杨超君 袁爱仁 陈子清 吴盈志 张小锋 柳康
Abstract:For adjustable-speed magnetic couplers, mechanical properties and adjustable-speed characteristics are both important characteristics. In order to realize the speed regulating function better, these two characteristics above should be studied deeply. An axial-flux solid asynchronous magnetic coupler was proposed, and the calculation model of the transmitted torque was established. From this, the adjustable-speed relationship expressions were derived under the constant torque load and variable load torque conditions, respectively. Moreover, the relationships between the torque and the speed regulation were solved by discretization. In addition, the above two working characteristics of the coupler were simulated by finite element method, respectively. Particularly, the curves of mechanical property and adjustable-speed characteristic were also obtained, and the optimal air gap control ranges under the two different conditions of the constant torque load and variable torque load were determined. Furthermore, the adjustable-speed relationships when the constant torque load or variable torque load were verified experimentally, and the experimental results are in good agreement with the results of theoretical calculation and simulation analysis.
Keywords:axial-flux solid asynchronous magnetic coupler; mechanical property; adjustable-speed characteristic; torque; adjustable-speed relationship
0 引 言
由于上述诸多优点,调速型磁力耦合器的研究受到了国内外专家的重视。Mohammadi[3]运用等效磁路法推导了轴向充磁永磁涡流耦合器的磁密公式及转矩公式,并通过三维有限元模拟验证了理论计算的正确性;Baiba Ose-Zala[4]分析了圆筒式磁力耦合器的极弧系数、永磁体厚度及长度等基本参数对转矩的影响,计算了该耦合器的机械转矩,并进行了实验验证;L. Belguerras等[5]提出了采用高温超导材料的轴向充磁磁力耦合器,利用三维有限元法模拟了耦合器的气隙磁场及转矩,并进行了实验验证;韩国光云大学王双[6]运用有限元法分析了混合磁力耦合器的三维磁场,获得了三维磁场的径向与轴向分布,并对影响转矩大小的结构尺寸进行优化,提高了传动性能。
1 转矩公式及调速关系模型
1.1 结构模型及调速原理
4 结 论
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