

阅读与作文(英语初中版) 2019年11期

Only 20 minutes to cover 220 metres. With no safety ropes, Oleg Aksenov, known as Dexter on the Internet, storms a radio station in Elektrostal, a city not far from Moscow.

He is most likely to establish a new record. Two friends of Oleg follow him with no safety ropes either. They are Evgeny Basalaev, whose online name is Basik, and Azat, the youngest of the three. Oleg Aksenov conquers the summit even quicker than he expects it, in just 15 minutes.

Theyve never trained as professional rescuers. Theyve never even completed a course for urban climbers. Dexter, Basik and Azat are extreme sportsmen, explorers of urban roofs. This is their third ascent. There, at the top, they took the footage which made the British Daily Mail call them “Crazy Russians.” A five-minute video made them true Internet celebrities. They received more than one million views over the first week alone.

Oleg:(via translator) I dont think theres anything a person cannot do. Those who cant do something may think it is impossible. We simply love it. We develop our abilities and I adjust myself to extreme situations so that I can perform these acts. I always test myself in terms of what I am capable of.

Famous Moscow climbers Vitaly Raskalov and Kirill Oreshkin have traveled 8,000 kilometres expressly to conquer the highest cable-stayed bridge in Russia.

Vitaly: (via translator)Here is the bridge to Russkiy Island, 350 metres high. It is one of the tallest structures in Russia. It is insanely high. Theres nothing higher than this bridge.

Just conquering height is not enough for them anymore. They want to climb at heightened security locations where no one but they can get.

This is Moscow city, a complex of high-rise buildings. They managed to by-pass the security guards and made their way up to a construction crane.

Vitaly: (via translator)We climbed on the crane boom. It was dawn, six in the morning. We were climbing this boom.

I like going to new facilities where I have to find a way to get by the security guards, to see where the closed-circuit televisions are, how the alarm works, and the most exciting part of all is when you manage to make your way in. They see you, but then you run away, and they dont catch you. Thats the coolest part.

Aleksandr Tesler (Psychologist): (via translator)They want adrenaline. They want people to talk about them. They want to be seen on YouTube, and people are ready to do anything for this because their life is boring, and social mobility is poor in Russia.

Psychologist Aleksandr Teslers office is also located inside a Moscow sky-scraper. Hes been studying youth trends for some time. According to Tesler, extreme sports, and particularly urban climbing, is a hobby of young people from the outskirts. They commonly come from low-income families. Sports clubs are expensive, and conquering city heights is often the only way for these young people to assert themselves.














一句玩笑 让州长下了台
战火中的“ 成年浴”