

农业工程学报 2019年17期

邵 毅,姚春霞,,黄柳娟,冯 博,周昌艳,白 冰,王 华,王卫国


邵 毅1,2,姚春霞1,2,※,黄柳娟1,冯 博1,周昌艳1,2,白 冰1,王 华3,4,王卫国5

(1. 上海市农业科学院农产品质量标准与检测技术研究所,上海 201403;2. 上海市设施园艺技术重点实验室,上海 201403;3. 美国俄亥俄州立大学食品科学与技术系,哥伦布 43210;4. 复旦大学生命科学院微生物学和微生物工程系,上海 200433;5. 上海国荣果业专业合作社,上海 201516)



0 引 言

抗生素耐药(antibiotic resistant,ART)致病菌可能通过食物链从农业生产及农产品中扩散至人类[1],耐药(antibiotic resistance,AR)基因还能通过水平基因迁移(horizontal gene transfer,HGT)从养殖动物源细菌迁移至人类共生菌中[2-3],因此,ART菌的快速增多对人类公共卫生安全造成巨大威胁[4]。耐药性的发生和迁移机制复杂,除抗生素筛选压外,AR基因池的大小[5]和ART菌的种属[6]是影响食源性耐药基因迁移潜势的关键因素。然而,目前食源性ART菌的研究主要在致病菌中展开,且依赖于有限菌种或单个菌落的培养分离[7]。在复杂的细菌生态系统中,除致病菌外,数量庞大的其他细菌的耐药数据十分有限。借助高通量二代测序技术,对潜在的ART细菌进行菌群组成研究,有助于完善ART菌的种属信息,进而全面揭示耐药机制。


1 材料与方法

1.1 试验材料与主要试剂

18份冷鲜鸡样品(表1)于2018年9月4日至2018年10月16日购于上海市6个大型超市和生鲜超市,冷鲜鸡样品的生产或包装日期为采样当天。采样时避免样品与手及人呼出的气体接触。样品用无菌袋盛装,在冰盒(约4 ℃)中于3 h内运回实验室,进行ART菌的分离。

脑心浸液肉汤(brain heart infusion broth,BHI)琼脂培养基(英国 Oxoid);四环素(tetracycline,Tet)、磺胺甲恶唑(sulfamethoxazole,Sul)、甲氧苄啶(trimethoprim,Tri)(美国Sigma);真菌抑制剂放线菌酮(cycloheximide,Cyc)(美国Amresco);生理盐水(广东环凯微生物科技有限公司);细菌基因组提取试剂盒(德国QIAGEN)。

表1 冷鲜鸡肉样品信息

1.2 仪器设备

SX-500型高压灭菌锅(日本TOMY)用于细菌培养基的制备;BAGMIXER400型均质机(法国Interscience)用于鸡肉样品的拍打均质;1300 SERIES A2型生物安全柜(美国Thermo Fisher scientific)用于细菌的分离操作;Medcenter Einrichtungen GmbH型恒温培养箱(德国Friocell)用于细菌的培养;Mini-Sub cell GT型水平核酸电泳系统(美国Bio-rad)和NanoDrop 2000c型超微量分光光度计(美国Thermo)分别用于菌体DNA提取质量的定性和定量分析;Criterion Stain Free型凝胶成像系统(美国Bio-rad)用于菌体DNA电泳结果的显示;T100型PCR仪(美国Bio-rad)用于菌体16S rDNA的聚合酶链式反应(polymerase chain reaction,PCR)扩增。

1.3 方 法

1.3.1 四环素耐药菌(tetracycline resistant bacteria,Tetr)和磺胺耐药菌(sulfamethoxazole resistant bacteria,Sulr)的分离

参考Huang等[11]的方法从冷鲜鸡样品表面分离对四环素或磺胺甲恶唑/甲氧苄啶耐药的细菌:无菌条件下将表面肌肉和皮剪碎,混匀,准确称量25 g置于无菌袋中,加入225 mL无菌生理盐水,拍打均质5 min,用移液枪吸取200L混匀的均质液均匀涂布于含有放线菌酮和四环素(Cyc+Tet)或放线菌酮和磺胺甲恶唑及甲氧苄啶(Cyc+ Sul+Tri)的BHI平板上,所有平板中Cyc的浓度均为100g/mL。为了尽量减少耐药假阳性细菌的生长,参考美国临床和实验室标准协会(Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute,CLSI)对几种典型临床致病菌对四环素或磺胺甲恶唑/甲氧苄啶耐药折点的规定[12],将培养皿中四环素、磺胺甲恶唑和甲氧苄啶的浓度点分别定为48、228和12g/mL,即大多数致病菌相应耐药折点的3倍;同时,将本实验室前期优化的鸡肉表面抗生素耐药细菌分离培养条件((32±1)℃,48 h)[8]中的培养时间缩短为24 h。

1.3.2 DNA提取及PCR扩增

刮取培养皿上所有菌体,用2 mL生理盐水重悬混匀,取100L提取细菌总DNA。经1%琼脂糖凝胶电泳和核酸定量仪测定,确定所提细菌总DNA的质量后,PCR扩增核糖体亚基16S rDNA基因的V3-V4区。上游引物为341F:5’-CCTAYGGGRBGCASCAG-3’,下游引物为806R:5’-GGACTACNNGGGTATCTAAT-3’。扩增结束后,用2%琼脂糖凝胶电泳和核酸定量仪检测PCR产物的质量,委托北京诺禾致源生物信息科技有限公司基于IonS5TMXL测序平台,利用单端测序(Single-End)的方法,对构建的小片段文库进行高通量测序。

1.3.3 高通量测序数据分析

将IonS5TMXL下机数据导出fastq文件。根据barcode序列区分各个样本的数据,并进行嵌合体过滤,得到用于后续分析的有效数据(clean reads)。以97%的一致性(identity)对所有样本的有效标签(effective tags)进行操作分类单元(operational taxonomic unit,OTU)聚类和物种分类分析。随后,一方面用SILVA132(的SSUrRNA数据库在界(kingdom)、门(phylum)、纲(class)、目(order)、科(family)、属(genus)和种(species)7个水平对每个OTU的序列做物种注释分析,得到对应的物种信息和基于物种的丰度分布情况;另一方面,对OTU进行丰度、-多样性计算、维恩(Venn)图和花瓣图等分析,以得到样本内物种丰富度和均匀度信息、不同样本或分组间的共有(共享菌群[13])和特有(特有菌群)OTU信息等。用EXCEL的单因素方差分析比对各样品中四环素耐药菌和磺胺耐药菌-多样性指数的差异,计算P值(P-value),当< 0.05时,差异显著。用EXCEL绘制菌落丰度柱状图。

2 结果与分析

2.1 α-多样性分析

对每个冷鲜鸡肉样品表面的Tetr菌和Sulr菌的组成分别进行多样性分析(-多样性),评估其复杂度和多样性。菌群覆盖度(good’s coverage)指数反映了测序深度,当测序深度覆盖到样品中所有的物种时,其值为1;物种数(observed species)指数和超(chao1)指数反映了单个样品中物种的数量,即群落的丰富度;香农(shannon)指数和辛普森(simpon)指数反映了群落的多样性,相同丰富度时,均匀度越高,群落的多样性越大,2个指数的值就越大。结果表明,各样品中2种ART菌的覆盖指数为0.999~1(表 2),说明几乎所有序列都被测出,本次多样性分析结果能反映样品菌群组成的真实情况。18个样品测序共获得503个OTU,平均每个样品的Tetr菌和Sulr菌中分别获得139个和156个OTU。本试验涉及的冷鲜鸡样品中,Tetr菌的OTU数、丰富度指数和多样性指数与Sulr菌相比,均无显著性差异,可能是BHI培养基对菌种的筛选偏好造成的。

2.2 菌群结构分析



表2 样品OTU数量和α-多样性指数

a. 四环素耐药菌

a. Tetracycline-resistant bacteria

b. 磺胺耐药菌

b. Sulfamethoxazole-resistant bacteria

图1 冷鲜鸡肉表面四环素耐药菌和磺胺耐药菌在门水平上的分布



a. 四环素耐药菌

a. Tetracycline-resistant bacteria

b. 磺胺耐药菌

b. Sulfamethoxazole-resistant bacteria

图2 冷鲜鸡肉表面四环素耐药菌和磺胺耐药菌在属水平上的分布

2.3 共享菌群分析



表3 冷鲜鸡肉中四环素耐药菌和磺胺耐药菌的共享菌群


2.4 特有菌群


表4 冷鲜鸡肉中四环素耐药菌和磺胺耐药菌的特有菌群


Note: 1*-6*stand for sample No. 1 to 6.

3 结 论

1)利用二代测序技术分析冷鲜鸡肉表面可培养的四环素耐药菌(tetracycline resistant bacteria,Tetr)和磺胺耐药菌(sulfamethoxazole resistant bacteria,Sulr)的菌群多样性,在2类ART菌中各注释出59个和58个已明确属名的属,与前人关于冷鲜鸡肉表面细菌多样性分析的研究数据相比,占比较高,预示冷鲜鸡表面多类细菌已具备抗生素耐药性。


由于不同的培养方法会影响细菌的分离结果,因此,单一的培养条件会限制微生物多样性分析结果的全面性。比如本研究中,尽管每个样品中Tetr菌和Sulr菌在属水平上的菌群分布有明显差异,但两者的操作分类单元(operational taxonomic unit,OTU)数量、丰富度指数和多样性指数均无显著性差异,说明菌相信息的获得收到了培养的限制。因此,冷鲜鸡肉表面耐药菌的全面揭示有赖于不依赖培养的分析技术的建立。

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Diversity of tetracycline- and sulfamethoxazole-resistant bacteria on surface of cold fresh chicken

Shao Yi1,2, Yao Chunxia1,2,※, Huang Liujuan1, Feng Bo1, Zhou Changyan1,2, Bai Bing1, Wang Hua3,4, Wang Weiguo5

(1.,,201403,; 2.,201403,; 3.,,43210,; 4.,,,200433,; 5.,201516,)

The increased use of antimicrobial-resistant (AR) bacteria in agricultural production has posed a great threat to human health, as AR pathogens could spread from agricultural product to human body via food chain. The antimicrobial resistance (ART) genes in animal- and environment-derived bacteria can migrates to human commensal bacteria through horizontal gene transfer (HGT). Increased evidences have shown the critical role of commensal bacteria in HGT of ART genes, affected by both size and species of ART bacteria. Because of the horizontal gene transfer, it is essential to understand antimicrobial resistance in bacterial community rather than in several species. Currently, there is a knowledge gap in our understanding of tendentious carriers of ART gene as most existing studies focused only on a limited pathogenic bacteria. Cold fresh chicken is consumed worldwide, and our previous work had found existence of tetracycline-resistant (Tetr) bacteria and sulfamethoxazole-resistant (Sulr) bacteria in chicken products which might harbor a pool of AR gene, offering a potential avenue for transmission of antimicrobial resistant bacteria and AR genes to human beings. Motivated by these findings, we randomly selected 18 cold fresh chicken samples from six supermarkets in Shanghai from September to October in 2018 to investigate possible existence of Tetrand Sulrbacteria, as well as the potential risk of antimicrobial resistance migration. The culturable Tetrand Sulrbacteria on the surface of the chicken samples were recovered by brain heart infusion (BHI) agar, containing 48g/mL tetracycline or 228g/mL sulfamethoxazole plus 12g/mL trimethoprim. Their diversity was analyzed by the IonS5TMXL sequencing platform. The results showed that the top three phyla with highest relative abundance of ART bacteria were Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes. In Tetrand Sulrbacteria, 59 and 58 specific genera were identified respectively. Compared with the literature report on diversity of total bacteria on surface of cold fresh chicken, the genera of the two ART bacteria found in our study accounted for a high proportion of the total microbial population, indicating that many bacteria on the surface of cold fresh chicken were resistant to the two antimicrobials. The results of shared floras found 18 genera (56 OUTs) and 19 genera (63 OUTs) in Tetrand Sulrbacteria respectively, among which the multi-drug resistance of avian and humanspp,spp.,spp.,spp. andspp. had been well established. Thus, the potential risk of horizontal transfer of AR genes from avian to human need to further investigation. However, the characteristics of antimicrobial resistance in other 16 genera of shared floras isolated from avian, includingspp.,spp.,spp.,spp.,spp.,spp.,spp.,spp.,spp.,spp.,spp.,spp.,spp.,spp.,spp. andspp., have not been reported yet. We found that the specific floras of ART bacteria differed from each sample, and 5 to 39 unique OTUs, from 3 to 32 genus, were identified in samples taken from all supermarkets. The specific ART floras data could be used to trace the origin of the ART bacteria during the processing chain. Overall, our results identified existence of ART bacteria on surface of cold fresh chicken and provided reference for further investigation into their potential risk and control. Since separation of bacteria could be affected by cultural method, our diversity analysis was limited to a single culture condition and relied on establishment of analytical techniques of culture-independent in the future.

microorganism; bacteria; antibiotics; cold fresh chicken; tetracycline-resistant bacteria; sulfamethoxazole-resistant bacteria; diversity










邵 毅,姚春霞,黄柳娟,冯 博,周昌艳,白 冰,王 华,王卫国. 冷鲜鸡肉表面四环素和磺胺耐药菌的菌群多样性分析[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(17):301-308. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.17.036

Shao Yi, Yao Chunxia, Huang Liujuan, Feng Bo, Zhou Changyan, Bai Bing, Wang Hua, Wang Weiguo. Diversity of tetracycline- and sulfamethoxazole-resistant bacteria on surface of cold fresh chicken[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(17): 301-308. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.17.036

