

世界建筑 2019年8期


2019 世界园艺博览会2030m2的“东方与西方”设计将地块分成4 个相互交织的“园区”。从概念上看,每个都代表一个东西方共有的耐寒区。一排排密植的灌木篱经修剪成型,既是这些园区的隔墙又是它们的边界。曲线灌木篱的几何造型从微观上阐释了现实世界中宏观耐寒区在形式上自由流动的有机特性。整个园中统一的灌木种类在视觉上烘托出其中的环境。

每个园区都有3 个独特的种植形式:条带、组团和节点。条带由一排排宽度不一的植物组成,其中种有单株的灌木和地被植物。组团中是在起伏地形上更高大的灌木。节点则以最高大、单植的灌木或多茎矮乔木形成了空间中的高潮。其结果是通过解构中国丰富生态型之一,形成了中国本土植物的多元展示,同时在构成上保留了与美国共有的环境。1 区代表平原和灌木带的生态型,2 区是山地,3 区是野生草地,4 区是湿地。

“东方与西方”展现出中美两国之间常被人遗忘、并非众所周知的园艺关系。在这个意义上,穿行这座花园的感受,不仅意在唤起人们对园艺的新认识,还在于释放一种前所未有的想象的自由。这座花园是献给梦想者的:你可以想象这座花园与其中的植物;你可以想象花草树木从东方到西方的大迁移,或是全球环境连接中国与北美的诸多方式;你可以想象孩子们在花园中学习,或就是去欣赏绽放花朵的优美与芳香。置身花园之中,你可以神游四方,即便在离园之后仍意犹未尽。(尚晋 译)

The design for the 2030m2East and West garden at the 2019 International Horticultural Exhibitions, divides the site into four weaving and intersecting "Garden Zones", each conceptually representing one of these shared hardiness zones.Densely planted topiary hedge rows both separate and define each of the Zones. The curvilinear hedge row geometries signify a micro interpretation of the seemingly free flowing organic nature of macro hardiness zones in the real world, and the use of a consistent hedge species throughout draws visual emphasis on the environments within.

Each Garden Zone contains three distinct planting elements; bars, clouds, and accents. The bars are comprised of rows of varying widths that are planted with individual shrub and groundcover species, the clouds contain larger sized shrubs on mounded topography, and the accents punctuate the spaces with the largest, individually planted shrubs or multi-stem dwarf tree species. The result is a diverse display of plants native to China in a method that deconstructs one of China's various ecotypes,while at the same time compositionally maintaining a setting that might also be found in the United States. Zone 1 is representative of a Plains and Shrubland ecotype, Zone 2 becomes Montane, Zone 3 as Wild Meadows, and Zone 4 as Wetlands.

East and West Exposes the horticultural relationship between two nations that is most often forgotten and unknown to many. In this sense, the experience of walking through the garden is intended to evoke not just a new understanding about horticulture,but an unfound freedom to imagine. The garden is for dreamers; you can dream about the garden and the plants within; you can dream about the migration of plants from the East to the West, or the many other ways that the global environment might relate between China and North America; you can dream about your children learning in the garden, or simply enjoying the beauty and fragrances of the flowers in bloom. You can dream while you are in the garden, and you will even dream about the garden after you left.

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 2019 International Horticultural Exhibition

主持建筑师/Principal Architect: 乔治·哈格里夫斯/George Hargreaves

主创景观设计/Chief Landscape Design: 乔治·哈格里夫斯/George Hargreaves

设计团队/Design Team: 米斯蒂·马奇,马特·佩罗托/Misty March, Matt Perotto



软材料:代表平原和灌木带,山地,野生草地和湿地生态型的当地和区域动植物群/Hard Materials: Granite slabs and pavers, decomposed granite, corten steel, wood;

Soft Materials: Local and regional flora and fauna representative of plains and shrubland, montane, wild meadow, and wetland ecotypes

项目面积/Project Area: 2030m2

设计时间/Design Period: 2017.08-2018.02

施工时间/Construction Period: 2018.06-2019.03

绘图/Drawings: Hargreaves Associates

摄影/Photos: CreatAR Images




2 总平面及种植概念/Site plan and planting concept

3 场地剖面/Site section

4 近景鸟瞰/Aerial view


Agg Hab生态型聚合栖地
杜鹃等 5 种灌木对PM 2.5 的净化作用初探