

英语世界 2019年4期



工薪族,指“挣工资养家糊口的人”。英语译为wage-earner。例如:一个普通工薪族必须省吃俭用13年才能筹集这个城市一套小户型公寓所需的首付金。An average wage earner has to save for 13 years just to raise the down payment for a small apartment in this city.

上班族,指“在机关、企事业单位和公司工作需按时上下班的人员”。英语译为office worker。例如:每天早晨,许多上班族从郊区通勤来到位于市中心的办公大楼上班。Every morning,many office workers commute from the suburbs to the office tower located in the center of the city.

通勤族,指“通过步行、骑车、自驾或乘坐公共交通工具远距离上下班往返的人”。英语译为commuter。例如:作为一名每天长距离往返于自己家和工作地点之间的通勤族,他每天早晨乘坐头班火车进城。As a commuter who travels a long distance every day between his home and his place of work, he rides to town on the first train every morning.

打工族,是我国改革开放以来产生的社会群体,其内涵不断改变。最初指“农民工”(rural migrant worker),后来又指“干非熟练工种、脏活、累活的体力劳动者”(manual worker),或指“干零活、杂活的人”(odd-jobber),也指“干非正式、不固定工作的临时工”(casual worker、temporary worker),还指“干半时工作的人”(part-time worker)。现在更多指“被雇佣的人”(employed worker)。例如:当1978年开始改革开放时,他离开家乡来到这个城市,在一家民营企业成为打工族。When the Reform and Opening-up started in 1978, he left his home village and came to this city, becoming an employed worker in a private enterprise.

丁克族,指“要事业,要婚姻,要愛情,但不要孩子的夫妇”。这个词是英语 DINK 的音译。DINK是Double Income No Kids或Dual Income No Kids (双收入,无子女)的首字母缩略词。例如:这些中国丁克族家庭不后悔他们不要孩子而生活的决定。These Chinese DINK families don’t regret their decision to live without children.

悔丁族,指“大龄时想怀孕而备孕的丁克族”。英语译为DINK exit clan。例如:悔丁族是退出早期的组建丁克族家庭的决定,而决意要孩子的那些人。DINK exit clan are those who opt out of their earlier decision for a DINK family and decide to start a family.

单身族,指“未婚人士或光棍儿”。英语译为single person、singleton、unmarried person。例如:这位单身族说他独自生活,没有配偶需取悦,也没有子女需供吃供穿。The singleton says that he lives alone, with no spouse to entertain or children to feed and clothe.

月光族,指“每月赚的钱还没到下个月初就全部花光的人”。英语译为person who lives from paycheck to paycheck。例如:这个年轻的月光族在银行没有存款,偶尔需要从父母那里得到经济援助。The young man who lives from paycheck to paycheck has no savings in the bank and needs occasional financial help from his parents.

啃老族,指“不升学,不就业,终日无所事事的人”。NEET是“Not in Education, Employment or Training”(不升学,不就业,不接受培训)的首字母缩略词。例如:由于结婚的高花销,一些年轻人已成为“啃老族”,而另外的人转向“裸婚”。Due to the high cost of marriage, some young people have become NEETs, while others turn to “naked marriage”.

低头族,指“无论何时何地都低头看手机而冷落他人的人”。英语译phubber。这个词是由phone(手机)和snub(冷落)合成的。例如:如果你玩手机而忽视朋友,你就是一个低头族。If you ignore friends for phone, then you are a phubber.

赖班族,指“下班不走,一直赖在办公室电脑前的人”。英语译为 office dweller。例如:约翰是个真正的赖班族。他六点下班,但通常直到半夜才离开办公室。John is really an office dweller. He is off at 6 pm, but usually doesn’t leave his office until midnight.


丁克的人足够勇敢(2024年 第18期)
You’ve got questions? she’s got answers
live from paycheck to paycheck 月光族