

中国医药导报 2019年22期

何亮亮 倪家骧 曹国庆 郭玉娜 杨立强

[摘要] 目的 通过低温等离子技术气化消融神经诱发疼痛的方法,探讨颈椎盘源性疼痛的分布规律。 方法 选择2018年6~11月首都医科大学宣武医院疼痛科行CT引导下低温等离子椎间盘气化消融术的30例颈椎盘源性疼痛患者作为研究对象。术中,采用人体数字编码区域示意图记录诱发疼痛区域。 结果 低温等离子气化消融术的椎间盘节段包括14例C4~C5、17例C5~C6和5例C6~C7,其中C4~C5、C5~C6和C6~C7间盘均可诱发的疼痛区域包括颈肩交界、斜方肌后上方、肩胛骨、肩胛间、胸前、肩后。C4~C5间盘诱发的疼痛区域偏向头侧,包括前额、耳、枕后、枕下、颈后区域;C5~C6间盘诱发的疼痛区域包括颈后、颈前、颈肩交界、斜方肌后上方、肩胛骨、肩胛间、胸前、肩后、上臂、前臂、胸背;C6~C7间盘诱发的疼痛区域偏向足侧,包括上臂、前臂、胸背区域。 结论 颈椎盘源性疼痛的分布呈一定规律分布,具有重叠性、局限性、方向性和顺序性。

[关键词] 低温等离子;颈椎盘源性疼痛;间盘造影;疼痛分布

[中图分类号] R681          [文献标识码] A          [文章编号] 1673-7210(2019)08(a)-0119-04

[Abstract] Objective To investigate the distribution of cervical discogenic pain through the method of low-temperature plasma gasification ablation technology to induce pain. Methods From June to November 2018, 30 patients with cervical discogenic pain underwent CT-guided low-temperature plasma intervertebral disc gasification ablation in Department of Pain of Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University were selected as research objects. During the operation, the pain-inducing region was recorded by the schematic diagram of the digital coding region of human body. Results The intervertebral disc segments of low-temperature plasma gasification ablation included 14 cases of C4-C5, 17 cases of C5-C6, and 5 cases of C6-C7, among which, the pain areas induced by C4-C5, C5-C6, and C6-C7 intervertebral disc included the cervical and shoulder junction, the posterior upper part of the trapquadratus, the scapula, the interscapula, the chest, and the posterior shoulder. The pain areas induced by C4-C5 intervertebral disc were inclined to the cephalic side, including the forehead, ears, posterior occipital, suboccipital and posterior cervical areas. The pain areas induced by C5-C6 intervertebral disc included posterior, anterior, cervico-shoulder junction, posterior and upper part of the trapezius, scapula, interscapula, chest, posterior shoulder, upper arm, forearm and thorax. The pain areas induced by C6-C7 intervertebral disc were inclined to the side of the foot, including the upper arm, forearm and thoracodorsal areas. Conclusion The distribution of cervical discogenic pain is regular, with overlap, limitation, direction and sequence.

[Key words] Low-temperature plasma; Cervical discogenic pain; Discography; Pain distribution



1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料

本研究已获首都医科大学宣武医院(以下简称“我院”)医学伦理委员会批准,患者或其家属已签署知情同意书。2018年6~11月我院疼痛科进行颈椎低温等离子椎间盘气化消融术的颈椎间盘源性疼痛患者30例,ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级,男16例,女14例,年龄≥18岁,身高不限,体重不限,疼痛时间>3个月,疼痛视觉模拟评分(VAS)≥4分。经保守治疗、椎间孔或关节突关节注射治疗无效,MRI提示颈椎椎间盘包容性突出,突出<3 mm,突出节段≤2个,椎间盘高度>50%相邻椎间盘高度,排除感染、血液病、凝血功能异常、脊髓炎、脊髓栓系、脊髓肿瘤、椎体滑脱等。

1.2 方法

患者入手术室后,开放上肢静脉通道,以10 mL/(kg·h)速率输入乳酸钠林格液,术前静脉滴注阿托品0.5 mg。监测心率、血压、血氧饱和度(SpO2)。患者取仰卧位,颈肩部下垫1个10 cm高薄枕,保持颈椎轻度后仰位,颈前手术皮肤区域消毒、铺巾后,5 mL 0.5%利多卡因(生产商:山东华鲁制药有限公司;批号:C1806203)在颈前正中旁开1.5~2 cm处行局部浸润麻醉。患者保持清醒,术中出现诱发疼痛或异常神经刺激症状,应与术者及观察者准确沟通。首先,CT引导定位穿刺进针路径和角度,使用18G、8 cm穿刺针经左侧/右侧前入路至椎间盘,反复结合CT引导定位,再沿穿刺针内径置入等离子刀头(生产商:高通,中国;批号:1702181050),其刀头的工作端超出穿刺针尖端大约5 mm,再结合CT引导验证,确保等离子刀头不超过椎间盘后缘。位置无误后,启用热凝模式,工作强度1′,工作时间0.5~1 s,测试有无异常神经根刺激症状或异常感觉症状出现。启用消融模式,工作强度2′,顺时针旋转等离子刀头360°消融灭活纤维环内神经末梢,每次旋转工作时间<10 s,根据疼痛复制情况和椎间盘内压情况,酌情增加消融次数。


2 结果




3 讨论




本研究结果提示,颈椎盘源性疼痛区域具有方向性分布的特点。36例颈椎间盘低温等离子气化消融期间,消融左侧诱发疼痛区域在左侧,消融右侧诱发疼痛区域在右侧,其诱发疼痛区域与消融侧别一致。另外,由内侧向外侧改变消融靶点方向,其诱发疼痛区域也呈现由内向外的改变趋势。Cloward[5]报道了类似现象,在刺激颈椎椎间盘正中线时,疼痛位于椎体正中线处,而刺激点偏向外侧2~3 mm时,疼痛位置则转移至同侧肩胛区域,提示盘源性疼痛区域与椎间盘的病变位置有关。





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(收稿日期:2018-12-03  本文編辑:张瑜杰)