Shalabi, in Yiwu where Arabic businesspeople congregate. He set up an Arabic restaurant, and prospered along with the city. He has since married a Chinese woman and settled in China. An ordinary young Arab, weaving his dream of life into the Chinese Dream of pursuing happiness, eventually reached success through hard work. This is the best example of the Chinese Dream meeting the Arabic Dream.”
In Yiwu, Mohanad Shalabi has witnessed tremendous changes at close hand. “Once upon time, the buildings were low, the roads were narrow and there was no taxi. Now tall buildings are everywhere,” says Mohanad Shalabi. Yiwu attracts 500,000 foreign businesspeople to visit the worlds capital of household commodities. Muhannad explains that the local governments individualized service has helped his business. “The government is generous. It comes to our help whenever we have problems. The government holds meetings at regular intervals to ask leaders of international chambers of commerce what the government can do to solve our problems. Issues such as education for our children and medical care are all solved.”
Mohanad Shalabi strongly supports Chinas Belt & Road Initiative as Yiwu is a key city in the initiative. Now cargo trains regularly go all the way from Yiwu to Europe. More and more people from Africa and Europe come to visit Yiwu and buy. “China is the mother country of my wife and two sons. And it is my second home country. I hope I can live in China with my family all my life. We want to live and do business in peace and stability. It is in peace and stability that we can live well and our business can be better. Nowadays our restaurant has many customers from other countries. And our business will be better in the future.”
From 2013 to 2018, the import and export between Zhejiang and the countries and regions along the Belt and Road amounted to 4.3388 trillion yuan. In the same period, the inbound investment from the Belt & Road countries and regions amounted to 3.39 billion US dollars whereas the outbound investment from Zhejiang to the Belt & Road countries and regions numbered 28 billion yuan. At present, businesses from Zhejiang operate 10 economic and trade zones in the countries and regions along the Belt and Road. The total investment into the 10 zones amounted to 5.5 billion USD and created more than 60,000 jobs in host countries and regions.