崔公哲 张朝霞 杨玲珍 王娟芬
摘 要: 为了有效滤除信号中的噪声,在提出的软、硬阈值函数去噪方法的基础上,结合已有的改进小波阈值去噪算法,新构造一种小波阈值函数。文中新构造的阈值函数结合软、硬阈值函数的优点,有较好的降噪效果和灵活性。通过Matlab仿真对比几种算法的信噪比(SNR)和均方误差(MSE)去噪指标,结果表明,新构造阈值函数的去噪指标优于传统阈值函数,具有一定的实用价值。
关键词: 小波变换; 阈值去噪; 噪声滤除; 去噪指标; 阈值函数; 仿真分析
中图分类号: TN919?34; TP391 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2019)19?0050?04
Abstract: In order to effectively eliminate the noise in the signal, a wavelet threshold function is constructed on the basis of soft and hard threshold function denoising methods, and in combination with the existing improved wavelet threshold denoising algorithm. The threshold function proposed in this paper combines the advantages of the soft and hard threshold function, and has better denoising effect and flexibility. The signal?to?noise ratio (SNR) and mean square error (MSE) denoising indexes of several algorithms were compared in Matlab simulation experiments. The experimental results show that the denoising indexes of the newly?constructed threshold function are superior to those of the traditional threshold function, and have a certain practical value.
Keywords: wavelet transform; threshold de?noising; noise filtering; denoising index; threshold function; simulation analysis
0 引 言
从表1可以明显看出,经过新的改进阈值函数去噪后的Heavy sine曲线的信噪比(SNR)最大且均方差(MSE)是最小的。
5 结 语
本文在软、硬阈值函数以及文献[8]的基础上构造一种新的阈值函数来提高含噪声信号的去噪效果。新的阈值函数克服了软、硬阈值连续性差和存在固有偏差的缺点,同时由于[α]的存在使得改进阈值函数更便于调节,灵活性好。利用上述几种小波阈值去噪方法对Heavy sine信号进行仿真实验,仿真结果表明,利用本文新构造的函数进行去噪,可以很好地限制伪吉布斯现象,在信噪比(SNR)和均方误差(MSE)性能指标上均优于软、硬阈值函数,能够较好地保留有用信号。
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