

农业工程学报 2019年10期

宋 杰,李光林,杨晓东,张 信,刘旭文


宋 杰,李光林※,杨晓东,张 信,刘旭文

(西南大学工程技术学院,重庆 400715)

提高利用可见-近红外(Vis-NIR)透射光谱检测脐橙内部物质含量的准确性在生产实际中具有重要意义。该研究利用特制的可见-近红外透射光谱测量装置采集了199个福本脐橙果蒂向上、水平、向下3种位置的透射光谱,比较了多元散射校正(multivariate scattering correction, MSC)、标准正态变量变换(standard normal variate transformation, SNV)、一阶导数和二阶导数预处理的效果,并采用效果最好的一阶导数对透射光谱进行预处理。在此基础上,结合后向区间偏最小二乘法(backward interval partial least squares, BiPLS)优选特征波段,竞争性自适应重加权采样(competitive adaptive re-weighted sampling, CARS)挑选特征变量建立了基于果蒂向上、水平、向下3种位置各自的透射光谱以及3种位置的平均光谱和加权光谱的可溶性固形物(soluble solid content, SSC)的偏最小二乘(partial least squares, PLS)模型。在果蒂向上、水平、向下3种位置各自的透射光谱建立的PLS模型中,基于果蒂水平位置透射光谱的PLS模型最优,校正相关系数为0.914,校正均方根误差为0.380,预测相关系数为0.924,预测均方根误差为0.404。基于果蒂向上、水平、向下3种位置平均透射光谱和加权透射光谱建立的PLS模型均取得了较好的预测结果,预测相关系数均大于0.91,预测均方根误差均小于0.43。该研究可以为脐橙内部物质含量在线检测装备的研制提供参考。


0 引 言


可见-近红外光谱(Vis-NIR)技术是一种快速、非破坏性检测技术,已广泛应用于水果内部品质的无损检 测[3-5],如苹果[6-9]、桃子[10-11]、西瓜[12-13]、梨[14-15]等。可溶性固形物(soluble solid content, SSC)是水果内部品质评价的主要指标之一。在利用Vis-NIR技术实现脐橙SSC检测的研究中,Jamshidi等[16]和Ncama等[17]采用反射测量方式沿脐橙赤道部位采集多点光谱求平均建立PLS模型对脐橙SSC进行检测。由于反射测量中光的穿透深度有限,而可溶性固形物在脐橙中沿横径和纵径分布都不均匀[18],因此利用反射测量方式获取的光谱信息不能承载脐橙果实内部的SSC信息。


1 材料与方法

1.1 脐橙样品

于2017年12月20日在重庆巫山(经度:109.86,纬度:31.10)采摘了199个福本脐橙样品进行试验。样品运输至实验室之后,剪掉枝叶,保留果蒂,每个脐橙均编号并装入厚度为0.02 mm的聚乙烯袋,保存于温度为4 ℃,相对湿度为60%的储藏室中,保存时间不超过 3 d。在进行试验前将样品放置于室温环境(14±2)℃ 24 h。

1.2 脐橙透射光谱测量

脐橙的透射光谱是通过我们自己设计的光谱测量系统采集的,测量系统包括一个580 mm × 600 mm × 610 mm的箱体用于隔离系统外部的光,箱体固定,并在底部设置有防震垫。箱体内部设置有隔离板,防止光源对信号接收探头造成干扰,隔离板中间设置有一个带通孔的果托(孔径为44 mm)。光源包括4个24 V/100 W的卤钨灯泡(OSRAM, 64460U, 3 000 K, Germany),对称设置在果托上方。通过试验测试,确定光源中心轴线与信号探头竖直中心轴线所成角度为40°,灯泡中心与待测脐橙中心的水平距离为100 mm,垂直距离为80 mm时,获取的透射信号最强。为了达到更好的聚光效果,使用了发散角为10°的灯杯。为了便于散热,灯头处连接了一个直径为110 mm,厚度为10 mm的环形散热器(60齿结构),连接处填充了导热硅脂。2个风扇(Sanyo GV1224P1H03, Japan)正对设置在箱体左右两侧,与散热器位置匹配,一个用于吸入箱体外的冷空气,另一个用于排出箱体内的热空气。电源(WEHO, SCN-800-24, China)、光谱仪(Ocean Optics, QEpro, USA,响应范围400~980 nm)、信号接收探头(视场角约43°)设置在隔离板下面,与光源完全隔离。使用了一台安装有光谱采集软件(OceanView1.6.3)的计算机(Lenovo, IdeaPad 710S, China)采集光谱数据。脐橙透射光谱测量系统原理图如图1所示。

光谱仪的积分时间设置为50 ms,在采集透射光谱前保存了参考光谱和暗光谱,则透过率可表示为




图2中可以看到几个明显的特征吸收峰,出现在680 nm附近的峰是由于色素吸收所致[24],760 nm附近的吸收峰是OH键伸缩振动和水的吸收的四倍频[25],970 nm附近的吸收峰是OH键伸缩振动和水的吸收的三倍频[26]。图2c中存在几条光谱与正常光谱发生偏离,这几个样品属于畸形果,果形不正,为了防止漏光,在摆放该脐橙测量果蒂向下位置的透射光谱时,果蒂并不是朝向正下方,而是有些偏离,导致了这几个样品在该位置的透过率偏高,从而导致光谱曲线发生偏离。考虑到实际应用中存在畸形果对测量的影响,为了保证模型的适应能力,我们在建模时并未将这些偏离的光谱数据进行剔除。

1. 风扇 2. 光源 3. 脐橙 4. 散热器 5. 隔板 6. 果托 7. 探头 8. 光谱仪 9. 计算机

1.3 样品理化参数测量

采集完光谱后,测量了样品的理化参数。通过游标卡尺测量了样品的横径和纵径,以及样品在果脐部位、赤道部位和果蒂部位的皮厚。之后用榨汁机(KESUN, KP60SC, China)将样品和皮一同榨成汁。将汁液过滤后利用数字折射计(ATAGO, RX-5000i-Plus, Japan)测量了样品的SSC含量。理化参数统计结果如表1所示。


1.4 算法原理

1.4.1 后向区间偏最小二乘法

1.4.2 竞争性自适应重加权算法

竞争性自适应重加权算法(competitive adaptive re-weighted sampling, CARS)的采样过程类似于达尔文进化论中的“适者生存”原则,它是以一种有效和竞争的方式实现的[29]。假设蒙特卡罗采样次数为,然后CARS依次从次蒙特卡罗采样中以迭代和竞争的方式选择个波长子集。在CARS中,PLS模型的回归系数的绝对值被用来作为评估每个变量重要性的指标。在每次采样中,以固定比例随机选择样本建立校正模型,然后采用指数递减函数和自适应重加权算法根据回归系数选择关键波长,最后通过PLS交叉验证来评估所选择的数据集[30]。


表1 福本脐橙理化参数统计结果

2 结果与分析

利用软件The Unscrambler X 10.4,采用outlier方法剔除了一个异常样品,并将剩余样品随机划分为校正集(150个)和预测集(48个)。分别采用SNV、MSC、一阶导数和二阶导数对脐橙透射光谱进行预处理,并通过PLS交叉验证来评估预处理效果,如表2所示。


表2 基于不同预处理方法的PLS交叉验证结果


Note: P1, P2 and P3 represent the transmission spectra of navel orange pedicle upward, pedicle horizontal placed and pedicle downward respectively; (P1+P2+P3)/3 represents the average spectra of P1, P2 and P3; 0.15P1+0.8P2+0.05P3 represents the weighted spectra of P1, P2 and P3.

表3 基于BiPLS的特征波段优选结果




表4 基于CARS的PLS建模及预测结果

3 结 论





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Detecting soluble solids content of navel orange based on transmission spectrum of tetragonal symmetric light source

Song Jie, Li Guanglin※, Yang Xiaodong, Zhang Xin, Liu Xuwen


Navel orange is a very popular fruit in China, which is mainly cultivated along the Yangtze River. Navel oranges are classified into different grades based on external quality and internal quality before they are sold. Soluble solids content is one of the main indices for evaluating the internal quality of navel orange. Therefore, it is very important to improve the detection accuracy of soluble solids content in production. So far, visible and near infrared spectroscopy (Vis-NIR) is one of the most widely used and effective techniques in internal quality assessment of fruits. In this study, 199 Fukumoto navel oranges were taken as experimental samples. The transmission spectra of navel oranges of three positions including pedicle upwards (P1), pedicle horizontal (P2) and pedicle downward (P3) were acquired by using a special visible and near infrared transmission spectrum measurement system designed by ourselves. The average spectra (P4) and weighted spectra (P5) of P1, P2 and P3 were calculated. The transmission spectra, including P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5 were preprocessed by multivariate scattering correction, standard normal variate transformation, first derivative and second derivative respectively. The best pretreatment results were obtained based on first derivative after comparative study. Then the spectra data preprocessed by first derivative were divided into 30 to 50 intervals with step length of 5, and backward interval partial least squares was used to select the optimal band combination. Good results observed when P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5 were divided into 35, 40, 30, 35 and 40 intervals, in which 161, 180, 114, 308 and 170 variables were retained. On this basis, competitive adaptive re-weighted sampling (CARS) was used to select feature variables. After running CARS for 20 times in each selection, 24, 23, 18, 39 and 22 variables were kept respectively. Finally, Five PLS models were established, including P1-PLS, P2-PLS, P3-PLS, P4-PLS and P5-PLS. Among the P1-PLS, P2-PLS and P3-PLS models, P2-PLS model was the best one, as the value of correlation coefficients of prediction was 0.924 and the value of root mean square error of predictionwas 0.404. This model can be realized by adjusting the navel oranges to pedicle horizontal in modeling. P4-PLS model and P5-PLS model had achieved good prediction results, as the value of correlation coefficients of prediction was higher than 0.91 and the value of root mean square error of prediction was lower than 0.43. P4-PLS model was based on the average spectra of P1, P2 and P3, and had potential to be realized by rolling the navel oranges in actual application. However, P5-PLS model was based on weighted spectra of P1, P2 and P3, which was difficult to realize in on-line detection. This study can provide a reference for the development of on-line detection equipment for the assessment of internal content of substances in navel orange.

fruit; spectrum analysis; models; navel orange; tetragonal symmetric light source; transmittance; soluble solids content


S233.5; O657.33






宋 杰,讲师,博士生,主要从事智能控制与检测技术研究。


宋 杰,李光林,杨晓东,张 信,刘旭文. 基于四方对称光源透射光谱的脐橙可溶性固形物检测[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(10):267-273. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.10.034

Song Jie, Li Guanglin, Yang Xiaodong, Zhang Xin, Liu Xuwen.Detecting soluble solids content of navel orange based on transmission spectrum of tetragonal symmetric light source[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(10): 267-273. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.10.034


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