马朝永,盛志鹏,胥永刚,2※,张 坤
马朝永1,盛志鹏1,胥永刚1,2※,张 坤1
(1. 北京工业大学先进制造技术北京市重点实验室,北京 100124;2. 北京工业大学北京市精密测控技术与仪器工程技术研究中心,北京 100124)
频率切片小波变换(frequency slice wavelet transform, FSWT)在汲取短时傅里叶变换和小波变换优势的基础上引入了频率切片函数,使传统的傅里叶变换实现了时频分析功能。FSWT通过对比不同频带处理的结果以确定最合适的中心频率及最佳带宽,实现了对信号任意频带及局部特征的重构及描述,但这种方法效率很低、无自适应性且无法保证手动筛选出的频段中包含所需要的故障信息。针对这个问题,该文提出一种自适应频率切片小波变换(adaptive frequency slice wavelet transform, AFSWT)。首先,连续分割信号的频谱,频谱分割覆盖了全频带且避免了手动选取频谱边界的过程,均分的方式可提高计算效率。其次,引入谱负熵作为评价依据,计算每一个频段内信号的复杂程度以筛选可能包含周期性冲击的循环平稳信息。最后,选取其中谱负熵最大的频段并将其定义为最佳的中心频率和带宽,重构该频段信号分量并包络解调分析,实现故障诊断。该方法均匀分割频谱并依据谱负熵筛选信号分量可以提高计算效率且提高筛选准确率。通过模拟信号及实验信号证明了该方法可应用于滚动轴承圈故障诊断。
0 引 言
1 频率切片小波变换
1.1 频率切片小波变换原理
1.2 频率切片小波逆变换
1.3 频率切片小波变换选频、重构与不足
当冲击成分中加入调制成分和强噪声后,时域波形中的周期性冲击特征被噪声淹没,从时域中难以发现该信号中是否包含故障信息。从信号的频谱中可以看到,5 000 Hz附近出现边频带。根据共振解调原理,提取该频段可获得包含故障特征的信息。同时在该频段右侧6 000 Hz处有干扰信息。首先采用FSWT分析信号获得时频分布图,如图2所示。
图1 仿真信号的时域波形及频谱
图2 FSWT时频分布图及经验指定的故障频段
2 自适应的频率切片小波变换
2.1 算法介绍
2.2 谱负熵
旋转机械如滚动轴承发生故障时,振动信号中存在非平稳的周期性冲击信息,其特征可简单描述为脉冲和循环平稳。在故障诊断领域,信息熵可以用于衡量非平稳冲击成分在振动信号中的比重。基于此,Antoni[28-29]在谱峭度(spectral kurtosis, SK)、信息熵和包络谱的基础上扩展并将这些概念联系起来以捕获时域和频域中的周期性冲击信息。
当能量流恒定时,可以得到最大谱熵,当能量流凝聚为单个脉冲时,可以得到最小谱熵。与快速谱峭度等自适应故障诊断方法相比,AFSWT采用信息熵替换峭度来识别冲击成分。因此本文提出了类似于谱峭度的信息熵:谱负熵(spectral negentropy)。其定义如下:
3 仿真信号分析
由于FSWT不具备自适应性,本文引入快速谱峭度(fast kurtogram, FK)并与自适应频率切片小波变换进行对比以验证提出的方法的有效性。FK由Antoni在深入研究谱峭度并给出正式定义后提出,并且广泛应用于滚动轴承故障诊断。采用FK处理公式(9)的仿真信号,获得谱峭度图,如图5a所示。
时域波形中的冲击有一定的周期性,但冲击特征不明显,从包络谱中能够分辨出特征频率及其2倍频。该方法选取的带宽较窄,中心频率有偏差,可能是导致冲击特征不明显的2个因素。采用本文提出的AFSWT处理该仿真信号,获得的快速谱负熵图如图6a所示。频谱被划分为16层,谱负熵最大的频段位于Level 11,左起第6个频段。其中心频率为f=5 000 Hz,带宽B=909 Hz,谱负熵为1.13 bit。提取该频段的分量,获得时域波形及包络谱,见图6c。时域波形中冲击的周期性较明显,包络谱中可找到特征频率和高倍频,故障特征明显。AFSWT提取的频段的中心频率为5 000Hz与1()的固有频率f相等。带宽约为快速谱峭度方法的2倍。因此该方法可找到更明显的冲击特征。
4 实例验证
为了验证自适应频率切片小波变换方法的有效性,以6307型号滚动轴承为研究对象,对轴承外圈加工凹槽模拟故障,采用西安交通大学故障诊断实验室的滚动轴承试验台进行试验,如图7a所示。通过杭州亿恒科技有限公司的MI6008型数据采集仪、美国PCB公司的627A61型ICP加速度传感器和笔记本电脑采集滚动轴承的振动信号。根据6307轴承适用的工况,设置电机转速为1 450 r/min,采样频率为12 000 Hz,采样时间20 s。经计算,求得该轴承外圈故障特征频率为f=74.43 Hz。
图7 试验设备及信号采集结果
便于进一步计算,截取振动信号中转速平稳的8 192个点进行分析,得到如图7b的时域波形。通过傅里叶变换得到信号的频谱图,如图7c所示。从时域波形中难以看出明显的周期性冲击现象,信号中包含故障的成分被强噪声淹没。从频谱图中也难以分辨出故障频率。因此需要对信号进行进一步处理。
采用自适应频率切片小波变换处理该试验信号,结果如图9a)所示。频谱被划分为16层,谱负熵最大的频段位于Level 8,左起第4个频段。其中心频率为f= 2 625 Hz,带宽B=750 Hz,谱负熵为0.89 bit。提取该频段的分量,获得时域波形及包络谱,见图9b和9c。
图8 试验信号的快速谱峭度处理结果
提取第8层分量得到的时域波形有一定的周期性但不明显,但是从包络谱中可找到比较明显的特征频率74.71 Hz及其2~6倍频,可以确定该轴承外圈发生故障。为了量化快速谱峭度和AFSWT方法的诊断效果,依据文献[30]引入故障频率检测精度指标:
根据图8c计算快速谱峭度方法的故障频率检测精度为1.69/0.227=7.44,而根据图9c计算AFSWT方法的故障频率检测精度为2.87/0.316=9.08,检测精度提升了22.04%。对比2种方法的包络谱和检测精度可知,AFSWT方法有更多的倍频成分和更高的检测精度,因此本文提出的自适应频率切片小波变换识别冲击特征的能力明显优于传统的快速谱峭度。此外,传统的频率切片小波变换依次经过计算时频分布图、寻找特征频带、反复确定观测频率等过程,往往需要5~10 min才能得到较为理想的诊断结果。分别运用快速谱峭度和自适应频率切片小波变换方法分析本节信号,运行过程耗时分别为25.7 s和14.7 s,自适应频率切片小波变换方法耗时更短,节省了42.8%的计算时间。
5 结 论
1)在滚动轴承的故障特征提取中,传统的频率切片小波变换方法依赖人工干预确定重构的频带,这种方法需要反复调整观测频带的范围,往往需要5~10 s才能提取出理想的频带。而经过本文提出的自适应频率切片小波变换方法处理试验信号,耗时14.7 s,该方法通过新的频谱分割方法改进频率切片小波变换,解决了手动选取观测频率的自适应性,实现了对振动信号的滤波和特征分离。
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Fault diagnosis of rolling bearing based on adaptive frequency slice wavelet transform
Ma Chaoyong1, Sheng Zhipeng1, Xu Yonggang1,2※, Zhang Kun1
(1.,,, 100124,; 2.,,100124,)
In industrial production, it is necessary to detect the running state of rolling bearings and diagnose their faults. When rolling bearing is damaged, the vibration signals collected often show the characteristics of non-stationary and modulation, and will inevitably be disturbed by strong noise, so it is very difficult to identify the fault features. How to effectively extract the components carrying fault feature information from complex non-stationary and modulated signals is the key of diagnosing bearing fault. Frequency slice wavelet transform (FSWT) uses frequency slice function based on the advantages of short-time Fourier transform (STFT) and wavelet transform (WT), which makes the traditional Fourier transform realize time-frequency analysis function. The traditional fault diagnosis method based on FSWT determines the most suitable center frequency and the faulty bandwidth by comparing the results of different frequency band processing, and realizes the reconstruction and description of arbitrary frequency band and local characteristics of the signal. However, this method is inefficient, non-adaptive and can not guarantee that the frequency band screened manually contains the required fault information. Aiming at the problem that traditional methods rely on manual operation and have no self-adaptability, an adaptive frequency slice wavelet transform (AFSWT) is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the signal spectrum is segmented continuously; spectrum segmentation covers the whole frequency band and avoids the process of manual selection of spectrum boundary. The method of equalization can improve the computational efficiency. Secondly, the spectral negative entropy is introduced as the evaluation basis to calculate the complexity of the signal in each frequency band in order to screen the cyclostationary information which may contain periodic shocks. Finally, the frequency band with the largest spectral negative entropy is selected and defined as the faulty center frequency and bandwidth. The signal components in the band are reconstructed and analyzed by envelope demodulation to realize fault diagnosis. The analysis results of a simulation signal show that the AFSWT method identifies the center frequency of 5 000 Hz and the bandwidth of 909 Hz, which is very close to the ideal result. Compared with fast spectral kurtosis, AFSWT has better applicability when the central frequency of signal is located in/4,/8 and/16(is the sampling frequency). Through the test of rolling bearing test-bench, the vibration signals of rolling bearing outer ring fault are collected and analyzed. After AFSWT analysis, the characteristic frequency and its 2-6 times frequency components can be clearly found in the envelope spectrum of the results. On the other hand, AFSWT takes 14.7 seconds to process test signals. The traditional FSWT needs repeated drawing of time-frequency distribution map, determination of central frequency band and selection of observation frequency, it often takes 5-10 minutes to determine the faulty center frequency and bandwidth. The above analysis shows that AFSWT can improve the calculation efficiency and screening accuracy by uniformly dividing the spectrum of the signal and screening the signal components according to the negative entropy of the spectrum. It is suitable for fault diagnosis of rolling bearings.
bearings; vibration; fault diagnosis; frequency slice wavelet transform; spectral negative entropy; spectrum segmentation
TH133.3; TH165
马朝永,盛志鹏,胥永刚,张 坤. 基于自适应频率切片小波变换的滚动轴承故障诊断[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(10):34-41. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.10.005 http://www.tcsae.org
Ma Chaoyong, Sheng Zhipeng, Xu Yonggang, Zhang Kun. Fault diagnosis of rolling bearing based on adaptive frequency slice wavelet transform[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(10): 34-41. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.10.005 http://www.tcsae.org