王征 汪梅
摘 要:为研究无明确特征模式的煤尘颗粒图像特性,以某煤矿煤样为研究对象,按国标标准运用粉尘采样器对粉尘溢散源处颗粒物进行多点采样。采用多决策属性约简模糊粗糙集3个阶段即提出隶属度模型、实现属性约简、确定最大信息熵阈值分割对颗粒形态特征机理进行分析。首先建立粉尘图像各像素点对应的模糊类别隶属度模型,利用多分段函数确定隶属度;分析煤粉尘图像灰度特征并将其作为条件属性,确定条件属性的模糊依赖度,获取最优值并提取模糊属性约简,进行目标及背景区域的模糊下近似和模糊上近似划分;最后建立煤粉尘颗粒的信息熵模型,存储信息熵并实现对分割阈值的提取。结果表明:依据模糊属性约简的互异重要度可实现多属性约简;并确定煤粉尘图像模块区域的最大信息熵分割阈值。所建立模型可删除冗余属性,选择出对分类更为重要的属性,并通过属性约简完成特征选择分类。
中图分类号:TD 76 文献标志码:A
DOI:10.13800/j.cnki.xakjdxxb.2019.0421 文章编号:1672-9315(2019)04-0713-07
Abstract:To investigate imagery characteristics of coal dust particles without clear characteristic mode,coal samples from a coal mine were taken as research objects,and the dust sampler was used to conduct particles multi point sampling at dust spill source according to the international standard.The multi decision attribute reduction fuzzy rough set,including three stages of the membership model,realizing attribute reduction,and determinating maximum information entropy threshold segmentation,are adopted to analyze the particle morphology characteristics.The corresponding fuzzy degree membership model was established for dust image pixels and meanwhile the membership coefficient was determined by multi segment function.In additon,the gray feature of coal dust image was analyzed and used as conditional attribute so that the fuzzy dependence of conditional attribute can be determined to obtain its maximum value and extract the fuzzy attribute reduction.At the same time the fuzzy lower approximation and the upper approximation in the target and its background regions were divided.Finally the information entropy model of coal dust particles was established with the information entropy stored and its corresponding segmentation threshold extracted.The results show that multi attribute reduction can be realized according to the mutual importance of fuzzy attribute reduction;and the maximum information entropy segmentation threshold of coal dust image module area is determined.The established model,therefore,can delete the redundant attributes,select more important classification attributes,and complete the feature selection classification through attribute reduction.
Key words:safety science and engineering;image grey feature;information entropy;fuzzy membership;multi attribute reduction
0 引 言
1 属性约简图像特征空间模型机理分析
1.1 决策信息系统属性约简的建立
1.2 属性约简算法描述
3 实验结果与分析
为了验证文中提出的信息熵多属性约简模型及其性能反应的合理性,首先采用文献[24]、文献[25]及IEMAR算法对比展示,依据30组不同类别的煤尘图像作为训练样本,类别按照取像光源、取像时段、取像温度不同条件划分,对不同粒度大小的煤尘颗粒图像特性信息进行识别。每组取像20幅图片,限于篇幅,仅列出部分样本。在Pentium Dual Core G3420CPU,4GRAM的PC机、OlympusBX41通过Olympus BX41显微放大装置获取图像(显微放大倍数:目镜×10,物镜×10)以及Matlab2014b软件环境下,实验对象取自某煤矿选煤厂采集的不同粒度大小的煤尘图像,像素大小均为512×512.煤尘粒度> 200 μm如图1(a)所示,75 μm <煤尘粒度 < 200 μm如图2(a)所示,煤尘粒度< 75 μm如图3(a)所示。并通过几种不同的算法对图像进行分割,分割效果分别如图1,图2,图3中(b)、(c)、(d)所示。
4 结 论
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