陈柏超 周兴隆 罗垚 朱远哲
Abstract:Aiming at the problem of large volume and large floor space of traditional multi-tuned passive filters, a design method of compact multi-tuned filter considering the coupling between coils was proposed. Starting from the function of complex impedance, the circuit form of the traditional multi-tuned passive filter was obtained, and the circuit with the coupling relationship between the inductors equivalent to the former was established. Through the decoupling of the coupled inductor and the equivalent relationship with the traditional filter circuit, the nonlinear equations of the coil geometric parameters were established, and the design result of the compact three-tuned filter with coils coaxially placed was obtained. The simulation of the designed compact filter was carried out and the experimental prototype was fabricated. The simulation and experimental results show that this compact multi-tuned filter reduces the area occupation of the coils and also has good filtering performance.
Keywords:harmonic analysis; passive filters; Cauer filters; coupled circuits; inductance; nonlinear equations
0 引 言
1 互感耦合式滤波器设计思路
4 结 论
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