

西安科技大学学报 2019年4期

孟祥振 张慧梅 康晓革

摘 要:针对现有损伤本构模型所存在的局限与不足,在深入研究孔隙岩石变形破坏特征的前提下,将岩石视为孔隙、损伤与未损伤3部分。以孔隙率反映岩石体积变化,基于weibull随机分布,依据损伤力学原理,确立含孔隙冻融岩石的损伤本构模型,并以理论表达的形式确定模型参数,最后利用冻融岩石的力学特性试验结果验证其合理性。结果表明:推导的本构模型与试验结果吻合较好,且岩石初始阶段时孔隙压密以及应变软化特性都能更好地反映出来;通过峰值条件获得的模型参数表达式,可反映冻融岩石的损伤演化与变形破坏的一般规律,增强了模型的适用性。


中图分类号:TU 452   文献标志码:A

DOI:10.13800/j.cnki.xakjdxxb.2019.0417   文章编号:1672-9315(2019)04-0688-05

Abstract:With the limitations and deficiencies of the existing damage constitutive model in view, the rock was abstracted as three parts of pore, damage and non damage based on weibull random distribution, after having investigated the deformation and failure characteristics of porous rock. Due to the fact that porosity reflects the change of rock volume, the damage constitutive model of porous rock under freeze thaw was established based on the damage mechanics theory, and the model parameters were determined in the form of expressions. Finally, the rationality of the model was verified by using the conventional triaxial freeze thaw text to obtain mechanical parameters. The results of the study show that: The establishment of constitutive model is reasonable, and the pore pressure and softening properties of the rock can be better reflected in the initial period. The expression of the model parameters obtained through the peak conditions can reflect the law of the damage and the deformation of rock under freeze thaw, which enhance the applicability of the model.

Key words:porosity;constitutive model;model parameter;damage

0 引 言


目前,针对岩石损伤本构方面的研究取得了一定的成果。ZHOU H W,周辉、CHEN Xin等推导出岩石损伤本构模型,并利用线性回归的方法确定模型参数[1-3];李树春、张慧梅、LI XIANG,袁小清通过峰值点法确定了模型参数,较线性回归法有了较大改进,且参数具有明确的物理意义[4-8];曹文贵、温韬、石崇等采用不同的强度准则建立了岩石的本构模型[9-11];曹文贵在研究岩石空隙率基础上建立了岩石损伤模型[12];张蒙军、陈有亮、刘松明建立了不同环境下的岩石损伤关系式[13-15];张慧梅、ZHOU Shuwei,HUANG Shibing[16-19]等采用弹性模量对岩石冻融损伤进行了表征,确定了冻融和载荷下的统计本构方程。上述模型虽然对岩石变形过程进行了比较好的描述,但对于变形过程中岩石体积变化及凍融环境因素变化的影响并没有很好的综合考虑。


1 含孔隙岩石的损伤本构模型

1.1 损伤模型的建立

3 模型验证



4 结 论





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