摘 要:以人教版高中英語教材必修3 Unit 5 “A Trip on ‘The True North’”的教学为例,从文本内容(What问题)、写作意图(Why问题)和文体特征(How问题)三个方面进行文本解读,实施深度阅读。即从创设语境、激活已知、熟悉话题,到读标题、看插图、预测主题,到快速浏览、获取大意、绘制路径图,到提取信息、内化语言、形成概念图,到表达感受、比较异同、做出选择,到合理质疑、互动交流、迁移创新,再到反思内省、回归生活、巩固运用,在这一系列过程中探讨如何基于核心素养在高中英语阅读教学中设计文本解读活动。
[What]“A Trip on ‘The True North’”是一篇游记,介绍了两姐妹乘火车从温哥华自西向东横跨加拿大到大西洋沿岸的旅行。文章按照旅行的时间顺序和自西向东的方位顺序,依次介绍了沿途经过的主要城市和地区,包括温哥华(Vancouver)、落基山脉(the Rocky Mountains)、卡尔加里(Calgary)、桑德贝(Thunder Bay)、五大湖(the Great Lakes)、多伦多(Toronto)等,并以每个地点为依托,通过两姐妹的所见和感悟,以及同行人Danny Lin的讲述,介绍了加拿大的自然和人文地理概况,包括人口数量、国土面积、农业种植、气候特点、体育活动、特有动物、城乡差异、淡水资源和森林资源等。文中包含了丰富多样的加拿大自然和人文信息,以及旅行者的内心感受。
Step 1:创设语境,激活已知,熟悉话题
T:What's your first impression of Canada? Can you use some adjectives to describe it?
T:How much do you know about Canada? Let's take a test.Are you ready?
①Canada is thelargest country in the world.
②What is the capital of Canada?
③Which is the national flag of Canada?
④What language(s) is(are) officially spoken in Canada ?
⑤What is the national animal of Canada?
⑥Which is the national flower of Canada?
⑦What is the Canadian leader called?
⑧How many “Great Lakes” are there in Canada and what are they?
⑨Which song is the national anthem of Canada?
教师从测试中的最后一题的国歌歌词引出“The True North”,其在国歌中指的是加拿大。让学生思考标题中的“The True North”是否也是指加拿大,并且分析标题中的介词。
T:Let's look at the words of“O Canada”. What does “The True North” refer to?
Step 2:读标题,看插图,预测主题
教师引导学生细读标题,重点关注 “The True North” 和 “Trip”,再看文本中的插图(如图1),预测文本内容。师生对话如下:
T:Please read the title and look at the picture. What do you think “The True North” refers to?
S1:Maybe a place that is in the North Pole.
T:Do you agree?
S2:No. If it is a place, here IN should be used instead of ON.
T:You are so careful. So what on earth does “The True North” refer to? We will read to find out. Now, focus your attention on “Trip” . What do you think the writer will talk about in this article?
S3:I guess maybe means of transportation, attractions, the food, local customs and some feelings.
T:Yes. Generally, the writer will mention who, why, how, when, where, what, feelings and so on. Now please read the article fast to search for such information.
【設计意图】标题通常是文本内容的聚焦点。从标题入手,观察标题与文本内容之间的必要联系,从而提取与文本内容相关的线索,使文章主线浮出水面。文本中的插图或者图表往往能第一时间抓住读者的眼球,增加读者阅读文本的兴趣。它们不仅仅向学生提供了简单明了的信息,激发学生头脑中原有的信息,也有效地把高难度的文本信息转化为学生易接受的图片信息,帮助学生理解。本课例中教师引导学生根据标题和配图,猜测文章主题,预设阅读目标,激发好奇心,通过下面的阅读查找文章主题和“The True North”的真正含义,验证预测。这种有目的、有计划的观察阅读活动是提升学生思维品质的重要途径。
Step 3:快速浏览,获取大意,绘制路径图
Task 1:To find out what “The True North ”refers to and see whether your predictions are right.
Task 2:To fill in the chart below.
Brief Introduction About the Trip
Who and her cousin
Where (destination)
How (transportation)first by ,
then by
Task 3:To work in groups to draw a simple travel route (旅行路线) of the two girls, then present it on the blackboard.
T:From the travel route, obviously they are having a trip from west to east across the whole continent by train. What do you think of this trip?
S1:It must be very fascinating.
S2:It must be a tiring journey though interesting.
T:I can't agree more. But how did they feel before the trip according to the article?
Step 4:提取信息,内化语言,形成概念图
Task 1:To read Paragraph 2 for information about Canada and Vancouver.First answer the question and then fill in the chart below.
T:What can they see during the journey?
Ss:Mountains, lakes, forests, wide rivers, large cities.
Vancouver (Para.2)
T:According to the information you have just got, what kind of country do you think Canada is?
Ss:Big, beautiful—
T:Yes. Actually it is the 2nd largest country in the world with various beautiful scenery. Then what do you think of Vancouver?
S1:It is a charming city.
S2:I think it is a paradise for tourists, which is my dream city.
T:I agree with you. And that is why the population is increasing year by year. Vancouver is their first stop.Can you guess their feelings here?
Ss:Happy, worthwhile, fascinated, hopeful—
T:I feel so too. Let's continue to read.
Task 2:To read Paragraph 3 for information about the Rocky Mountains and Calgary.
Q1:What did they see while crossing the Rocky Mountains?
Q2:What is Calgary famous for?
Q3:How did they feel about traveling here?
T:After reading this part, can you find out what they saw while crossing the Rocky Mountains?
Ss:They caught sight of goats, a grizzly bear and an eagle.
T:Was it easy for them to catch sight of them?
Ss:No. They managed to see them.
T:Yes. To manage to do something means to try hard to do something successfully. Can you guess their emotions here?
S1:They were attracted by the wonderful scenery.
S2:They felt amazed.
T:Yes, I think they were overwhelmed by such breathtaking views. And what is Calgary famous for?
Ss:The Calgary Stampede.
T:What is it about?
Ss:Cowboys having a gift for riding wild horses compete in Stampede to win much money in prizes.
T:Do you think horse riding is as popular in China as in Canada?
T:So can you guess the girls' feelings here?
Ss:They must be curious.
T:I think your guess is reasonable. Now let's continue to read more.
Task 3:To read Paragraph 4 for information about Thunder Bay and fill in the blanks to complete the paragraph below.
Thunder Bay is acity.
Where is Thunder Bay?
It is at the top of the.
Canada has the world's total fresh water, and much of it is in.
T:How did the girls feel while traveling here?
Ss:Amazed and surprised.
T:You got it. What did they feel amazed at?
Ss:Such an empty country.
T:Right. And why did they feel surprised?
Ss:They were surprised at the fact that ocean ships can sail up the Great Lakes.
T:Yeah. What is the fact?
Ss:The fact is that ocean ships can sail up the Great Lakes.
Task 4:To read Paragraph 5 and predict what will be talked about next.
T:So what do you think will be talked about next?
Ss:Their experience in Toronto.
T:Why do you think so?
S1:From the last sentence “… southward towards Toronto.”
T:Yeah. That is an important clue. So far, we have finished reading their experience in the trip. Do you think they had a wonderful trip?
T:From their emotions we have got (fascinated, hopeful, attracted, overwhelmed…), we can see they had a wonderful trip.
Task 5:After reading the whole passage, use the information you have got to finish the structure below (图2) about Canada.
Step 5:表达感受,比较异同,做出选择
了解了旅行者的见闻与感受之后,教师引导学生针对文中提到的四个主要地方(图3),发表自己的见解和感受,并做出选择:If someday you have a chance to go to Canada, where will you go? Why?
Step 6:合理质疑,互动交流,迁移创新
Task 1:教师引导学生重新审视旅行者旅行计划的合理性,并提出更合理的建议:
Do you like their travel plan (means of transportation, traveling route, destinations and so on)? Do you have better choices?
Task 2:在讨论文中旅行者旅行计划合理性的基础上,教师引导学生制订一份简易的旅行计划,包括去哪儿、怎么去等方面:Two of my Canadian pen pals are coming for a visit in China. Work in groups to make a 3 day travel plan for them.
Consider the following aspects:Where to go? How to go? What to visit? What to take? You may choose from the following places of interest in China(图4).
Step 7:反思内省,回归生活,巩固运用 (布置作业)
Task 1:Improve your 3 day travel plan for my pen pals and send it to me at Phy24169988@163.com.
Task 2:Write a short passage about one of your trips, trying to use words and phrases or sentence patterns we have learned in this passage. Your writing should include the following aspects:
1.Why did you take the trip?
2.Who did you go with and who did you meet?
3.Where did you go?
4.What did you experience? (see, do, feel…)
【設计意图】Task 1旨在让不同小组分享、交流他们制订的旅行计划之后,学生重新反思自己旅行计划的合理性,并对自己的旅行计划进行自觉修正和完善;Task 2旨在让学生根据本课所学的关于游记类文章的结构特点和一般要素,用阅读中学习的语句描述自己的一次旅行,回归生活,满足其个性化的需要。