

农业工程学报 2019年17期

王 英,管延萱,冯佳欣,魏 来,宋知霖


王 英,管延萱,冯佳欣,魏 来,宋知霖

(东北农业大学工程学院,哈尔滨 150030)



0 引 言


关于农机折旧的理论研究一直较少,更多的集中在资产重估[1-3]和折旧方法方面[4-6]。目前国内外折旧方法主要包括直线法、年数总和法、定值递减法[7]、余额递减法、双倍余额递减法[8]等,经过综合研究表明动态余额递减法是目前最能反映机器价值变化规律的折旧模型[9-10]。但是不同农业机器的实际价值转移规律具有很大的差异性,具体用哪一种折旧方法和采取多少折旧比例来计算某一种农业机器的折旧成本,一直是困扰管理工作者的难点,也直接影响折旧额的科学性和合理性[11-13]。农机折旧成本计算的要素包括残值和折旧年限,若建立残值系数模型,则能够更加科学地估计不同机龄、不同类型的农业机器折旧成本[14-17]。现有的ASABE(American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers)农机通用残值系数模型是以公开拍卖的机器数据为基础,通过回归分析方法建立了12种不同农机的残值函数表达式[18-19]。但是由于该模型的基础数据来自于美国生产实践,而农业机器的残值与其制造水平、作业条件、维修保养等诸多因素有关,因此该模型并不适用于中国实际情况,建模思想可以学习,但模型不能照搬[20]。小型拖拉机的残值预测模型是国内较早建立的残值模型,但是忽略了不同拖拉机年平均工作时间的差异性和不同年份资金的时间价值,忽略了无形磨损的影响,因此模型精度不高[21-23]。


1 设备磨损类型及量化分析

1.1 有形磨损


1.2 有形磨损量化分析




表1 ASABE残值模型系数




前期研究发现,当拖拉机机龄超过4 a时,该模型对于残值系数预测的精度大幅降低,主要原因是随着拖拉机使用时间的增长,机器残值受无形磨损,即技术进步的影响逐渐增强[25]。


1.3 无形磨损


1.4 无形磨损量化分析







2 拖拉机残值系数预测模型构建


2.1 建模假设





2.2 试验数据获取


表2 银行不同年份平均年利率

注:数据来源中国统计摘要人民币一年期存贷款利率。Note: The data source is from China statistical abstract CNY one-year deposit and loan interest rate.

样本数据如表3所示,其中,观察样本共有25台轮式拖拉机;机龄以卖出时间与购买时间的实际差值来计算;拖拉机的年平均作业时长则以拍卖时上报的总工作时长与机龄之比来计算[38]。从表3中可知,25个轮式拖拉机的机龄4~8 a,年平均工作时长232~720 h不等。

表3 研究样本基本数据


Note: The data source is from the announcement of the auction results of agricultural machinery and farm tools in the Agricultural Machinery Service Center.

2.3 构建残值系数预测模型

通常计算设备折旧是采用预估折旧费用的方式,计算方法是设备原值乘以残值系数。国内外诸多学者通过大量的数据研究得到机器残值系数的变化趋势是随着机器年平均作业时长和机龄的增加而下降。文献[24]通过回归分析、残差分析得到了相对准确的拖拉机残值系数预测模型,如式(2)所示,并用于预测中国大中型拖拉机的残值,且预测精度较高。但该模型存在的问题是对机龄3~4 a的拖拉机残值系数预测精度较高,当拖拉机使用机龄超过4 a,模型预测精度明显降低,主要原因是随着拖拉机使用时间的增长,其价值受无形磨损的影响逐渐增强。因此,为了提高拖拉机残值系数的预测精度,应在现有预测模型基础上,考虑无形磨损对拖拉机残值的影响。




表4 改进模型与原模型预测结果对比


Note: Primitive value of machine=Buying price of machine×Discount coefficient of buying time; Current value of machine=Auction price of machine×Discount coefficient of buying time; Prediction bias of original modelD=︱1-0︱×100;Prediction bias of improved modelD=︱2-0︱×100; Increase ratio of precision for improved model=(DD)×100/D; “-” denotes no increase of precision for improved model.

根据表4,对于1~20号机型(除13和14号机型外),使用改进模型计算得到的残值系数更接近于实际残值系数,同原模型相比,其预测偏差较小,预测精度得到大幅度提高(达到27%以上);而对于21~25号机型,原模型残值系数预测值与实际残值系数更为接近,改进模型的预测偏差较大,预测效果不理想。这是由于21~25号机型的机龄为4 a以内,1~20号机型的机龄均在5 a以上,由此可见,农机在使用初期,由于技术变化不大,其受无形磨损影响较小;但是随着农机机龄的增长,科学技术不断发展和进步,一方面设备制造工艺的改进和社会劳动生产率的提高使同类设备的再生产价值降低,另一方面技术更先进、性能更完善、生产效率更高、原材料和能源消耗更低的新型设备将会出现,则无形磨损对农机残值的影响会逐渐体现,并日益增强。因此,对于使用年限相对较长的农机残值预测,必须考虑技术进步导致的无形磨损带来的影响。

2.4 模型验证








表5 残值系数预测模型曲线相似度计算结果





3 结 论






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Prediction model of tractor residual value coefficient considering factor of invisible wear

Wang Ying, Guan Yanxuan, Feng Jiaxin, Wei Lai, Song Zhilin


Depreciation takes up a large proportion in the total activity cost of agricultural machinery. As the update speed of agricultural machinery was gradually accelerating, the impact of the invisible wears was strengthened by technological progress on agricultural machinery depreciation. Aiming to this problem, two types of invisible wears, which were caused by increased labor productivity and the emergency of more advanced machines, were analyzed and quantified respectively, and based on which, the comprehensive invisible wear degree was given in this paper. According to the traditional ASABE (American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers) residual value coefficient prediction model of tractors, considering the invisible wear factor, an improved prediction model of the residual value coefficient for tractors was established. Based on the auction data of 25 wheeled tractors collected from the agricultural machinery and tools auction results in the agricultural machinery service center, the age, the average annual working hours and the comprehensive degree of the invisible wears were used as the main independent variables to construct the improved model of the tractor residual value coefficient prediction and to analyze the law of the tractor value change. In addition, in order to increase the calculation accuracy, the discount coefficient was introduced to consider the time value of the capital. The results showed when the tractor age was above five years, the prediction value of the improved model was closer to the real residual value coefficient, and compared with the original model, the improved model was with less prediction deviation and higher prediction precision that was improved by more than 27%; but when the tractor age was within four years, the prediction deviation for the improved model was bigger than the original model, and the prediction result of the improved model was not satisfactory. The main reasons causing the results were that the effect of the invisible wears on the tractor was very small due to smaller technological progress in its early working period, but with the increasing of the tractor age and the development of science and technology, on one hand, the reproduction value of the same type of tractor would go down because of the improvement of manufacturing process and the increase of social labor productivity; on the other hand, the new type of machines, which were with more advanced technology, better performance, higher productivity and lower consumptions of raw materials and energy, would occur, so the effect of the invisible wears on the tractor residual value would intensified gradually, which also demonstrated that when predicting the residual value of agricultural machinery used for a relatively long period of time, the influence of the invisible wears must be considered. At the same time, the method of the geometry-based “Fréchet distance” metric was applied to further comprehensively compare and evaluate the prediction accuracies of the original model and the improved model. The results showed that compared with the original model, the improved model was with the higher prediction precision that was improved by 24.9%, and was able to significantly improve the accuracy of residual value prediction of tractors. The research of this paper can provide scientific and accurate decision-making basis for the calculation of depreciation cost and the determination of replacement time of agricultural machinery.

agricultural machinery; model; wear; tractors; residual value coefficient; Fréchet distance









王 英,管延萱,冯佳欣,魏 来,宋知霖. 考虑无形磨损的拖拉机残值系数预测模型[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(17):58-65. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.17.008

Wang Ying, Guan Yanxuan, Feng Jiaxin, Wei Lai, Song Zhilin. Prediction model of tractor residual value coefficient considering factor of invisible wear[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(17): 58-65. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.17.008


